If you’re a person who comes from the corporate world or maybe even a system or organization such as the teaching system that I came from, you might remember that it wasn’t considered “professional” to give personal compliments, praise or even any type of expression of appreciation. There always seemed to be fear around this: don’t say too much, don’t get too close and don’t share from your heart. So let’s take a moment to recognize what this really is: an activation of lack.

That’s right. The holding back of praise and appreciation activates lack. When you withhold sharing something that is of a natural, abundant energy (like gratitude) you are activating the opposite: lack.

When you do this, lack then begins to show up in ALL other areas of your business and life as well.

Heart-centered entrepreneurs use praise as an integral part of their everyday interactions with others. What I found for myself when I made this shift and started sharing praise and appreciation during business interaction, the energy of business abundance expanded! I also made sure I didn’t have an attachment to how the praise or appreciation was received (that didn’t matter) but just allowed myself to be confidently in that abundant flow of sharing praise, sharing appreciation…everything in my business started to shift.

When I say that I wasn’t attached to how appreciation was received what I mean is I released judgment about how I expressed it and how others received it.

The release of judgment for myself was, “Oh gosh, here I am at a networking event and I shouldn’t be complimenting someone on what they are wearing; we’re here to talk about business. And definitely not if it’s a man….” I let all that go and just connected back to what I knew was my primary intention, which was to express the appreciation and abundance that I was naturally feeling for myself and somebody else.

What I noticed as I started to do this – again, especially at business meetings, networking events, and even connecting with potential clients – was that most people are literally starving for praise. That’s right. And as I practiced this more and more, what I came to further understand is that most people are starving for praise because literally (research shows) close to 95 percent of the population are just unskilled or unpracticed or amateurs in the art of interpersonal communication (and expressing appreciation is a HUGE part of being this).

It’s not just that expressing appreciation isn’t supposedly appropriate in business; it’s that it’s practiced hardly anywhere! Why? Because most people don’t know how and they don’t know how because they haven’t practiced it!

But here’s the thing: human beings are emotional creatures. Emotional creatures have a high need (you could even say it might be a mild addiction) to the sweet-sounding words of encouragement and recognition.

So let’s look at why this makes a difference in business…

Being in business is simply about human relationships, no matter what business you’re in. If you’re in a service business, absolutely. If you’re in a product business this applies to you too. Because who you are exchanging your energy with – whether it’s through your services or products – the receiver on the other end is a PERSON, a human being.

To leave emotion out of business doesn’t really make energetic sense.

It actually creates disconnect and that’s what I know I was feeling as I was holding myself back when I was in that first year of business. Honestly, I look back at that first year and I feel a sinking pit in my stomach because of all the missed opportunities. But then I manage my energy and am able to just embrace it and allow it. I forgive and more so, I use that to fuel myself to create amazing connections that are filled with praise and appreciation every day in my business with my Support Team, Coaching Team, JV Partners, Boot Camp Members, Private Mentor Clients…you name it!

I would also say that when it comes to your sharing praise and appreciation, you do want – as an EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur to choose this praise and appreciation to be connected with your heart and soul, authentically, genuinely and fully grounded from the most open-heart place.

That’s what allows appreciation energy to manifest into physical abundance. Easily!
Your EnergyRICH Call To Action

1. Genuine appreciation is heart-felt and expresses how they made a difference to you. If this is new to you, jot down a few words that describe how they were helpful before you make that telephone call, send an email or talk to them in person.

2. Allow yourself to receive their gratitude and thanks for your expression of gratitude. We all like to be thanked for our hard work and services. Your gratitude sets into motion THEIR own acts of gratitude – very inspiring.

3. Set the intention to thank someone every day for something big or small as you go about your day – and watch how this helps financial abundance to manifest!

4. Create a mindset rich in abundance and radiate inner and outer prosperity! Check out the great resources and prosperity gifts brought to you by 25 heart-centered experts in the Inner Radiance for Prosperity Gift Giveaway Event. Add some abundance and prosperity to your business and your life! Don’t wait because the event ends on June 23rd!


Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, is an EnergyRICH ® Entrepreneur Success Coach, with over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heather's primary focus is in coaching entrepreneurs to powerfully partner inner and outer business principles for more profit. She calls this managing your energy for magnificent marketing. Her strengths include tuning right in to what's holding you back and sharing specially developed processes that move you into joyful action. http://www.energyrichcoach.com

EnergyRICH Coaching, Inc.
532 La Guardia Place, Suite 392
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 917-338-6754