Many of my clients share that one of their biggest marketing challenges is actually connecting with enough prospects. They are doing all of this great work in their businesses, but not very many people know about their work; or at least not enough for the flow of business to be moving smoothly ... Views: 1524
I have two very important questions for you:
1) Do you dream of becoming a success?
2) Do you fear becoming a failure?
Now let me share an important truth with you: You are a complex creation of talents, intellect, inspiration, intuition and personality.
Now let me share ANOTHER ... Views: 1568
Most entrepreneurs market their business half-heartedly. One month they're marketing machines the next they are too busy and marketing goes out the window. Inconsistency with your marketing plan creates inconsistency with your new-client-flow. You can create a system that will promote an ... Views: 1475
I was recently having a conversation with one my private mentor clients and she asked me “How do you deal with being a high-level coach? You know, all of the competition…for marketing, clients, exposure … you know the coaching industry is so incestuous …”
Now I loved this question because it ... Views: 1545
One of the best ways to quickly build your business, get high quality clients, and have it happen pretty easily, are referrals. Absolutely. Whether you get these from friends, family, or networking groups (the way I have for years), it is key to building a successful, sustainable ... Views: 876
by Heather Dominick
EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach
It’s been my experience that most entrepreneurs miss a very important step when it comes to the success of their businesses: they fail to plan. When you are your business it’s extremely easy to get caught up in putting ... Views: 1533
If you want more clients one of the most effective ways to increase your abundance of clients is with the power of follow up.
For those of us who are heart-centered that “Old School” technique of pressure and manipulating doesn’t work so well. This has been the main point of reference for ... Views: 1818
I have two very important questions for you:
1) Do you dream of becoming a success?
2) Do you fear becoming a failure?
Now let me share an important truth with you: You are a complex creation of talents, intellect, inspiration, intuition and personality.
Now let me share ANOTHER ... Views: 1674
I’m often asked, “How do you do it -All?” Now, I do have a full private mentor client load, 20 members in each EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp, write a newsletter weekly, attend many events, give teleseminars, present speaking engagements and even more behind the scenes. And, yes, while I do have ... Views: 2068
Most entrepreneurs market their business half-heartedly. One month they’re marketing machines the next they are too busy and marketing goes out the window. Inconsistency with your marketing plan creates inconsistency with your new-client-flow. You can create a system that will promote an ... Views: 1564
The holidays are a busy time for everyone but especially for small business owners/entrepreneurs. In addition to everything else you’ve got going on: this is a great time of year to be connecting with your current clients and potential clients. Yup, that’s right. This time of year is perfect for ... Views: 1932
We’re talking about how telling your story can reach your potential client. I want to you imagine that a sales representative for a soft drink company – let’s say, Pepsi – walked up to you and said, “I’d like to sell you one of my beverages.”
“All right,” you say. “What’ve you got?”
He ... Views: 1776
What would you do if you knew you and your business would succeed no matter what? Would you stop feeling scattered and overwhelmed? Most likely. Most entrepreneurs work themselves into a whirlwind of scattered energy, distraction and overwhelm instead of being connected to what NEEDS your ... Views: 1550
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what you have into enough and more than enough. Let me share with you a bit about what I mean...
Gratitude turns denial into acceptance.
Gratitude turns chaos into order.
Gratitude turns confusion to clarity.
Gratitude creates a vision for ... Views: 2087
There is one way to be sure that you will not succeed as an entrepreneur: Engage in limiting thoughts such as “No I can’t”, “I’m not ready”, “This isn’t going to work”.
If you truly desire to succeed in the world of being self-employed you must make overcoming lower-level energies a priority ... Views: 1570
Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about your desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine ... Views: 2062
I remember once when I needed to tell someone I was sorry (‘Sorry for acting like a jerk’ would have actually been the best phrase). You would’ve thought I was about to be executed the way I was dragging my feet. No matter how hard it felt, I knew I needed to do it because by not speaking those ... Views: 878
I remember when I was introduced to the concept of “business networking” when I started my first business. I thought, I will NEVER be able to do this. I remember getting ready to go to my first networking event and whining to my husband (then boyfriend), “I was miserable at this kind of thing ... Views: 1309
A healer I know, hosted two classes in two weeks. In the first class, she went through all of the important points on her outline. She explained the terminology, answered her clients’ questions, and illustrated her points with excellent examples. In the end, she found she had generated modest ... Views: 1327
When you constantly give your energy away to outside circumstances, you're left drained, empty and looking for ways to fill up. You search endlessly for the right "answer" to building your business, making more money. You take course after course, buy product after product and then, if you're ... Views: 1309
When you constantly give your energy away to outside circumstances, you're left drained, empty and looking for ways to fill up. You search endlessly for the right "answer" to building your business, making more money. You take course after course, buy product after product and then, if you're ... Views: 869
People ask me all of the time, what exactly is the EnergyRICH® "Prospects to Profits Process" (P2P) and why does it work so well? The EnergyRICH® P2P Process is a client attractive sales process that is about creating a strong, solid, specific system that has you moving potential clients into ... Views: 903
What exactly is "Blocked Energy?" Blocked energy is, in essence, when you want to move forward in an area in your business, but you find yourself feeling stuck.
How do you know when you're experiencing it in your business? You may find yourself thinking and/or saying things like...
"I'm ... Views: 1090
Putting together a Teleclass can be a great marketing tool to use to bring you and your business more exposure. AND - how it can be a lot easier to do than you might think as long as you have the right tools and tips like using hard copy publications to promote your teleclass and how key it is ... Views: 1646
Putting together a Teleclass can be a great marketing tool to use to bring more exposure to you and your business. AND - It can be a lot easier than you might think, with the right tools and tips to get started.
So, how do you get started?
I've got some great (and really important) tips ... Views: 2136
Do you sometimes wonder what's the point of setting intentions? Some entrepreneurs set goals and intentions with joy; but others sabotage their business success by subconsciously waiting for their intentions to bomb. Which is it for you?
I've spent a lot of time creating vision boards, ... Views: 1453
Did you know your first Energy Point can be found in your body at the base of your spine? This is the area where you house all of your 'security' energy. It is literally about being supported in life. So it makes sense that this will pop up when building a business, right?
The irony is that ... Views: 1331
One of my favorite phrases is: "The Universe is always handing you the next steps for your business." Now you may think that this only refers to gifts: a new client out of the blue, a great connection, money in the mail. This is all true and absolutely possible (especially as an EnergyRICH® ... Views: 2246
Before you can unlock the secret steps to signing on a new client you want to be clear about who your Ideal Client is, and be sure you're managing your energy to shift any doubt, fear, worry, concern or any other lower level energies that might be trying to sneak in. Then you are ready to set up ... Views: 1564
Most business coaches don't go near talking about fears and doubts, but my experience has shown me these lower level energies are extremely crucial to address if you are serious about being an EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur.
First step? Embrace that these emotions are valid and completely ... Views: 1152
Many of my clients share that one of their biggest marketing challenges is actually connecting with enough prospects. They are doing all of this great work in their businesses, but not very many people know about their work; or at least not enough for the flow of business to be moving smoothly ... Views: 1115
Have you ever had the feeling of having so much to do that your head spins, your energy feels drained and all action just stands still?
Here's why: most of us have been taught to approach our tasks from only a head point of view. There's great productivity power in engaging your energy as a ... Views: 1487
I'll share with you that when I first started in business the image of a leader that I brought with me was an authority figure who has the power to hurt those that are following them. This was because I was so used to being around authority figures who were coming from a place of leading through ... Views: 1245
"Don't wait. The time will never be just right." -Napolean Hill
There is a shift in consciousness in the world. People are seeking a new kind of business - one that allows them to integrate spiritual beliefs into their everyday business actions and lives.
Your time is now.
You are here to ... Views: 1079
Do you have people (those who know you, like you, trust you, love you, and want the best for you) who are constantly giving you new clients? If not there is most likely only ONE reason why not ... they don't know what you're up to and who your ideal clients are!
See, most people are REALLY ... Views: 1380
If you're a person who comes from the corporate world or maybe even a system or organization such as the teaching system that I came from, you might remember that it wasn't considered professional to give personal compliments, praise or even any type of overall expression of appreciation. There ... Views: 1874
The first key into the success of business balance is to recognize that passive energy is not weak, but actually strong and that actually without this energy the male energy of action is weakened. You may be going around acting, acting, acting, but without this passive energy there is no wisdom ... Views: 1086
Look around you. Do you have everything you desire for your business? If your business is not where you want it to be, you need to look at where YOU are focusing your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You can't blame anyone or anything if you are not where you want to be.
You need to take ... Views: 1035
Your business card is one of the BEST and easiest marketing tools you can (and should!) use to stand your business out from all the other businesses that are doing what you do.
There isn't anything that bugs me more than getting a business card and not being able to tell what the person does ... Views: 1205
To every knew potential client your business is like a lake on a nice summer day ... the idea seems like a good one, but plunging in could be a shock to the system ...
This is why it's important to have a way for your potential clients to dip their toe in the water of your business. From this ... Views: 1285
EnergyPOOR Entrepreneurs believe their success is primarily their own doing. They believe in the self-made person theory.
EnergyRICH® Entrepreneurs are aware that all good things come from the spirit of love. They know love is the natural order of the Universe, and that ego and self-pride ... Views: 1442
When I think of all the mistakes I've made in my business (some small and some not-so-small) it's important to remind myself that “perfect” doesn’t equal more successful.
I've observed that one of the main things that keeps entrepreneurs from marketing themselves is fixating ... Views: 1424
Every person comes to this earth with a purpose. As an entrepreneur, you have the awesome opportunity to fuse your business with your purpose! Actually I would say this is a must because when you do your clients benefit (in a big way!) and so do your bottom-line profits (in a big way!). One of ... Views: 1218
When you constantly give your energy away to outside circumstances, you're left drained, empty and looking for ways to fill up. You search endlessly for the right "answer" to building your business, making more money. You take course after course, buy product after product and then, if you're ... Views: 1441
I was privately coaching with one of my EnergyRICH® Boot Camp members a few weeks ago (we’ll call her Debra) and she was frustrated with how to incorporate the EnergyRICH® concept of packaging her services. She was blocked and could not see how this could be done in her ... Views: 1662
I've come to know that there are three big blocks that most often come up when anyone is looking at using a professionals service or getting ready to buy a product.
1. Money.
2. Time.
3. Timing.
This is also with the understanding that everything else between the two of you is what I call an ... Views: 974
When connecting with a potential client it's so powerful to be able to share stories from other folks who have used your services. The stories of others will do tons more than explanations from you. Having potential clients connect with the experience of others is a highly effective way to share ... Views: 1292
Remember the story of the "Little Engine That Could"? This little train had always pulled small loads, but one day it was called upon to deliver something greater. First, it had a hard time getting the load to move at all so it cheered itself on by puffing, "I think I can, I think I can, I think ... Views: 908
Often when first connecting with clients I'll hear basic business blocks that sound like:
Yeah, but what gives me the right to teach others how to [fill in service here]??
What if I'm not qualified enough?
Yeah, but I can't because of [fill in not-so-great past or present experience].
What ... Views: 1075
To prepare yourself to magnetize your ideal clients you want to first pre-pave the way for connecting with your ideal clients by having two strong, EnergyRICH® legs to stand on. These are:
1 - Manage your fears and doubts about being able to actually have more clients and make more money. I ... Views: 1181