"Celebrating AMAZING Accomplishments with my Elite Master Mind 3 Members!"

This week I think I’ve cried tears of gratitude every single day! What an awesome and amazing week it’s been! First I started with an INCREDIBLE two-day meeting with my Elite Master Mind 3 Members. Seriously, this group ROCKS. They are so full of love and support for each other it is palpable when you walk in the room. And they are willing to dive in DEEP. They are each so committed to their own success and the success of each member that they each go above and beyond to get clear about blocks or inhibitions that are in the way of getting to the next level. And, of course, this just allows for easier (and faster!) up-leveling for the entire group. So cool, right? I am so proud of what they have created and accomplished since meeting in-person this past April and I can’t wait to see what unfolds by the next time we meet in October! YAY! This is the good stuff of life…

Hey, do you want to "listen in" on the intimate, breakthrough conversations I have with folks like this? Folks who are really just like you – starting where they are and then taking step by step to breakthrough energetic blocks so they can step up into BEing Considerably Huge™ in their own businesses and life? Do you want to hear real time what we talk about?

Just think of all the insight, ideas and inspiration you would receive. My hunch is you would receive such an energetic shift that you would Truly FEEL that you have the ability to "create your dream business, too!) Well, I’m going to give you this gift!

Last night I hosted a tele-training where I connected with a handful of my students and we just pulled back the curtain (I am so grateful they were willing to be so vulnerable) and they shared what it has been like, through our work together, to go from living in so much fear and struggle to what it is like to now live in so much more faith and success (there has been doubling, tripling of income and so much more). My coach’s request is for you to listen in on these intimate, personal conversations and just feel in your heart when you receive the message, "Yes, that can be me too." My intention is for you to be inspired. Grab a box of tissues though. There were some really moving moments. You can listen in here.

~Contact.FirstName~, I promise you will be impressed upon. The energy on this call was so true, clear and genuine. (Believe me, I am not interested in wasting your time or giving you non-sense, k?) Just listen in – you’ll be glad you did.

Do you Struggle With Business Overwhelm?

Now there are all types of steps, tips and tricks to business success. But there is one that I’ve found that really keeps the whole energy moving: the ability to process information.

There is more information out there than ever before, more to learn and more to do. There is more stuff to read, watch and listen to. And there is a ton of energy that gets stirred up with all of it. That’s a lot to sort through in order to succeed in business. How can you deal with it all? I am going to share with you exactly how in today’s EnergyRICH(r) Insider Secret Article. Enjoy!

Until then,

Heather M. Dominick

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, is an EnergyRICH ® Entrepreneur Success Coach, with over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heather's primary focus is in coaching entrepreneurs to powerfully partner inner and outer business principles for more profit. She calls this managing your energy for magnificent marketing. Her strengths include tuning right in to what's holding you back and sharing specially developed processes that move you into joyful action. http://www.energyrichcoach.com

EnergyRICH Coaching, Inc.
532 La Guardia Place, Suite 392
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 917-338-6754