Setting clear intentions for your business is the opportunity to take full responsibility for creating your business the way you really want it to be. When you set an intention, you first get very clear about you desire, and then you ask for guidance by being willing to partner with the divine without a sense of entitlement or demand. Then, the energy of your desire is speeded up because you’ve actively embraced your ability to solve any problem that comes your way.

Think of it this way:

Intention = Desire + Asking For Guidance = Speeded Up Energy = Manifestation

It is an activation of a supreme confidence that you will put the right energy into your actions and into the resolution of any problem.

Getting very clear about what your intention is keeps you on a focused path, and your energy running clean. It helps you to stay away from the “I should”, “I ought to”, “I have to” or other fears and doubts may creep in when making business decisions.

You want intentions to be at the forefront of every move you make in your business.

Inner Intentions

Setting an inner intention for yourself allows you to get clear about how you want to feel, what energy you want to activate. Your desired feeling state is what lies beneath any physical desire.

For example, you may tell yourself that you want more clients. But, why do you want more clients? What do you believe more clients will give you? What do you REALLY want?

By clearly setting an inner intention right from the start, you will begin to take actions that connect to that inner intention. If your inner intention is happiness, your body will really feel it if you start to do something that doesn’t make you happy.

Trust me. Eventually, all of your actions will begin to automatically line up with your inner intention, and if that’s what you REALLY want anyway, isn’t that a HUGE YAY? You will start to do whatever you have to do to avoid that which does not match your inner intention. And, miracle of miracles, your outer circumstances will respond to your inner intentions as well.

EnergyRICH® Hint: It doesn’t matter if you don’t know HOW to create that inner intention. All that matters is that you get clear about it. Actually, anything worthwhile that I’ve manifested, I never knew the how of it; I just believed that it would be so.

Outer Intentions

Setting an inner intention puts your energy on solutions by removing the “unwanted” first from your mind. Your outer intention puts your focus on what you want to create. This moves the focus away from only “what is” to “what will be”.

If at this moment you have three clients but you want ten, and you continue to focus on “only having three clients”, can you guess where your client numbers are going to stay? That’s right-at three!

By setting a clear outer intention you keep your focus on forward rather than on stuck, and even more importantly, away from “not enough”. This is the biggest stumbling block (and I’ve done it myself) I see entrepreneurs make–they cling to how much they do not have. It’s used as a rationalization, reasoning and proof that “it can’t be done”. It doesn’t even matter what it is. I’ve heard it used every which way.

If you find that you do this, starting right now, begin to raise your energy level by keeping yourself connected to YOUR inner and outer intentions.

Your EnergyRICH Call To Action
1. Take a moment to get connected to your own, personal, EnergyRICH® Success Field. Really feel that force around you.

2. While really tapped into your energy, bring to mind something you desire to bring about for yourself and your business.

3. Now what’s the feeling behind your desire?

4. Turn that into an inner intention.

5. Go back to your business desire. What’s an action you could take that would support the creation of that desire?

6. Turn that into an outer intention.

7. State it out loud:
“My inner intention is ________________”
“My outer intention is ________________”

Support building your business desire and join me for a very special and powerful 2-Part EnergyRICH® Tele-Training – my gift to you! I am going to be diving deep into the #1 System You MUST Have In Your Business – if you ain’t got this, you got nothin’ and might as well back up your business bags – seriously. So be sure you register and reserve your sacred seat right away. If you attend one training this year – make it this one. It’s a must have, must be there. It’s 90 minutes that will radically change the results you create in your business forever (I know! I am being so bold, but it is because I know this from my Soul to yours – if you truly want financial success and freedom in your business then just set aside this small amount of time, register, mark your calendar and join for this powerful 2-part tele-training)

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, is an EnergyRICH ® Entrepreneur Success Coach, with over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heather's primary focus is in coaching entrepreneurs to powerfully partner inner and outer business principles for more profit. She calls this managing your energy for magnificent marketing. Her strengths include tuning right in to what's holding you back and sharing specially developed processes that move you into joyful action.

EnergyRICH Coaching, Inc.
532 La Guardia Place, Suite 392
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 917-338-6754