It’s helpful to remember that “creating copy” is just the same as the more traditional phrase of creating “advertising materials.”

Here are 7 Key points to keep in mind when creating effective copy that will instantly engage your ideal client and as a result create soaring sales – so you can make a Considerably Huge™ difference in the world!

1. Copy is your message in print.

- Be sure it’s connected to your Core Value Offer and that it truly has the energy of who you are and what you stand for.

2. People are primarily tuned into the radio station “WIIFM” (What’s In It For Me?).

- All of your writing needs to speak to “What’s In It For Your Ideal Client”

- How will their life be better by partnering with you and your service?

EnergyRICH® Hint: Be aware of the motivators that make people buy something. People always act in ways they perceive to be their own self-interest.

Here is the list of top ten motivators/reasons that make people buy products or services:

1. Make money
2. Save money
3. Save time
4. Avoid effort
5. Get more comfort
6. Achieve greater cleanliness
7. Attain fuller health
8. Escape physical and emotional pain
9. Gain praise
10. Be popular
People don’t need fancy graphics, long explanations, or slick advertising. This isn’t the main point.

The main point is how you can benefit them.

3. Effective copy bridges the connection from you to your ideal client.

- They want to know you are qualified to help them.
- You need to demonstrate your credentials, but not just by the old school approach of highlighting your “degrees”. They want to know your EXPERIENCE.

EnergyRICH® Example: Have you gone through the same transformation you’ll take them through? Have you helped others go through the same process? Find a way to give details about your capability and knowledge. Give people reasons why they should believe.

4. Provide concrete client examples that apply to past clients, for each service or product that you offer.

- "I helped ‘Client A’ make money when..."
- "I helped ‘Client B’ improve their health when..."

5. Copy should always include a call to action (JUST ONE!) such as a reason to get in touch with you, or an immediate sale.

6. Soaring sales come forth when you use a direct response.

- Copy that includes a direct ask initiates a direct response and is measurable. It has the reader respond in some powerful way.

7. It’s important to be able to track your ads and their success or failure.

- You can do this by asking: What causes one income avenue to generate more than another?

the headline
how many times it appears
where it appears
when it appears
EnergyRICH® Hint: Too many folks try to ask for too much when creating copy. They want the reader to know everything about everything they do. This is not the place to give someone all of your offering options. There needs to be just one main call to action and usually it’s best for it to be …


Your EnergyRICH® Call To Action.
1. Tune into your ideal clients’ WIFFM station... Which of top 10 motivators does your service provide?

2. You start tracking your copy results today.
Here is a “KISS” (Keep It Simple Smarty) Template to get you started


3. Now that you know how to engage your ideal client with effective copy it’s time to “close the sale”.

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH(r) Entrepreneur Success and Master Coach, is the creator of the EnergyRICH(r) Entrepreneur Success System and we are a company devoted to teaching coaches, healing practitioners and creative entrepreneurs around the world how to partner Universal Energetic Principles with practical step-by-step "How-To's" to joyfully make more money in your business so you can better serve the world.

Through her EnergyRICH(r) Entrepreneur Success System, Private Coaching Programs, and products, Heather shows her students how to transcend lower level energies like fear and doubt to be able to build their business from a place of serving, joy and abundance. Get started right away with your free EnergyRICH® Success CD: