‘United we stand, divided we fall’. Nothing explains the importance of a team better. A successful organization is backed by a team that has worked hard and relentlessly - and to drive a team towards success, it is important to have a competent leader at the helm.
Team building activities and ... Views: 1926
Every corporate organization has a mission, vision and a set of goals to achieve. Each employee in the organization is important for contributing towards this common goal. While every team member is responsible for his or her duties and responsibilities at an individual level, it is important ... Views: 1743
Being a leader does not mean being a taskmaster. While it is the job of a leader to manage, motivate, and supervise the team, it is equally important that the leader builds healthy rapport and a sense of comradeship. A leader is the captain of the ship – steering it in the right direction, while ... Views: 4188
What is the key to increase efficiency and profit, even as you continue to reduce cost? The answer is ‘Innovation’!
With the market competition getting increasingly cut-throat, it is important to stay on top to ensure the survival of your business. The consumer does not simply look for ... Views: 1499
One cannot stress enough on how important strong and effective leadership skills are in an organization. Any corporate office is as strong, or as weak, as the leader at the helm of the team. It is in the hands of a team leader or manager to drive its members towards a common goal and make sure ... Views: 2569
Conflicts within a team are unavoidable. In any organization, people come with different ideas, attitude, values, vision, goals, etc. and when these clash, they give rise to conflicts. Addressing such problems is time consuming, and can often lead to other issues.
Conflicts hamper the general ... Views: 1727
There is no doubt that strong leadership is essential for driving a team successfully. In a corporate set up, while everyone in a team has their roles specified; it is the role of a team leader or a manager to help them work in tandem and in unison. To achieve any goal, it is vital that each ... Views: 1658
In her remarkable book , A Paradise Built in Hell, author Rebecca Solnit describes how in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters — such as the one that unfolded in Fukushima, Japan — human beings tend to respond by banding together, not tearing apart.
Often witnessed the same truth ... Views: 2026
The modern work culture totally depends on working as a team. In an office, every department has to work in tandem, coordinating and co-operating with other colleagues. However, achieving total team efficiency is a difficult task as each individual works with a different mindset. It is not ... Views: 1499
Corporate world is a boring place to be in. This is a commonly shared emotion among employees world over. A random survey has highlighted that most people hate going to office especially after the weekend. If this is true, what employer’s can do to change this thinking, to make their employees ... Views: 1563
Team Building and Leadership is interconnected. For one to happen, the other has to be effective. Only an effective leader has the skills to drive a team to achieve shared goals.
A team consists of a group of people who have come together for some common objective. They are committed to a ... Views: 1757
I am not good enough to get that job. I can never be a good leader, why should I apply for that job. No matter whether you are interviewing for a new job or taking up some leadership role in your organization, everyone at some point in life nurture a self-doubt in his career. The reasons for all ... Views: 1672
In today's time, where companies have become highly commercialized and demands result in terms of productivity and profit, overlooking the importance of leadership training has become a common thing.
Leadership training is the key for an organizational growth and success. But ignoring this ... Views: 1061
Ever wondered why a particular sports team is on the winning side most times. It is due to a strong team dynamics, which motivate each individual to be a high performer. Team dynamics is one of the critical leadership competencies to build and lead a high performing team. No matter the size of ... Views: 1342
Corporate offices employ team enhancement activities to minimize internal conflicts among the employees, escalate performance and productivity. Such programs facilitate in the creation of a positive atmosphere at the workplace by increasing team interactions, motivating the team to work, and ... Views: 1615
We recently worked with a senior team which had a new leader. The fact that the leaders working style was very different from the previous leader and the added fact that nearly half of the members were new to the team, made it necessary for the team to get into an offsite – to try and construct ... Views: 3359
One of the most satisfying elements of our work is being able to watch at very close quarters how different leaders work with their teams. And, we have been fortunate to see many remarkable leaders and their different styles in handling their teams. At the same time, in the course of our ... Views: 1479
Think about it for a minute – who inspired you the most?
A great sports star often inspires others to take to the sport. A colossus like Mahatma Gandhi inspired a whole nation to follow his path of Satyagraha. A Mother Teresa inspired kindness and compassion in millions. A call by Anna ... Views: 1302