One place that will keep us stuck or not moving at all is refusing to make a decision. Sometimes, instead of making a decision, we repeat the same actions over and over again hoping to yield a different result. We are told this is insanity. My husband told me a long time ago and I still live by this principle today, “Make a decision and the pressure lifts.” When we go ahead a make a decision, we then unconsciously move our mind toward action. First the decision then the action will follow.

So what can lead us to be indecisive? And can we possibly do be a better decision maker?

One of the first causes can be self doubt. We simply don’t trust our own decision making. Even though it is our business or our personal lives, we just don’t want to make the wrong choice. We can second guess ourselves over and over again, looking at how other people have handled the situation or asking others what we should do instead of trusting our own instincts.

Another thing we may fall into is making no choice at all. We just refuse to make a decision. The truth is the undecided choice is a decision. We play the wait and see game as if somewhere out of the blue a decision will be made which will magically turn toward our favor. This is one sure sign that we are stuck. And what are we stuck in?

We are stuck in fear. Fear will cause us to not make a decision. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of making the wrong decision. Fear of what others will think. Just plain ole fear. Our thoughts of what may or may not happen, of what could or could not happen will stop us in our tracts. We find ourselves meditating on the wrong thing. We are totally caught up in a negative mindset about the situation instead of a positive one.

So what is the answer? I have to go back to where I first began. Make a decision. In the face of self doubt, wanting to make no choice and the fear, make a decision. Sometimes you just have to have a sink or swim attitude. There is a saying, “Practice makes perfect.” When it is time to make a decision, no matter how big or small, give yourself time to think about it but do not hesitate. If decision making is difficult for you then practice, practice, practice making decisions. After the decision is made then do something, take several specific action steps toward that decision.

There is no way to achieve your goals or live your dream without constant decision making. This is a skill we can hone and get better and better with practice. Start your day with meditation, exercise or whatever it is you do to keep yourself centered. During that time, it is okay to look at what lies ahead and some of the necessary decisions you have to make coming in the not too distant future. A lot of the times, this is the place where the answer will come.

(c)2013 Cynthia L. Hatcher

Author's Bio: 

Cynthia L. Hatcher is an Inspirational Goal Strategist Coach assisting professionals in setting a strategic plan to follow their dream in order to better serve others through their life and business.