We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Aging and Longevity". If you have expertise in Aging and Longevity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
There has been a growing interest in finding high quality skin care products for men as of late, and the cosmetics industry has taken notice of this fact. Over the last few years they have introduced hundreds of new products aimed at getting a man’s attention. The question is do most of these ... Views: 1514
It is not hard to figure out that when most men go out looking for products to take care of their skin that they are undoubtedly looking for the best men's skin care that money can buy. The problem is that in most cases it doesn’t matter how much you pay for your skin care products, because you ... Views: 1395
Some doctors seem to believe that aging of the face can only be corrected through the use of painful injections. In a recent interview with one of those doctors, he said that topical treatments will never provide the same results as injections. But, if he had kept up with the latest research, ... Views: 2039
Aging well is a goal that many people have, today. It means focusing on good nutritional intake, being physically active and enjoying a variety of social activities. Keeping the mind active is also important for reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s and age-related dementia.
To most people, it ... Views: 1099
Stop interfering!
I hope by now that you have grasped the very simple but profound concept that the brain already knows exactly how to take care of itself for life…. if only we would let it. But we don’t and very successfully manage to interfere with its natural working by imposing on it all ... Views: 1264
In this article I want to take a close look at the last two of the four processes the optimum performance of which I believe is absolutely vital to the proper functioning of all the body’s cells.
Key 3: Breathing
Although at birth we commence to use our lungs to breathe independently for the ... Views: 1447
In the next two articles I want to take a close look at four processes the optimum performance of which I believe is absolutely vital to the proper functioning of all the body’s cells.
Further, I believe that either prior to birth or as babies or both we knew these processes and how to use ... Views: 1228
California's Bill Bell shows us how he transformed himself from ordinary to extraordinary. Bill went from a typical golf-playing executive with some excess poundage and a borderline health problem in his early fifties to an age-group champion Ironman triathlete in his sixties and seventies. ... Views: 2780
Most individuals believe that visible signs of aging are inevitable & there is nothing you can do about the aging process. However, with the advent of modern technology & state of the art techniques, doctors will agree that it is possible to delay the aging process &, in most cases, reverse ... Views: 1576
Although aging is inevitable, you can still significantly reduce the effects of time. We do not have to look old before our time if we do not want to. We can become that well polished vintage car that turns everyone’s head if we so desire. It just takes a few simple lifestyle ... Views: 1660
The skin care aisle is lined with a variety of anti aging skin care products, all claiming to be better than the others. However, not all of them deliver the promised results as well. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful while choosing your skin care products and ensure that they contain ... Views: 1158
In my previous article I introduced the brain/old house analogy as a means to illustrate that we must provide conditions that foster healthy neurons, create new neurons and increase and strengthen the connections between neurons. In this article I’ll explain how the brain is much smarter than ... Views: 1396
The foods arthritis patients eat can play a key role in the management and reduction of pain. Some can reduce the symptoms, others can trigger painful attacks. The elimination of animal protein, nightshade vegetables, and dairy products has helped some people with arthritis. The results are not ... Views: 1657
Do a Few Simple Tests
Want to look younger and feel fantastic at any age? Do a few simple tests. Go get a mirror and position yourself next to a window. You have just a few simple things to do. First put your mirror on the floor and lean over it. Does your face "fall?" If so, the connective ... Views: 1397
If you are a woman or a man with questions about aging and skin greasiness, you have finally arrived at the right place. What you will learn about here are the things that contribute to oily or greasy skin. It may surprise you to know that getting older is not among them
As we age, our ... Views: 1059
In order for you to attain younger looking skin you use products that contain the right ingredients. What you will often find when trying to choose cosmetics for younger looking skin is that the formulas available to you do not have in them the natural ingredients that you need. The truth is ... Views: 1316
Ethical Wills have been around for many generations but seem to be regaining their strength. That may be simply because many of you are getting to the stage in life where you begin thinking about what you are passing along to your children or other loved ones.
Another term for Ethical Wills ... Views: 1398
(Part 1 of a 5 part series discussing the delicate issue of asking an elderly parent to retire from their driving career)
Remember that day way-back-when that you finally mustered up the strength to sit your adolescent son or daughter down on the living room’s couch, and begin the dreadful ... Views: 1728
Managing insulin levels closely is one of the most important tasks a diabetic or pre-diabetic person has. Insulin levels that get too high can pose a serious threat to one’s health and life. As anyone who deals with insulin issues on a daily basis knows medical attention is necessary for ... Views: 2937
When we think of anti aging, we often think of wrinkle creams and eye gels. But believe it or not wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness and sun spots are not the only effects that aging has on your skin. The process of aging does a number of things to our skin that do not necessarily fall into any ... Views: 1293
In recent years it has been noted by countless scientists and medical researchers that the food you eat (your diet) is extremely influential to human longevity. Various clinical studies have shown that that mice beat aging and live longer, healthier lives when they eat a diet that consists of ... Views: 2383
I've been giving a lot of thought to this concept of anti-aging because every time I turn on my computer I see ads for anti-aging x, y, and z products.
Is anti aging possible? Can it be a reality? Do you want it to be real?
You might disagree – but in short - I don't think so.
Aging ... Views: 1587
Use it or lose it doesn't apply only to muscle fitness or sex. It also applies to the brain. While researchers at the University of Kansas have found that getting plenty of physical exercise may keep your brain fit too, there’s even better news. Advances in brain imaging and neuroscience have ... Views: 1706
Five years ago when I happened onto the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation in a book called “The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth” by Peter Kelder, I knew instinctively these exercises would help me grow younger, and they have!
Known as The Five Tibetans, this series of movements form a ... Views: 7735
People these days are living longer and longer as medical advances expand life expectancies; outside of trusting your longevity to modern medical advances I’ve outlined for you here everything you need to know about increasing longevity through better lifestyle choices. If you want to know how ... Views: 3068
Boosters for Grumpy Men.
Dr Andrew Rynne.
You know what they are like. Sitting around all day and falling asleep in the chair. Big paunch and little muscle. Not enough energy to prune the roses or go for a walk however short. Maybe, mildly depressed and ... Views: 2422
Richard was a tall man – originally over 6 feet. He had noticed that over the years, he had lost height. In fact, he had lost over 6 inches of height over the past few decades. He was diagnosed with osteoporosis, an increasingly common complaint in the US.
According to the Surgeon ... Views: 1836
It is truly difficult to find aging skin care products that will satisfactorily alleviate the lines and wrinkles from which you are currently suffering. If you have been making the rounds so far as the cosmetics formulas that you have been using to solve this problem, then you undoubtedly ... Views: 1128
Can These Two-Minute Rituals Improve Your Health & Longevity?
This baby-easy anaerobic (no oxygen required) exercise at your desk can
reduce your waistline and improve your blood circulation. It requires 2-minutes
and works like a charm even for lazybones like me.
The Bear Claw: ... Views: 1411
Healthy Aging is a lifelong process of optimizing opportunities for maintaining and promoting physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual well-being. Healthy aging is of interest for 76 million Baby Boomers who are approaching retirement and who desire to age with grace and health. ... Views: 1126
Everyone by now should know that vitamins and minerals are perhaps one of the most essential supplements we should be incorporating into our daily routines. All natural multi vitamins and minerals are substantial for all walks of life including men, women, children, seniors, athletes, ... Views: 1752
Have you heard about the greatest scientific discovery in Anti-aging, yet? Yes, we can now stop and reverse the process of aging at its ultimate source, our GENES!
Throughout history, stories have abounded in virtually all cultures and civilizations describing the desire to find a source of ... Views: 2174
People who have had depression are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who have never had depression, according to a study published in the April 8, 2008, issue of Neurology.
The study involved 486 people age 60 to 90 who had no dementia. Of those, 134 people had ... Views: 1579
In a recent study, researchers evaluated the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (better known by its simple name of vitamin D to you and me) in a group of 3,369 men between the ages of 40 and 79. They also measured the subjects' cognitive performance, based on the results of three different tests ... Views: 1662
A study recently in the Alzheimer's and Dementia Journal reviewed previous studies in a bid to find a link between different infections and Alzheimer's.
One bacterium the researchers have stumbled upon is the Chlamydia Pneumoniae, believed to be the cause of 10 to 20 percent of pneumonia ... Views: 1491
More and more research proves that the health of your brain is directly linked to your diet. Specific nutrients and vitamins can improve cognitive function and strengthen nerve connection. By making a few simple changes to your diet, it is possible to protect and preserve the brain and improve ... Views: 2713
A study published in the July 2009 edition of the British Medical Journal finds that people who lived with a partner during middle age had much lower odds of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
Researchers in Sweden and Finland collected data on 1,449 people as part of a ... Views: 1497
I have often wondered how mind control works, and if is it at all possible? So the purpose of this article is to explain mind control, while at the same time dispelling any of the myths that surround hypnosis.
When we speak of mind control in a hypnotic sense, what we are really talking about ... Views: 1604
Celiac Disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease caused by a genetic inability to digest the protein portion of many common grains- including those in wheat. This undigested part of the grain, called gluten, is then attacked by the body's own immune system, causing inflammation and damage to the ... Views: 2361
Aspirin has been around as long as most of us can remember. It was introduced over 100 years ago as a fever reducer and pain reliever and since that time, it has made its way into virtually every medicine cabinet in the country. Over the past several years, aspirin has been touted to help reduce ... Views: 2015
Current thinking has us believe that age-related hearing loss is an inevitable consequence of getting older, but is it really? Hundreds of studies from around the world show severe vitamin deficiencies as causes of this loss. Even more importantly replacing the missing vitamins improved the ... Views: 2209
We all want to live longer, healthier lives. The good news is that some small precautions and habits can have a huge impact on your wellness and longevity. You might be pleasantly surprised that you are already doing some of these health-boosting activities every day!
8 Surprising Habits That ... Views: 2531
The Role of pH Balance
One of the most compelling discoveries I have made in the last decade is the role of pH balance as an anti-aging, weight balancing and disease management technique. You will be astonished to realize the broad ramifications of an overly acidic condition in the ... Views: 1171
Would Your Risk Your Life for Money?
Regardless of how much or little money you may have accumulated thus far in your life, it is doubtful that you would risk your life for money if given the chance. Yet, in a way, without realizing it that's what most of us have done.
Sad Results for a ... Views: 885
Live Well, Age Well
You can spread expensive crèmes on your face, dye your hair and even get plastic surgery. However, there’s a much more cost-effective and natural way to get an age ‘lift’; it’s called living well. Our physical, mental and emotional habits all contribute to how gracefully ... Views: 2170
Okay. I admit it. I am a “research junkie”. I know. I know. I’ve been “doing” and teaching facial exercises for well over a decade …. and ….. I’ve found lots of “scientific” evidence for how and why facial exercises work so well besides the obvious results. That is anyone performing a ... Views: 3549
Yes, we all wish we could find the Fountain of Youth. In this time and age, the whole world is stuck on intelligence and looking good regardless of their age. Almost everyone sits waiting for the next quick beauty fix to hit the market. Regardless what it may be – from diets to Botox injections, ... Views: 1253
Tai Chi chuan, or simply Tai Chi (because there are two translations of the Chinese language it is also written Taijiquan, or Taiji), was developed centuries ago by martial arts experts in order to advance their self-defense skills. Most commonly practiced today for its amazing health benefits, ... Views: 999
The purpose of this article is to help people with disabilities who may be surrounded by loving, quality support identify an emptiness they may experience because they live in a different reality.
There is a significant difference between understanding a person and accepting them. To really ... Views: 1256
As we age, our bones become increasingly porous and brittle, even for those of us who are disciplined about our calcium and vitamin D intake. Unlike our parents we benefit from extensive research concerning osteoporosis, diet, exercise and supplements but in spite of all best efforts, time does ... Views: 1474