Do a Few Simple Tests

Want to look younger and feel fantastic at any age? Do a few simple tests. Go get a mirror and position yourself next to a window. You have just a few simple things to do. First put your mirror on the floor and lean over it. Does your face "fall?" If so, the connective tissue in your face, which begins to dissipate over the age of 25, has simply lost some of its elasticity. It might sober you to know that when children do this exercise, their faces look just the same as when they are looking up.

Ask yourself a few questions

Now, hold your mirror up so you can examine your facial wrinkles, tongue color and skin tone. Do you see creases between your eyebrows (liver toxicity)? Do you have pronounced "laugh wrinkles" beside your mouth (digestive upset)? Do you have sallow skin (liver toxicity)? Are you quite wrinkled for your age (free radicals, stress and body toxicity)? Do you have acne or rashes (colon/liver toxicity)? And for the final test, how do you look buck naked in that mirror?

If these questions have left you feeling disheartened, don't despair. It is actually quite fast and easy for most people to make progress in reversing these natural signs of aging, which do not have to be inevitable.


While the average American has gained 8 pounds in the last 5 years and approximately 70% of all Americans are classified as overweight (so generally un-fit), years of research have finally paid off in helping our understanding of how to stem the ravages of the aging process.

The Importance of Becoming Ultra Fit

Dr. Richard Kaufman, co-founder of the Longevity Institute has this to say about being ultra-fit: "You can be a millionaire but if you're suffering, in bad health or pain the largest bank account in the world couldn't help you. Even a billion dollars couldn't make you feel any better if your health is poor. Money can't buy health. That's why feeling good, having good health is one of the most important things in the world. It's a solid foundation for a happy and productive life."

Dr. Kaufman teamed up in his research with world-renowned product developer, Lee Causey, who revolutionized the diet industry in the 70's by inventing the very first meal replacement shake. In the 90's, Causey again revolutionized the industry. He assembled a synergistically designed system which meets virtually all your body's basic needs for cleansing, balancing, and oxygenating, while generating more energy, better muscle tone, and weight management without harmful dieting.

Some Key Lifestyle Actions To The Ultra Fit System

1. Keep your system in an alkaline pH range
2. Get plenty of rest and sleep
3. Manage stress
4. Avoid fried foods
5. Enjoy a well rounded diet
6. Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water daily
7. Stay cleansed, balanced and oxygenated
8. Include enjoyable moderate exercise
9. Get essential nutrients for optimal health
10. Remember that moderation is the key to staying healthy
11. Keep your environment as chemically free as possible to minimize the free radicals which break down your health

For more detailed information and our recommendations for all-natural, botanical help in becoming Ultra Fit, contact our office for a customized report to obtain even faster results.

Hegan Center for Weight Mgt

Author's Bio: 

By: Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D., CTN
Metabolic Weight and Body Balancing Specialist
Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D., C.T.N., is a doctor of Natural Health & Naturopathy, in Southlake, Texas with a practice in metabolic health, weight, and body balancing. Eileen has appeared on TV and radio talk shows coast-to-coast, lectured extensively, and has developed a breakthrough-technology, computerized, body analysis program. Her innovative wellness techniques have been used to help thousands of individuals achieve weight loss and better fitness. Her latest book, A Healthier You, joins her best-selling, Fat Chance at Last! --- How to go Beyond Willpower, in offering lifestyle changes for better health results.