The results of a study on children carrying heavy backpacks was just published in January of 2010 in the journal Spine. The study showed that when weight was added to backpacks that children were wearing, their spines showed more compression and curvature. The weights were 9, 18, and 26 ... Views: 2389
Many people I meet are concerned about getting more rounded and stooped over as they get older. This condition is called Kyphosis or ‘Dowager’s Hump’. It’s when the thoracic vertebrae in the upper spine curve forward excessively. This can lead to back and neck pain, due to strain on the ... Views: 17246
This month I’d like to give you some more tips for gardening pain-free. I’m a beginning gardener, and I’m trying to learn more by taking a Permaculture training at the Regenerative Design Institute ( So far, there are SO many gophers in my yard that I’ve lost almost ... Views: 1408
Richard was a tall man – originally over 6 feet. He had noticed that over the years, he had lost height. In fact, he had lost over 6 inches of height over the past few decades. He was diagnosed with osteoporosis, an increasingly common complaint in the US.
According to the Surgeon ... Views: 1826
This time of the year is a busy one for gardeners. There’s a lot to do in the garden, and when the weather is nice, it’s really pleasant to be outdoors digging in the earth. There are fragrant smells in the air from flowers, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and ripe vegetables enticing you ... Views: 1668
According to the National Institutes of Health, low back pain costs Americans at least $50 billion each year. It is a leading cause of missed work and the most common work-related disability. Conventional treatment for back pain includes bed rest, ice, exercise, medications, spinal manipulation, ... Views: 2021