Brain Health – There’s A Gauss In The House!
I just recently moved to another house. I’d placed my furniture and appliances just where I wanted them. Now I’ve decided to move things around… for my brain’s sake!
Wondering why? Well, I’ll explain in a moment or two.
But first I want to ... Views: 1308
When two quantum particles (electrons, photons, atoms) are joined together, in a special way called “entanglement”, and are then separated, they retain the interconnectivity that has been created , even if separated by distance and time. So are you entangled?
The connectivity is such that ... Views: 3267
When it comes to keeping your brain fit and healthy you need to become a big baby. Now I don’t mean you become a sook… what I mean is that you can rewire your brain using the some of the techniques that babies use to build their brain.
I don’t want to get into a ‘chicken or the egg’ type ... Views: 1368
Stop interfering!
I hope by now that you have grasped the very simple but profound concept that the brain already knows exactly how to take care of itself for life…. if only we would let it. But we don’t and very successfully manage to interfere with its natural working by imposing on it all ... Views: 1254
In this article I want to take a close look at the last two of the four processes the optimum performance of which I believe is absolutely vital to the proper functioning of all the body’s cells.
Key 3: Breathing
Although at birth we commence to use our lungs to breathe independently for the ... Views: 1435
In the next two articles I want to take a close look at four processes the optimum performance of which I believe is absolutely vital to the proper functioning of all the body’s cells.
Further, I believe that either prior to birth or as babies or both we knew these processes and how to use ... Views: 1221
In my previous article I introduced the brain/old house analogy as a means to illustrate that we must provide conditions that foster healthy neurons, create new neurons and increase and strengthen the connections between neurons. In this article I’ll explain how the brain is much smarter than ... Views: 1386
Near the end of my first article in this series I made the profound statement that:
“You already know how to take control of your health… that you already have available all the systems, resources and knowledge you need… and all you need do is tap into them. SO YOUR BRAIN ALREADY KNOWS HOW TO ... Views: 1351
What if you could take control of brain aging… slow it down so you could protect your earning power and enjoy the lifestyle you want for as long as you want… wouldn’t that be great?
Well, you can! So if you really care about what happens to your brain this could be the most important article ... Views: 1358