Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
Alcoholism affects the entire family and not just the family member with the alcohol abuse problem. In reality, alcoholism affects everyone in the person’s life including their friends, their teachers, colleagues and supervisors on their job. Most people in the life of the chronic and excessive ... Views: 747
Self harm is when someone decides to take out their problems toward themselves in a deliberate way. Some people may only ever self harm once in their lifetime but some people do continue throughout their life until they seek help to deal with their issues. Many people find it to be a way that ... Views: 1525
This week I have been revisiting a book written by Pema Chodron, called “When Things Fall Apart”. I read this book a few years back when my Mom passed away. It helped me to realize that life isn’t about trying to reach a place of lasting pleasure, in order to avoid pain, but to accept that we ... Views: 1034
Like many people, I started using marijuana in my teens. It’s also quite normal to discover individuals which take up a marijuana practice way up in the adult years. No matter which point in life an individual started out burning the ganja, it often takes place similarly for most. A pal, loved ... Views: 1306
Alcohol in the workplace has become a problem for many businesses and as a result, businesses are taking steps to create an alcohol free office environment. Although most businesses have a zero tolerance for alcohol use in the workplace, they will make every effort to try to get the employee ... Views: 819
Rather than a specific therapy, there is a philosophy that appears to hold the key to binding all this treatment and recovery stuff together, Interestingly enough, an anthropologist named David Reynolds introduced me to this “philosophy” several years ago. Dr. Reynolds, who last I heard lives in ... Views: 2093
There are a number of reasons that teens turn to drug use. Drug abuse is in the schools, in athletics, in music and media and if that is not enough, many teens succumb to peer pressure in order to fit in and be accepted. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse 2.8 million teens in the ... Views: 714
Trust me; alcoholism treatment program is not as hard as we have been made to believe. We all make mistakes but mistakes can be corrected. However, some of the mistakes pose great threats to our health. Maybe the mistakes were as a result of the bad company of friends we kept while in college or ... Views: 1093
For most people, after they have successfully completed detox, they will return home and begin their new life drug and alcohol free. Others may decide to enter a rehab treatment program or another alternative program before they return home to help increase their self confidence so that they ... Views: 671
Memorial Day is all about having fun, getting together with family and relaxing. For many people this includes drinking alcohol to have fun, but if you are recently sober you may want to avoid attending social events all together. This is ultimately your choice, but you don't have to miss out on ... Views: 1034
According to reports by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than five million people live in denial of their drug and alcohol use. SAMHSA also states that denial is so much a part of substance abuse that without it drug and alcohol abuse would not be able to ... Views: 729
Recently, People Magazine came out with an article about Ashley Hamilton talking openly about his struggles with an eating disorder. I applaud Ashley for coming out about having an eating disorder. The shame, guilt and misunderstanding of eating disorders makes it hard for anyone to come forward ... Views: 2128
Addiction in the city, addiction in the country, addiction in the suburbs, addiction in the schools, addiction in the churches, addiction in the legal system, addiction in the government, addiction in business, addiction in medicine…we simply can’t get away from it. Or, is there another ... Views: 2526
We live in a society that gets its news 24-hours a day and unfortunately athletes and drug abuse makes news. If you look back over the years, there is no shortage of stories surrounding athletes use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs as well as blood doping, involving ... Views: 1277
It doesn’t take much effort to notice how powerful and influential actors and actresses are in today’s world. And although they have had this power for a number of years; with the assistance of the mainstream media, this has gradually increased as time has gone by.
One only has to go a film ... Views: 3553
Smoking cessation programs are an effective solution to get rid of the dreadful habit of smoking. FDA-approved auriculotherapy is among the most effective smoking cessation programs available today.
Smoking addiction is widely considered a physical and psychological problem. The health ... Views: 1518
Holistic remedies or the natural approach have become increasingly popular among individuals. Acupuncture, meditation, vitamin therapy and yoga have each served as a mind, body and spirit substitute to detox and other rehab. However, all drug abuse cannot be safely addressed by a holistic ... Views: 811
In 'The Addictive Behaviors,' author W.R. Miller tells us that people can become dependent on, addicted to or compulsively obsessed with any substance, object, an activity or habit that gives them pleasure. We have substance addictions and behavior addiction.
According to Wikipedia and I ... Views: 1204
Whether you’re newly sober or still battling cravings after years of abstinence, it is possible to make it through even the roughest days. For many recovering addicts, morning is the most difficult time of day--cravings seem worse, withdrawal symptoms are sharper, and willpower seems ... Views: 1399
When it comes to current societal problems, the word addiction is often mentioned. And there are certain things that are generally spoken about, when it comes to what people are addicted to.
These are often: drugs, alcohol and gambling for instance. And due to the exposure that these ... Views: 2568
When you are consuming too much alcohol, you are not only hurting yourself but also those around you. Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism, is a very common affliction that is experienced by teens and adults all over the world.
yourself but also those around you. Alcohol addiction, also ... Views: 769
"Whether I or anyone else accepted the concept of alcoholism as a disease didn't matter; what mattered was that when treated as a disease, those who suffered from it were most likely to recover."-Craig Ferguson
You have probably witnessed the problems caused by alcohol and how some of these ... Views: 992
1 in 5 college students have admitted to recreational use of Adderall to help them focus or concentrate in their courses. These students also reported that they do not have ADHD, the disorder that the drug was created for. As one student put it, athletes use steroids; people who are depressed ... Views: 925
12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are tradition based programs and have been proven to work. Part of the glue that keeps these programs effective is sponsorship. In AA and in NA, people are required to seek sponsors. A sponsor is a mentor and someone that has ... Views: 2624
I have always had a love-affair with flour products, the doughier the better. Especially bread, the staff of life, right? Feed me anything made from wheat, like pasta, tortillas, scones, pretzels, crackers, cookies, croutons, and even licorice, and I’m in heaven. I feel immediate bliss. Well, at ... Views: 1640
Back in the 1960’s, the Woodstock era, psychedelic drug use was pretty common for the younger generation, who are today’s baby boomers. New studies now reveal that today’s young people might be just as likely to use psychedelic drugs. These drugs are known to stimulate the brain receptors ... Views: 1903
All people to some extent have a narcissistic personality, in that they are self-interested and want to secure well being, love and success for themselves. These are the defining factors of a person who has a healthy self-esteem and wants to progress in life. There are however, great differences ... Views: 7084
Isolation is often thought of in physical terms, as being a process where people physically remove themselves from other people and live apart, either from society or from family and friends and other people.
Isolation is sometimes thought of as a good thing, often in the context of someone ... Views: 3383
Quite recently there was television footage of a politician surrounded by his advisers, listening to a voter telling him what she thought about a particular subject.
The commentary was about how this politician had been listening to this woman, and was designed to show him in a more human ... Views: 1615
Self-improvement has become something of a mantra and a watchword for a vast industry that has grown up around it in the last 30 perhaps 40 years. A lot of the self-improvement industry has flourished in the last 10 or 15 years with the growth of the Internet.
Perhaps an inevitable ... Views: 1795
When many people hear the word spiritual or spirituality, or any word associated with religion or spiritual terminology they immediately assume that the underlying idea or rationale behind it is that of becoming a good or a better person than they were before.
To many if not most people, this ... Views: 1664
One of the effects of alcoholism is depression. It can be brought to an end. I don't have any kind of personal experience with alcoholics anonymous (AA) but I have read some articles about it. I have read articles on how some people achieved sobriety through Alcoholics Anonymous. The book ... Views: 1144
The serenity prayer has a special place for many people, aside from its actual or little meaning, it has become something of a mantra for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 step fellowships.
The wording and dating of the serenity prayer goes back far beyond the beginning of ... Views: 2682
Giving hope to someone who needs it, whether their situation be a desperate one or simply a need for inspiration is perhaps the most important gift one can give, as well as in many ways being the most difficult thing to help instigate. It is often easier to give a false sense of hope than a real ... Views: 4977
Asia has one of the best alcohol rehabs in the world i.e. DARA (Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Asia). Asia's rehabs offer private, professional and world-class rehab treatment programs. Asia is a favorite destination for English speaking clients because of Asia's central location among many other ... Views: 1805
Where There Is a Will There Is A Way
The truth is that we are living in our physical bodies and have “this” one life to live. We each can only take it one day at a time! Of course, I know that this is nothing new to you. In fact, its a philosophy you’ve heard dozens of times before; ... Views: 1265
What follows is a list of common traits and characteristics among all forms of eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and related addictive relationships with food and weight. As alcoholism and drug dependency share more common ground than differences, so too do the different ... Views: 2303
In modern day usage, self-help really refers to a process concerning people's own personal development or self growth. The good side of this is that it leads to people trying to become aware of who and what they are, and pursuing avenues that can help them become more rounded and happy people. ... Views: 1937
When people talk about abandonment, or fear of abandonment, they often feel it is something that either happened to them, or what happens to other people in childhood, often without a really clear sense of what it might mean.
There is some truth in this interpretation of abandonment, but its ... Views: 1841
Many people who have been involved in any type of personal growth or self development work and have subsequently sensed a real change in their inner world, will often forget the real difficulty and fear involved in doing any type of work that necessitates change.
People approaching ... Views: 1643
Many people will hear the word boundaries and immediately think that it only applies to someone who works in or understands the world of therapy or counselling.
In fact healthy boundaries are something that hopefully will be developed in most families with kids, and are essential for any ... Views: 1571
Just who are you anyway? Do your alcohol stories define you? I mean do people define your character by the things you do while you're drunk? I know you're unable to answer me right now and I'm not able to tell exactly who you are. But if you're an addict, then there is a reason that makes you to ... Views: 1119
Addiction is a dark and lonely place and the barriers that hinder it are plentiful. It is easy to fall prey to it but you play hell trying to get out. Overcoming an addiction is never going to be anything short of difficult because it grabs ahold of people when they are weak and broken and it ... Views: 3850
Imagine two funnels, each inverted onto the other. Both the top and the bottom of the funnel represent the cerebral cortex of our brains. It’s what distinguishes us from animals. Rational processes and higher level thinking live in the cerebral cortex. The middle part of the funnel, the ... Views: 3127
What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are ... Views: 2782
Do you have a Problem with Internet Pornography?
Do you find yourself spending increasing amounts of time online looking at pornography or engaged in sexual or romantic intrigue?
Do you become involved in multiple romantic or sexual affairs online at the same time?
Being truly honest ... Views: 1606
The rapid mushrooming of individual 12-step programs throughout the nation and the world in the past 50 years has given millions of people suffering from addiction back their lives, their families, their self-respect and their pride.
The methods of the 12- step programs have been borrowed and ... Views: 2293
Loss of Relationships
The life of a sex addict gradually becomes very small, in terms of the number of surrounding loved ones. The freedom of self is impaired. Precious life energies are consumed. The rapacious need for a particular type of experience in the “erotic haze” (See Chapter II) ... Views: 2500