12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are tradition based programs and have been proven to work. Part of the glue that keeps these programs effective is sponsorship. In AA and in NA, people are required to seek sponsors. A sponsor is a mentor and someone that has ... Views: 2647
Back in the 1960’s, the Woodstock era, psychedelic drug use was pretty common for the younger generation, who are today’s baby boomers. New studies now reveal that today’s young people might be just as likely to use psychedelic drugs. These drugs are known to stimulate the brain receptors ... Views: 1922
Addiction is a dark and lonely place and the barriers that hinder it are plentiful. It is easy to fall prey to it but you play hell trying to get out. Overcoming an addiction is never going to be anything short of difficult because it grabs ahold of people when they are weak and broken and it ... Views: 3871
The biggest problem with addiction recovery is that there are so many people that have failed one or more times. This causes those to become discouraged when in reality it never was their fault that they were not successful. There are millions of addicts hooked on drugs or alcohol and ... Views: 2221
Is 2013 the year that you are finally serious about your recovery or are you just talking to hear yourself talk? Sure, you may have gotten clean but what are your intentions to make sure you stay that way? Are you prepared to fight the toughest battle you will likely ever face? To stay clean you ... Views: 2434
When it comes to addiction people cannot help themselves from creating this silent rating scale in their mind, like he’s just an alcoholic, she does too many prescription pills, and he is junkie because he does heroin. It is this kind of judging that creates the stigma that has created an almost ... Views: 2250
Everything about heroin has changed full throttle during the past fifty years or so. The mid 1960’s saw a surge of illegal heroin being smuggled into the US and by 1970 there were close to a million heroin addicts in the US alone. Much of this was blamed on Vietnam, the Corsican gangsters, and ... Views: 2552
Sobriety is a lot more than not picking up a drink or chasing that drug. It is a constant process of preventing relapse. The reason that the process is constant is because there are certain factors and obstacles that cannot be avoided and only stand to complicate the process of recovery. This ... Views: 1578
Getting up early, going to bed late, playing coach, cook, housemaid, financial expert, chauffer, grocery shopper, appointment keeper, bath giver, homework helper, and nurse is just what moms are expected to do. These are mom’s roles and these don’t have any relation to what she does at work, her ... Views: 4834
No one will argue that there is an unfortunate increase in prescription pill abuse and especially prescription pain killers, otherwise known as opioids. Some say that doctors are too quick to write the prescriptions and others will say that more people need to become educated on the proper ... Views: 1955
For years and years cocaine was one of the most dreaded drugs. It was labeled as highly addictive and then along came crack cocaine and that was placed in a league of its own, one that was extremely lethal. Maybe it is the hype surrounding the surge in prescription opiate addiction but it seems ... Views: 3146
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts wants to do their part in reducing prescription drug abuse so they are planning to limit physicians’ power to write new prescriptions for more than a 30 day supply. This plan will begin on July 1, 2012 and doctors will no longer be able to write ... Views: 1969
It seems like each generation has a different trend that they follow when it comes to drugs and alcohol. One year drinking alcohol is on the rise and the in thing to do but two years later the majority of kids are smoking marijuana. Never has the US been faced with the illogical dangers that are ... Views: 1725