Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
You have reached a point in your life where you know you need to make a change and stop your alcohol and drug abuse, but you are not quite sure as to how to be successful. You may have heard the term “plan for sobriety” but you are not sure what it is or what is its purpose.
What is a Plan ... Views: 846
Watching a loved one succumb to drug or alcohol addiction can be devastating to a family. Parents, siblings, extended family and even very close friends feel helpless as they watch their loved one self destruct. While you may feel that there is nothing you can do to stop them, you actually have ... Views: 931
M. Scott Peck, MD, author of The Road Less Traveled,defines delaying gratification as “a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with.”
Most children learn the skill of ... Views: 1462
Synthetic marijuana is a substance similar to marijuana, however when it is used it alters how the brain processes information similar to the way THC affects the brain. However, the drug includes chemicals applied to plant material such as potpourri that is mixed in with marijuana. Researchers ... Views: 745
Collecting is a worldwide popular hobby which from an early age strikes with the desire to have every stamp of your favorite children magazine or every Barbie doll ever made in history. Some individuals save their collecting hobbies throughout the years to even make them bigger, others either ... Views: 3371
Getting admitted to rehab centers means you are promised and assured to get away from the malicious habits that might lead to any causality. Treatment centers for alcohol is one of the most efficient and effective places that help the patients to get second chance in life. Joining the center, ... Views: 829
Making the decision to enter an alcohol or drug detox and rehab treatment program is an important choice that can help you get back control of your life; however it can frightening if you do not know what to expect, or worse, have heard the horror stories from individuals who could not make it ... Views: 743
Many people believe that detoxing from alcohol use is something they can do from home without any help. However, there are many different things to consider when you are ready to break an alcohol addiction. For many individuals, it can be dangerous, even fatal to quit cold turkey without medical ... Views: 887
There are many sectors in society which can help manage the prevention of self harm, these include; medical and health, media, education, support foundations and so on. This is why it is vital for the government to bring awareness to helping those who self harm through these sectors and more. By ... Views: 1477
For many individuals battling chronic and excessive alcohol and drug abuse, the only solution for them to overcome their addiction is with the help of a rehab treatment center. There is no doubting that substance abuse and addiction can take a devastating toll on the lives affected by it and can ... Views: 743
There are many reasons why an individual may begin taking prescription painkillers, such as Vicodin; the most likely reason being an injury, post surgery or illness. Prescription painkillers are powerful opiate narcotics and while many people begin taking them for medical reasons, excessive use ... Views: 673
That is what he said to me when I asked him why he quit drinking. “Because 10 years is enough, don’t you think?”
It has been a long time since someone’s words struck a chord in me but these particular words shook my core. It was as though my life flashed before my very eyes. Every area of ... Views: 974
Xanax has become the new high among high school and college age individuals. Referred to as zanies, planks or bars, the feeling achieved from abusing the drug is similar to that of being intoxicated. Many argue that it has become one of those over prescribed medications that an overwhelming ... Views: 900
As an author and speaker on co-addiction, and as a wife of a recovering drug-addict, one of the most common questions I get is how do you forgive? It is understandable that after all of the lies, betrayal, and pain that come with addiction that loved ones would have a difficult time forgiving. ... Views: 2912
As an author and speaker on co-addiction, and as a wife of a recovering drug-addict, one of the most common questions I get is how do you forgive? It is understandable that after all of the lies, betrayal, and pain that come with addiction that loved ones would have a difficult time forgiving. ... Views: 2433
In almost every form of detox and rehab recovery program, most drug and alcohol counselors across the spectrum agree that there are four different stages of addiction: experimentation, habitual or daily use, abuse and dependency. Each stage is one step closer toward having a life that is ... Views: 988
For people that are struggling with chronic pain issues and taking prescription opiates for pain management; they may be concerned if it will lead to an opiate drug addiction. Chronic pain affects the life of more than 116 million people in the U.S. as noted by the National Institute on Drug ... Views: 728
There are an estimated 22 million people in the U.S. that struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, according to the Center for Disease Control. Of that number, less than 3 million will seek detox and rehab treatment for their substance abuse.
Do I need one or both?
Making the decision to ... Views: 619
It's not that uncommon to reach for a drink at the end of a long day. Perhaps you want to relax or celebrate an accomplishment. Many people dismiss the dangers of alcohol by clinging to evidence that light drinking may have positive health benefits. Problems arise when alcohol is used as a means ... Views: 1092
One of the many issues that have been discussed in the War on Prescription Drugs is the availability of them through the Internet. There are too many websites where there is no requirement for a doctor’s prescription or approval to be able to receive drugs that under any other circumstances ... Views: 727
Methadone, who's really clean?
Freddie Jay
1. Back to basics
This booklet is my opinion about replacement therapy, I called it The Junkie's Opinion because I wanted to give people just that, a long term, chronic abuser and habitual relapsers view of Methadone maintenance as a viable ... Views: 718
As more states begin to legalize the use of Marijuana, it does not mean that people will not become addicted to the drug. If anything the main reason more people have not used Marijuana in the past is because it has been illegal, but once that changes, more people will begin to use it, which ... Views: 1271
If you are going to use Suboxone during detox, you may want to know if you will have an addiction to it after detox.
Why it is used in Detox
Suboxone is an opiate, from the same drug family as Vicodin, Morphine and Oxycodone. It works on the central nervous system and partially blocks the ... Views: 874
When you mention the term self harm today the public normally associates it with young people, particularly school children or teenagers. Whilst self harm is prevalent amongst young people, it also might appear that it is prolific in the education system! It is important therefore, to paint an ... Views: 1778
Ketamine has been used by veterinarians as an anesthetic for operating on animals but in human consumption, it has powerful hallucinogenic and painkilling attributes. As Johnson and Johnson plans to launch a new anti-depressant that contains the drug, here is some helpful information on the ... Views: 722
It is well understood that the effects of stress can lead to substance abuse. Stress is a part of life and there is no way to completely avoid stress, but what links stress and substance abuse is largely due to the inability of the individual to deal with an increase in stress. Many substance ... Views: 749
If your loved one is struggling with drug addiction there are three ways to help them get the assistance they need to get better and overcome their substance abuse. By setting boundaries, removing obstacles and temptations and showing support during their detox and rehab treatment program, your ... Views: 1182
A common narcissistic behaviour is excessive entitlement. The narcissistic personality is a False Self – a person who is entrenched in their egoist mind – which is always dissatisfied. Narcissistic individuals use and mine people in order to gain narcissistic supply - which is attention, ... Views: 2367
It is a common misconception that most people believe that in order to help someone who has substance abuse or addiction, the addict or alcoholic must hit rock bottom before they can be helped. For many family members and friends, sitting by helplessly and watching as their loved one destroyed ... Views: 747
As the heading says, people of all classes are capable of doing self harm. It doesn't matter what age, background or race you've come from, it still can happen. Even people, who appear to be successful in their lives, could do self harm. Let's take Victoria Pendleton for example. Victoria ... Views: 1487
Rehab treatment centers submit that family support in addiction treatment is important for the individual struggling with drug addiction. Trying to cope with a family member that has alcohol and drug addiction can be frustrating and difficult as you try to convince the family member to get help, ... Views: 636
Alcohol abuse can have a significant effect on the body, even if it occurred only on one occasion, such as with binge drinking. The long term effects of alcohol addiction can lead to serious health issues and be fatal. Although moderate alcohol use is considered safe, chronic and excessive and ... Views: 961
Levels of anger and stress has increased hugely in recent times, especially in large urban areas and cities, resulting in increased tension and instability in many people's lives. The effects of anger can be seen very clearly in many domestic or work situation you care to imagine.
Anger as an ... Views: 1922
Over half the population of the U.S. struggle with alcoholism. While a large number will seek assistance for their alcohol abuse, an even greater number will never get the help they need. Still, many people do not understand what an alcoholic is and what is alcoholism?
An alcoholic is someone ... Views: 564
Dealing with a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction can be emotional, frustrating and painful at times. Much of the time you desperately want to get them the help they need, but they may be resistant and adamant that they do not need, or want help. When they finally ... Views: 644
14 million Americans are affected each year by depression after detox, according to studies conducted by The National Institute of Mental Health. The result is that 7 percent of the population struggle with depression and substance abuse recovery. Unfortunately, the NIMH results were unclear as ... Views: 799
Sober houses can be of great help in freeing yourself from drinking alcohol and the abuse of substance. Of course, substance abuse is harmful and it affects the family. At one time, when someone suffered from an addiction or related disorder, it was kept hush-hush. It was dealt with quietly ... Views: 1116
Reaching the decision to get help for your alcohol abuse is not an easy decision to make and you may have a long road ahead of you, but you are ready to move forward to a new life that does not include alcohol. While there are many programs out there than can help you detoxify from your alcohol ... Views: 1067
There are many benefits to entering a residential drug rehabilitation treatment program including benefits that can help you at every stage of treatment including physically, mentally and emotionally. Besides allowing yourself the time of being able to step away from life to deal with and move ... Views: 991
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, nearly half the population in the U.S. that consumes alcohol admits to binge drinking. Sadly, among college students it is the most common pattern of alcohol abuse.
Binge drinking is when women consume more than four drinks ... Views: 861
Alcohol abuse affects the lives of 150 million people in the United States and opiate abuse affects the lives of more than 12 million. Many of the individuals affected by alcohol and opiates take them at the same time. Taking opiates and alcohol is not a good combination. There are a multitude ... Views: 1016
Did you know? Your neuronal patterns in your Cortex are responsible for your personality or that is to say for who you are as human being.
It is said that we are all the same and at the same time very different. We are all the same on a mammalian level, but are all different due to our ... Views: 1412
If the question, “Am I an alcoholic” has crossed your mind at least once, then you must think that you may need help with your alcohol abuse. It may be helpful to know that there are a number of online websites that offer self assessments to help you. The websites require you to consider your ... Views: 793
Those who vacillate between love addiction and love avoidance are called Ambivalent Love Addicts. Most Love Addicts and Love Avoidants are ambivalent at one time or another. They crave love, but they also fear it.
The most famous kind of Ambivalent Love Addict is the Narcissist. On the ... Views: 3437
Research has shown that many substance addicts and alcoholics abuse drugs and alcohol because they are bored. Whether it is moving to a new city and not making friends right away or feeling like you are stuck in a job that is going nowhere; some individuals turn to drugs and alcohol to break ... Views: 1079
For 10 years I read about and watched compulsive eaters become free from overeating and I continued to be discouraged as I binged and obsessed about food. I would identify with people who felt, thought, and ate the way I did, and when they said they were free I believed them. I knew it must be ... Views: 1632
Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol abuse is painful and difficult. Sometimes those around the individual are unaware of how bad the problem is until it is too late. You may be struggling within yourself as to whether or not you should get involved…so here are 5 reasons to send your loved ... Views: 738
Drug and alcohol abuse is much more common now than it was in the past. When illegal drugs first surfaced in the 1960s and 70s, drug use was completely unheard of in the social settings, and when the casual users became addicts, there was no help or solutions for them. As the use of drugs and ... Views: 1520
Making the decision to get help for your drug and alcohol abuse is difficult, yet many people are not successful in rehab treatment. Alcohol and drug rehab treatment is not something that should be half way attempted or half considered. In order to ensure success, there needs to be a commitment ... Views: 792
There are three stages of alcoholism and understanding them allows those experiencing alcohol addiction, as well as their friends and family, insight as to what to expect and how to give assistance. From the onset of alcohol abuse in the first stage, to loss of control during the second stage on ... Views: 962