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When you delegate or you have to wait for someone else to do something before you can take your next action this time management tip will keep you from having things fall through the cracks. If you’ve found some things you can delegate good for you, but ultimately you’re still ... Views: 689
Your time management skills are directly proportional to your ability to take the right actions at the right time for the right reasons. Are your in boxes overflowing: physical “in” stack tray, email, and voice mail? Perhaps all these things are building up because you just ... Views: 682
6 Absolutes for Top Performance.
Does your day start with something along this order? You pick up the phone, “Can we get together next Tuesday?” “Oh man we are so swamped, I don’t know how I can get freed up!” goes the voice on the other end.
Most of us in management and sales end up ... Views: 1335
Technology, time management strategy friend or foe. When you read the word technology you probably think of technological devices, tools, and software. But did you know the word also refers to methods used to solve problems? When technology works in terms of the technological devices we all ... Views: 724
If you have projects and clutter that are so overwhelming you just can’t bring yourself to even start them, this time management technique is for you. Does your office or garage look like the city dump with heaping piles of both good and useless stuff everywhere? This is an example of ... Views: 5202
Clutter is an enemy of time management. Some people more than others have a need to save everything, but doing so increases your stress and reduces your efficiency. A long time ago a friend of mine made the statement that possessions always cost you more in time and money than the purchase ... Views: 920
In the United States alone, businesses loose an estimated eight billion US dollars annually with the time used for their employees just completing timesheets (http://www.metriq.biz/Company/CostCalc.php). This article gives a brief overview of timesheets and their disadvantages, ... Views: 746
Procedures and systems are the core of this time management tip. Now, don’t get scared and think procedures and systems are complicated and something you can’t use. Even though you don’t use those terms you already have some procedures and systems that you follow every day of ... Views: 770
One of the most important books in the personal development and self improvement space is Stephen Covey's classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The principles outlined in the book are indeed timeless truths. In the book, Covey said there are three basic steps you must take to get what ... Views: 863
You may be wondering how there can be a correlation between how you like to learn and a time management tip, but there is. The way you learn is also the way you like to process information. When you can get information in the format you like to learn in, you can save yourself time and make ... Views: 4695
When you think about brain storming you probably associate it with something you’ve done with a group of people at work. At the time you may even have thought it was kind of stupid and a waste of time as people called out ideas that seemed kind of outlandish to you. This personal time ... Views: 696
Procrastination can actually be a defense mechanism you use to deal with your time management stress. You really don’t procrastinate because you’re lazy or have some sort of character flaw. Procrastination can just be your way of dealing with something you aren’t comfortable with or about. ... Views: 707
Small business owners, and all independent sales professionals are small business owners, must have effective time management skills. Without effective time management skills you work yourself to death, you get little enjoyment out of life, and you have far less financial rewards than you could ... Views: 729
This week I find myself drowning in duties and obligations. I had intended to do quite a few things that have been left to fall to the wayside, so to speak. That's the thing about intentions. They mean absolutely nothing without action. What can you do to ensure that all of your ... Views: 1324
This time management strategy will help you to make better decisions about meetings. People just love to hold meetings, don’t they? You can schedule meetings, plan on who to include in the meeting, prepare an agenda for the meeting, decide on when and where to hold the meeting, etc. All in ... Views: 971
For years authors of books and articles about Time Management and leaders of Time Management seminars have suggested numerous simplistic, unrealistic approaches to solving the interruption problem. The most mentioned and most ridiculous suggestion among the Time Management tips is “learn ... Views: 1438
While you are waiting patiently for the gate agents to call for the boarding your flight, out of nowhere, an announcement comes across the loudspeaker: "Flight 371 -- Washington to Detroit -- has been canceled due to mechanical difficulties. Please see the gate agent to reschedule your flight." ... Views: 1213
Learning new and useful keystroke combinations on your computer is a great way to become more efficient and productive at your normal day-to-day tasks. There are many very useful keystroke combinations, often using the CTRL key, the ALT key, the SHIFT key, and the “Windows” key on ... Views: 2221
Are you really struggling with time management? I mean really struggling. The kind of struggling that ends up in extreme stress because you’re missing deadlines, losing important pieces of information, scheduling yourself to the point you don’t have a free 15 minute period in your ... Views: 639
Focusing on peak performance can reduce your time management stress. Throughout your waking hours you have times when you are at you’re best mentally and times when you’re at your best physically. If possible you want to organize your activities around your peak times and where ... Views: 1054
Have you ever thought about the number of times in your life as a child and as an adult you were reprimanded /punished for doing the wrong thing, the right thing in the wrong way or being late? Then too, how many times were you praised/rewarded for doing the right thing in the right way and ... Views: 1598
Knowing what ideal is will enable you to move toward it, and doing so is an effective time management skill. When you haven’t taken the time to define ideal you engage in a lot of activities, but those activities aren’t necessarily productive. They aren’t productive because ... Views: 637
What is it about the words, "You've only got six months to live," that strike such fear in a human heart and shake a person to his or her very foundation? Why do those words cause such shock to those who receive them? Is it because they now know that their time is limited, and ...What is it ... Views: 4388
The wrong client base prevents you from being able to manage your time no matter what time management strategies you use. The wrong clients take up the bulk of your time. They are low value and they prevent you from being able to grow your business. They are the first to complain, and the ... Views: 547
This time management technique will help successful agents and advisors to control the chaos, and not so successful agents and advisors to be more successful. You have two levels of details that you need to track in your business. You have the action level related to all the activities ... Views: 606
An important time management skill is the ability to take the thoughts cluttering your mind, and turn them into actions. Ideally the objective of your time management skills is simplification of your very busy hectic life. When you try to store information in your head about what you need to ... Views: 623
This time management tip focuses on the outcome first and then the details. What is the ultimate outcome you want to achieve from your day? If you were to achieve even just that one outcome would it make today a success? What would prevent you from achieving that outcome today? How could you ... Views: 610
We all need to reduce stress at work. If you think about how you function at work, it's usually through the computer, answering phones, making copies, and using some form of today's technology. When it comes to our use of the computer, most of us are self-taught and never really learned it's ... Views: 1202
This time management tip is based on being realistic. Are you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and perplexed as to how to get everything done in a day? If you are, it may be time to ask yourself if you’re trying to do more than you can realistically handle.
In your eagerness to excel, ... Views: 668
Is your personal time management efficiency driven or effectiveness driven? Efficiency comes from doing things right the first time. The adage goes, if you don’t have time to do it right the first time when will you ever have time to do it right the second time. Perhaps the real question is, ... Views: 1569
In surveys done across many job categories, including construction, service industries like hotels and restaurants, small business owners and corporate moguls, a large percentage of those surveyed said that they felt they needed to improve their time management skills so that they didn’t ... Views: 1621
Effective time management skills start with decisions. Do you have trouble making decisions? Do you make decisions by not making decisions? After you make decisions you do change your mind? If this sounds like you, you may be a waffler. Waffling is a time management killer.
Why is it ... Views: 2343
Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or rushed, check-in with your personal perception and experience of ‘reality’.
It might be useful to remember that our calendars and clocks are man-made; therefore these can also be ‘man-unmade’.
The fact is, our globe moves ... Views: 1690
This time management technique is focused on getting the most from your most productive time. You spend your time either doing things that are important, interesting, or useful; or doing the things you have to do whether you want to do them or not. You only spend time on the things you want to ... Views: 591
Your time management skills are the missing link to what you want. Why are you so drained, stressed out, and overwhelmed now? Because you’ve allowed your life to get out of control and it’s surfacing through your time management. This lack of control isn’t just internal it’s externally ... Views: 704
Is your management style whether self-management or managing a team the root of your time management issues? Crisis management is a management style that is consistently driven by uncontrolled external issues. This management style reacts to crisis rather than proactively predicting and ... Views: 720
We run out of time, have to change the day and times of various appointments or call ahead and tell people we are going to be late and this happens more often than we would like. Besides that, it is embarrassing to have other people know that we cannot be depended on to make the appointment at ... Views: 1131
Time Management or Life Management
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
H. Jackson Brown
There aren’t enough hours ... Views: 1731
Every day we hear someone say, I am so busy. I just don't have enough time to get things done!And I imagine each of us has fallen into that same feeling from time to time. Are you a good manager of your time? Could you improve upon your use of this limited and precious item called time? If we ... Views: 2242
I don't know about you, but 24 hours in a day isn't enough. And 8 - 9 hours for work just barely covers the paperwork, order follow-up, client calls, e-mails that need answering, voicemail messages, etc. "You mean you want me to prospect and find closing time, too? What, are you ... Views: 820
Most people want and need a time management tip for effectively managing their use of the phone. Don’t be a slave to your phone learn how to master it and use it as the useful tool it can be. Unfortunately far too often the phone is your enemy sucking up tons of time with little benefit to ... Views: 649
Could personal time management actually be fun? When you think of time management you may associate time management with making yourself live by someone else’s rules so you have more time for work. That’s definitely not fun or a fun way to look at time management. We all have things we have ... Views: 688
Poor time management is a frequent cause of stress. Inefficient time management can result in: embarrassment, anxiety, worry, feelings of inadequacy, anger, fear, depression, and even sadness. The bottom line is the only person who can change that for you, is you. You are the only person who ... Views: 595
Crediting your time with its real value is an effective time management skill. Recognize that time is more valuable than your treasures, and treat it that way. Time can never be recovered, or replaced. Just like running out of money, running out of time is stressful and worrisome. There are ... Views: 633
Focus is a great time management technique. Many of you like to think you can multi-task ,and women are purportedly supposed to be good at it, but the truth is no one is good at it. Let me explain what I mean by multi-tasking. Multi-tasking isn’t planning ahead and recognizing that if you ... Views: 602
Controlling your accessibility is a time management skill that will increase your overall productivity. Do you pride yourself on your open door policy? Do you take all your own calls, stopping what you’re doing to answer the phone? Do you regularly check your emails throughout the day? Let ... Views: 748
This time management tip is about the importance of communication in your efforts to be more efficient with your time. Communication always involves at least two parties, and the more people involved the more likely communication problems will cost you time. As with any good plan you have to ... Views: 814
Excerpted from chapter 1, "Creative Time Management: An Introduction" "Managing your time well means managing your life well. People who handle their time well do it creatively. They make short- and long-term plans, set and keep realistic schedules, take efficient and timely breaks, and view ... Views: 2687
It seems the hustle and bustle of everyday life can easily consume our time and leave us with nothing but a used calendar and the thought "Wow, where did the time go?" if we're not careful. It's very easy to get caught up in responsibilities, work, and just plain everyday life.
In college I ... Views: 993
We all have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. And if you multiply that out and my math is correct (I assume it is because I've done this a few times), that gives us a total of 168 hours per week. And the thing about time is that it can only be spent, it cannot be saved. (Did you ever have ... Views: 907