Crises continue to be in our newspaper headlines and the lead stories on radio and television broadcasts. And crises continue to affect businesses in many forms and continue to occur without notice. But what’s happening where we work in response to this continuing trend of crises? Are ... Views: 2243
The public’s perceptions of the health and well being of a company can be formed by the publicity the company and its leaders receive in the media. And certainly no business or individual wants negative publicity that will taint the current “state of the business” or images of the company and ... Views: 2443
One of the best compliments related to networking that I ever received was when a highly respected chief executive introduced me to speak as “The Networkers' Networker.” Networking is a very powerful marketing tool and one that can be very positive and valuable if done properly and very costly ... Views: 2663
It is certainly no secret that stress is a fact of daily life ad is especially true in the small business workplace. And what makes it worse is most small business owners must face the challenges alone or with little or no support systems. A strategic thinking small business owner knows that he ... Views: 2988
If you currently do not view customer complaints as a valuable opportunity, you are ignoring a very effective strategic tool for success. In more than 35 years of professional experience in marketing, I can assure you that the effective handling of complaints and a good service recovery strategy ... Views: 2882
It truly amazes me how often in too many businesses there is such an aversion to sincerely asking people (employees, customers, suppliers, vendors, et al) what they think. During my 35 year professional career, I have witnessed countless missed opportunities to gain insight and powerful ... Views: 2370
In today's competitive business world, one needs to be at the "top of their game." The pressure of business can be overwhelming. Where can business owners, senior executives, executive directors of not-for-profits and others turn to handle the pressure and be powerful performers? My ... Views: 2215
Every day we hear someone say, I am so busy. I just don't have enough time to get things done!And I imagine each of us has fallen into that same feeling from time to time. Are you a good manager of your time? Could you improve upon your use of this limited and precious item called time? If we ... Views: 2245
When it comes to public speaking, do you welcome the opportunity or do you run for cover? Do you accept each chance presented or do you make up a long list of reasons to be excused from the task? If you answered NO to these questions, it is important for you to read this because public speaking ... Views: 2233
Each day we face some opportunity for negotiation. Let’s face it, negotiation is a part of our every day life and dare I say that almost everything is negotiable? So being able to acquire powerful negotiation skills so you can negotiate effectively and successfully can make a big difference in ... Views: 2458
When it comes to public speaking, do you welcome the opportunity or do you run for cover? Do you accept each chance presented or do you make up a long list of reasons to be excused from the task? If you answered NO to these questions, it is important for you to read this because public ... Views: 1003
Each of us is ultimately responsible for our own actions. Although in today’s business world, I imagine many skeptics would take exception to that statement because there is evidence that people are not held accountable for their actions, even when they are unethical. And even more disturbing, ... Views: 2027
As the U.S. and the global economies move up and down, there is always some talk that arises about concern of a worldwide recession. Let’s acknowledge that we are sometimes over-run by pessimists. When the pessimists start talking up a recession, people start to worry, get scared and begin to ... Views: 1157
In today’s competitive business world, trust is critical for a successful business and for successful relationships. I firmly believe that trust is the main ingredient in making any relationship work. Without trust in a relationship, a prospect will never become a valued client. And without ... Views: 1159
Developing and maintaining strong healthy media relations and positive media coverage is a real challenge. Today we have a very competitive and a 24/7 information overload news environment. Your “PR Doctor” and other professionals must adapt to the increasing importance of electronic ... Views: 980
Do you have any idea what role color plays in your marketing efforts? And if so, do you know what message your marketing efforts are conveying with the colors you use? Let me tell you that the colors you use in your marketing efforts – your brochures, business cards, letterhead, signage, ... Views: 2149
Have you ever thought about the millions, no lets make that billions, of communications that take place each day in the world of business? We have e-mail, IMs, cell phones, PDAs, iphones, direct face-to-face communications in meetings, and on and on and on. Communication is taking up more and ... Views: 1038
Business coaching has become more and more prevalent in today's business world. So, what is business coaching? One of the definitions I like is that business coaching is a collaborative, professional relationship that assists and guides individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, executives, and ... Views: 952