Sales is about decisions, thus master questions and get better decisions.
Despite all the science, the input of experts and top producers, the majority of salespeople still create more resistance, objections and price wars by focusing on product!
In the past decade psychology has examined the ... Views: 1226
How to Handle the “I don’t have the Time” Objection
By Mike Brooks,
Welcome to the New Year! So, are you ready to start cold calling, prospecting and reaching out to prospects? If so, you’d better be prepared for what is sure to be one of the biggest brush off ... Views: 1295
Utilizing Gratitude as a Self-Confidence builder.
There is not doubt that our attitude has an effect on our outcomes. Continually being negative, seeing the bad side of things will limit our outcomes if not eliminate the good in ones life. At the same time being positive about everything does ... Views: 1994
Do This and Lose Sales
Focus on products lose sales, solutions make sales
The North Country is dumped on, 17 inches worth of the white cold stuff. Procrastination has hit, those slick road-hugging sports tires still on the car prove to be highly useless in the slick and hard packed ... Views: 2362
Overcoming the Avoidance Motivators
In the last article, the reason most goals do not work was uncovered. (Why We Can't Change) This article will give you specific steps to overcome those barriers and accomplish more in 2010!
Interested? Read on…
People motivation is complicated and ... Views: 1654
It's November and soon Christmas, a New Year and everyone will be talking about resolutions, goals and how 2010 will be even better than ever.
All we have to do is set our specific goals, have a plan and execute!
Wait a minute! That is what was done last year and the year before!
My ... Views: 2918
It seems that anywhere I turn there is a conversation, blog, discussion or new book on Relationship Selling. You may also be seeing and hearing the banter.
I have no problem with the idea of "Relationship Selling", my only question is.
"What is this relationship?" can it be described or ... Views: 1413
Earlier this morning I commented on a debating blog about true security. By the time I was done with my rant the realization was, here is an article with some punch.
Does life limit us? Do we limit us? Does positive or negative thinking limit us? Do others limit us?
When you think of ... Views: 1465
Overcoming Risk Aversion in Selling
Help clients move forward in the selling process
The deadline is approaching, your month is ending and the prospects that should be closing and going for it are not!
What is a salesperson to do! We done the discovery, asked the questions, provided the ... Views: 2295
The passing of Michael Jackson seem to overshadow everything and several days later the buzz is still going. How can this event overshadow so many others?
I caught an early morning news program covering both Jackson and Fawcett and their passing. The interesting thing I noted was the amount ... Views: 1582
Yep, its 11pm and your still working on the stuff you brought home. The kids are in bed and so is the spouse. By the way, the spouse is not happy about this either.
This is not an isolated situation, rather it is happening more often than not to more people. With company downsizing and the ... Views: 1135
How what you do during and after the sale makes the difference
Most of us have experienced the barley acceptable services while traveling. At most your expectations are guarded optimism as to how things will go. Those who travel on a daily basis have developed their own ways of coping with the ... Views: 1948
We're at 30,000 feet and heading South to Florida for some R&R as well as business.
The young lady next to me has a very interesting book that many CEO's might benefit from. One page has a listing of words while the next page starts a story and leaves blank spaces for her to fill in. She can ... Views: 1005
It's a record at 40 feet, it may go to 41 or 42 and at 43 we're screwed! That's the jist of many conversations here in the Red River Valley as our quiet Red River swells to 3-4 times its size.
Observing how people react in such situations can give us some good insight into how they make ... Views: 1991
Life without Leaders
Can groups function without leadership?
One of my connections on LinkedIn posed an interesting question that got me thinking.
Can a Leaderless Organization Succeed?
It really got everyone thinking about what Leadership really is. Whether you’re a manager, salesperson or ... Views: 1152
I would like you to do something for me.
Take your left and right index finger and point them to your head. The area to point them at is just behind your ears on each side toward the top of the ear. Now if you push really really hard…. No, that might hurt and not be good for you.
But if you ... Views: 953
It’s Thursday and I’m meeting with a CEO of a wholesale company.
“Yes we have a very experienced sales crew, many of them with over 20 years of selling in the industry.” was John’s, the CEO, response.
“If that is so, why such a challenge in getting more market share?” I asked.
“Well, here is ... Views: 1100
7 Points in persuasive group presentations
Brian is more than nervous, this is a big deal! Actually the biggest deal to date for the financial advisor. He paces and tries to think of what and how he should present his solution to the Board of Directors.
Now Brian has done public speaking ... Views: 1198
Here we go again; this is the third trip to the big box with this new laptop that keeps messing up!
This time Shawna who bought the laptop, her husband Jason, Gwen and I approach the customer service counter.
Just to keep you up to speed, this new laptop has crashed and lost several months ... Views: 1343
8 Steps to developing the Socratic Method
Sue is meeting with Mr. Corporate, after some initial small talk Mr. Corporate asks, “What have you got?”
Sue responds, “I have prepared some ideas on your new campaign and am prepared to present it, but before I do that could you bring me up to ... Views: 1028
6 Absolutes for Top Performance.
Does your day start with something along this order? You pick up the phone, “Can we get together next Tuesday?” “Oh man we are so swamped, I don’t know how I can get freed up!” goes the voice on the other end.
Most of us in management and sales end up ... Views: 1349
4 Keys to develop the “Will Theory”
As a new sales person I always had the challenge of overcoming the negatives. Cold calling, getting lots of No’s and still making the next call. I heard lots of talk and ideas on motivation and listened to lots of tapes by Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale and ... Views: 2220
6 Steps to getting delegation buy-in.
You mean to tell me another time extension is needed to get this done. Haven’t you already had two extensions and increased budget for this project asks the president.
Yes we have and there have been all kinds of problems that have come up, we ... Views: 1082
Two Keys for using oscillation in selling
Now you’re talking with a potential customer and looking for the closing opportunity. You have used the same approach many times and sometimes it’s an automatic “yes” and other times it’s a stall. You may have asked at the “no” end of the oscillation ... Views: 2367
Engaging Customers
3 methods to get people talking
Step 1:
Have you ever wondered why some people turn sales people and others down? To get past this resistance we need to understand that selling is all about communications, not your product. In this segment we will start with the ... Views: 4668
4 key areas that sales managers need to focus on
14 Sep 2006
Joe had a full day with 9 appointments. He comes back to the office with his head hung. The boss asks, “Did you sell something today?”
“Not one dang thing”, retorts Joe, “The competition is killing us!”
I just wonder how ... Views: 1388
A Gardener I am not, but a few years ago some Raspberries were transplanted and took over the North side of my house. As I was taking my evening stroll in my yard, I noticed that they were loaded with sweet red berries. I decided to spend the time picking several quarts of the elusive red ... Views: 1088
You mean to tell me another time extension is needed to get this done. Haven’t you already had two extensions and increased budget for this project asks the president.
Yes we have and there have been all kinds of problems that have come up, we are not getting the support from the other ... Views: 932
Now you’re talking with a potential customer and looking for the closing opportunity. You have used the same approach many times and sometimes it’s an automatic “yes” and other times it’s a stall. You may have asked at the “no” end of the oscillation rather than the “yes”.
· Unless ... Views: 1353
It’s been one of those days; Ben has made several calls today with mixed results. One has really got him pondering what he is doing wrong. A customer decided to go with a competitor whose salesman has a questionable reputation. The competitive sales person promises a great deal, most of which he ... Views: 959
A Gardner I am not, but a few years ago some Raspberries were transplanted and took over the North side of my house. As I was taking my evening stroll in my yard, I noticed that they were loaded with sweet red berries. I decided to spend the time picking several quarts of the elusive red ... Views: 1237
Over the years I’ve read a hundred sales books with all kinds of different approaches and ideas. Some were very good and others left questions about their authors understanding of selling.
When ever I found myself in a slump or things just didn’t seem to work the answer always seem to be in ... Views: 1040