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Developing a mobile app can be a challenging task, and finding the right Android App Developer to work on your project can be an even greater challenge. With the vast number of Android App Development company and freelance developers available, it's essential to choose the right professional who ... Views: 479
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Is it better to consult a relationship expert or psychic?
The simple answer is that it depends on why you are consulting them. For some who very much into finding out about their marriage, relationship, ex etc then you might think that it is always best to consult the relationship expert rather ... Views: 612
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am writing to you for your professional opinion regarding my 15 year old son. His behavior overall is good but when he gets angry he throws things swears a lot and just a few minutes ago destroyed my vacuum cleaner in one blow to the floor.
I am a single parent about ... Views: 705
Yes you can do this - if you have spare time and can do with more money, a lot more money coming in. The beauty of it is that you are working online from wherever suits you, so you can work from home if you prefer. This saves you travelling and travelling expenses, plus the expense of having an ... Views: 652
Separating from your spouse is always a difficult process, but it becomes even more complicated if there are kids in the picture. Explaining your reasons for separating can be uncomfortable, but it can be a healthy conversation if done correctly. Here are four tips that will help you explain ... Views: 760
Mother’s Day Treats That Will Make Her Smile
With Mother’s Day fast approaching it’s time to think about what gifts the special lady in your life would like. With ideas to suit all budgets, this should help you decide on the perfect way to show your mum you love her.
Shopping ... Views: 825
As a single parent, you probably have so little free time that dating seems an impossible task. Yet, single parents are dating in unprecedented numbers, so if you’re looking for another “head of household” to date, you can find one.
As a responsible parent, you’ll want to be very cautious about ... Views: 848
For any business, booklets can be used for marketing as well as training purposes. The number of pages a booklet should have depends on the amount and type of information you want to convey.
Selecting the right type of booklet can be difficult for any business owner. Here are 5 popular types ... Views: 779
Why subscribe for the solutions of a car breakdown service company? This can be a problem you could have found yourself asking, upon being introduced to such services. Obviously, you can have identified that vehicles break down, but maybe it's your competition that after your car or truck stops ... Views: 642
Dr. Romance: It is not necessary to argue about parenting your kids. Couples usually argue about how their parents raised them, and they want to do the same (or the opposite) of what their parents did.
How Not to Pass Your Family Dysfunction on to your kids:
1. Don't do it the way ... Views: 788
Dear Dr. Romance:
I hope you don't mind me writing you but I came across an article that you said: "The best interest of the child also could preclude a mom from gaining custody," says Dr. Tessina. "If a judge doesn't deem that the mother meets the ... Views: 753
Dr. Romance is pleased to announce the publication of a new edition of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things that Can Ruin Your Relationship
“With a Ph.D., fifteen books, and 40 years of counseling experience, under her belt, [Redbook Love Expert] Tina ... Views: 825
You and your family should know how to handle a sudden, overnight emergency. Try to resolve the problem yourself before calling a professional. Here is the basic knowledge that each of your family members must know.
Keep a First Aid Kit Around
A first aid kit contains bandages, alcohol, ... Views: 747
On the 25th of November, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, opened up about her experience of baby loss in an article for the New York Times. In her emotive piece, she explains her harrowing experience, she describes “sitting in a hospital bed, watching my husband’s heartbreak as he tried to ... Views: 720
Dear Dr. Romance:
My husband has a son with his ex-wife. He is 12, but she still invites him to sleep in her bed. How old is too old to be sleeping with Mom? I know kids from divorced parents have different issues-- one being how a child should sleep, what ... Views: 807
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have read several of your comments in articles on the website concerning when to introduce a new girlfriend to your children. I have a unique situation. I have been divorced for over a year two teenage boys. A few months ago a woman I met long ... Views: 792
Dear Dr. Romance:
I'm a high school assistant and I fell in love with mother of one of my students. She doesn't know anything about and has some difficulty with her son's wife. I told her I want to help you to sort out your problem, but I have no idea how to help her and ... Views: 778
Many teens look forward to the day when they start their high school experiences. Although there is a sense of excitement, the process can be stressful as well. Students are immersed in a totally new environment with different classes, social expectations, and a new sort of school culture. There ... Views: 771
Sending your teen driver out on the road alone is always a scary proposition for parents. We wonder not only if they are able to handle routine driving safely but also whether they are capable of dealing with the unexpected. Before handing over the keys, make sure your teen driver knows these ... Views: 836
Dr. Romance asks: Are you a single parent? Wondering whether you're too old to be back on the market? Well, wonder no more. Here are guidelines to help you date safely and successfully
Parental Dating Guidelines • Make sure you know a lot about any new person before ... Views: 925
Federal governments have a responsibility to assure the right to health and wellness and also to avoid, deal with and also manage upsurges. In order to do this, they might momentarily limit some human civil liberties to react to health and wellness emergency situations in prompt as well as ... Views: 875
A Good Fantastic parent is a person who Attempts to create conclusions
In the optimal/optimally sake of their little one.
A awesome parent doesn't need to look amazing. Nobody will be
No infant is perfect maybe... keeping this in your mind would be
Important if individuals ... Views: 786
Remember getting through a breakup listening to music that defined your situation the best?
And running a car on the highway listening to music that created an environment?
I definitely do. All of us do. But why is it said how does music affect teenagers’ emotions and behavior when we ... Views: 962
Each and every parent wishes to equip their children with instruments to succeed. There is no single method for victory, however, you will find certain traits many successful folks possess in accordance. Here's how you can inculcate them on your son or daughter.
Working with fire
Infuse ... Views: 766
Parents and mentors of children always expect them to do well in every aspect of life. However, because of such expectations, we may be putting the child under unnecessary pressure. These expectations might sometimes create an aversion from things that could actually benefit the child. ... Views: 842
Are you someone who doesn’t know how to express (attract) themself?
Are you someone who is afraid to talk whom you like?
The attraction is a way to express your affection towards the opposite. There are many proven tips & tricks to attract the opposite gender but here we discussed the ... Views: 835
Are you searching to get a hot and famous Sikh baby-girl title for the princess? Locate a set of high one hundred most trending and popular Sikh baby-girl names directly here.
Are you currently searching for exceptional, modern day and hottest titles for Sikh ladies? We've compiled high 100 ... Views: 880
The Influence of Coronavirus on Small Business
As a human, I'm sure you've been suffering from COVID-19 (also known as story coronavirus) in a few way.
Whether which means worrying all about elderly parents, changing journey ideas or stocking up on needs to home based for the foreseeable ... Views: 983
Dear Dr. RomanceI am in my forties, and hadn't had sex in years. I met someone and we CLICKED. We had sex on the 2nd date, I know you can't unring the bell, and I'm betting that was probably a mistake, but there is a serious physical attraction between this man and myself ... Views: 1059
If you want to find a cute and trendy suitcase for your college student, you have some great options to consider when shopping. Quality has improved to make traditional favorites even better, and you even have luggage options implementing technology like never before.
You should check out these ... Views: 822
Work from home and earn well.
No cost or outlay to you.
Earn £60 per hour advising people on relationships.. love... marriage... life.
This is your chance to shine - though if you are the sort of person we are seeking you are probably shining already.
We need three more people who have a ... Views: 902
Winter storms and cold temperatures can be dangerous. Stay safe and healthy by planning ahead. Prepare your home and cars. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on older adults.
Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us may not be ready for its arrival. If you are ... Views: 951
No matter how angry or hurt you may be after a divorce, if you have children, you’ll still share a lifetime with their other parent, your ex. Dr. Romance offers guidelines for moving past the anger and hurt, and finding a way to co-parent your children that is good for ... Views: 968
The internet has revolutionized how we do things but it can be a dangerous neighborhood, particularly for children and teens. There seems to be a never-ending list of online dangers for teens including online predators, improper social media use and even cyberbullying.
The best weapons ... Views: 1201
Raising a human is the most difficult thing. Young humans have just arrived here, they are getting so easily excited and disappointed at the same time. Sometimes they think everyone is a friend of theirs and they can trust anybody, while most of the times they feel lost and alone on this planet, ... Views: 1044
Well here we are again, Monday. So what is it this time? Is it because I'm fed up of being the one observing everyone else enjoy their lives, have successful careers and live happy and fulfilled lives while I sit at home and dream of being some sort of writer where I can inspire others with my ... Views: 894
Communication and mutual agreement between people of different age groups has become more difficult due to the generation gap. The new generation learns and matures at a quicker pace, given the exposure to social media and an overall increase in technology. As a result, parents, children, and ... Views: 969
Whether it’s getting your kids ready for school or you are trying to send your little one to daycare every day, your life as an office going parents seems to be shaking on the edge of chaos. With your smart home security system connected to your smartphone you can take several things off your ... Views: 1022
It’s excrutiating to witness the pain of someone you love. Whether that pain is physical, emotional or spiritual, it is almost overwhelming to witness knowing there is little you can do to really alleviate the pain.
Sure, with physical pain you might be able to make the other person more ... Views: 1095
Dear Dr. Romance:
Ok so I am 19 and am kinda falling for a guy who is 20 years old than me. I am not asking your opinion on if it's wrong and nor do I want to hear "that's disgusting" my mother and father were 23 years apart in age. I like older guys cause I can relate to them better than guys ... Views: 1506
Acne could be a serious issue for plenty of women out there. Definitely, it causes embarrassment, anxiety, social isolation among women and at the same time, can give you scar marks all over your face and skin. In several cases, women are not even employed in some industries. For the past few ... Views: 1123
I assess bullying as a form of abuse. Our first child abuse laws had many starts and stops; they did not really gain traction until the 1970’s. These laws addressed physical and sexual abuse, not emotional abuse. Church and State enabled abuse and the paradigm that women and children were ... Views: 1626
Every parent knows that it’s normal for kids and teens to act out. Tantrums, fights with siblings, arguments with you…they are all a part of growing up as kids start seeking their own independence and autonomy. However, sometimes there could be a lot more going on under the surface.
When my ... Views: 1511
It’s never been easy to raise a child, but with the addition of something as widespread, ever-changing and topical as social media, parents can feel as if they’re always playing catch up. According to Verywell Family, 51 percent of teens use social media sites daily. With so many adolescents on ... Views: 1688
Teens are more depressed now than ever before. Given the stresses of their lives (constant monitoring via technology, tuition hikes, cost of living making it harder to prepare for the future, school stress) that isn’t a big surprise. But it is still a tragedy and as parents, it can be hard to ... Views: 1633
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am a divorced father of 3. I am remarried. My 11 year old daughter is very upset about her mother's new boyfriend that is also still married. He was first introduced as a friend but she doesn't understand why he is always at the house and stays till late at night. My ... Views: 1633
“But dad, all my friends have phones and I don’t. Kimberly’s mum got her one for her 12th birthday just last week and I don’t want to be the odd one out,” pleaded my daughter.
I reluctantly looked up from the gift I was struggling to wrap - a Bosch mixer I bought for my wife this ... Views: 1776