A crucial step that anyone should take to avoid having and spreading COVID-19 is right and clear mask use. Masks work best when everyone wears them, but the same security is not given by all masks “Physicians says”. Look at how well it suits, how well it cleans the air, and how many ... Views: 453
This season, we will in general see more loved ones becoming sick with instances of the sniffles, coughs, and flu. As we prepare for gatherings and blessing giving, however, the exact opposite thing anybody needs to be is wiped out. On the off chance that you are worried about getting or ... Views: 467
If you get the flu, you’ll likely experience a high fever, sore throat, cough, and lots of aches and pains. You might feel like you don’t need to see a doctor, and opt to treat yourself with extra rest and fluids. But in certain cases, seeing a doctor will help you get better faster ... Views: 466
When you’re sick eating the best food is very important. Because you can get more energy from food. These 14 best foods have a large amount of vitamins that will support your body and boost your immune system while its fighting an illness.
These Are 14 Best Food To Eat When ... Views: 499
This month is Women’s History Month, and as discussions of women’s importance spread, so too do discussions of women’s health. Throughout history, there have been certain risks and conditions that affect women more so than men. Many of these risks are influenced by a multitude ... Views: 692
In recent news, there have been reports about women’s heart health in the celebrity world. While stories of sudden heart failure might seem random and unpredictable, for women, there are often symptoms that go unchecked. There are lots of warnings about heart attacks, such as feeling ... Views: 723
Winter storms and cold temperatures can be dangerous. Stay safe and healthy by planning ahead. Prepare your home and cars. Prepare for power outages and outdoor activity. Check on older adults.
Although winter comes as no surprise, many of us may not be ready for its arrival. If you are ... Views: 934
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a stroke that lasts only a few minutes. It happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is briefly blocked. The Symptoms are like other strokes, but do not last as long.
They happen suddenly, and include,
.Numbness or weakness, especially on one ... Views: 773
With 2019 well underway and winter chills rolling in, sniffles and coughs are spreading. Families might be noticing neighbors and children coming down with colds and fevers and wonder if this means the flu is lurking nearby. Widespread flu shots might not be advertised as often, but flu season ... Views: 530