Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson is The Official Guide to "Organizing and Learning How to Organize". You can find complete information on Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson and her products by visiting Tame Your Paper Tiger in the Digital Age.
Does the thought of de-cluttering your home, closet, a drawer or any space in your home make you uncomfortable? Perhaps you feel tired, sad or ashamed so you feel which stands in your way of de-cluttering your home. If you said yes to any of these questions perhaps you are hanging on to beliefs ... Views: 1831
Campus or school education isn’t sufficient to equip one with these very vital leadership skills. This is because what individual encounters at on the job is generally quite different from what he has studied in college. It’s for this fact that organizational leadership training is a must for ... Views: 1081
PDFs, Docs, and image files all take space, but how much?
So you’ve gone paperless and are now storing all your documents on your hard drive. Great! By doing so, you’ve likely freed up tons of space in your office by eliminating the need for paper storage. Just because the papers don’t take ... Views: 904
PDFs, Docs, and image files all take space, but how much?
So you’ve gone paperless and are now storing all your documents on your hard drive. Great! By doing so, you’ve likely freed up tons of space in your office by eliminating the need for paper storage. Just because the papers don’t take ... Views: 902
All day long moms have many decisions to make, what to cook for dinner, whether to do two spelling lessons or not, if we should go to the library today or tomorrow, etc. We have all kinds of decisions to make and one of the biggest and longest lasting as far as long-term impact, is whether or ... Views: 962
Summer is here! Time to relax, sleep in, and …get organized? While most aren’t looking for a big summer project (see and ... Views: 1287
You’ve been hearing about it for a while now: The Cloud. Probably you’ve heard about it enough by now that you might be afraid to ask this simple question: uh… what is The Cloud?
The Cloud is essentially the Internet. When people talk about storing data on The Cloud, think of it as files ... Views: 905
If you are trying to get organized, close your eyes for just a minute and imagine the moments that make you disorganized. Think through the last day, week, month, or even year(s) of your life … and you’ll see them there, as obvious as the big pile of clutter on your desk.
While it’s true that ... Views: 1280
The latest advice we hear from the business gurus is “Work smart, not hard.” Yes, of course; that makes sense. But what does it mean? What exactly should we do to work “smart?”
Working smart means being effective – focusing on the results we’re after, not the process we use to achieve them. ... Views: 1360
Managed IT Services have served as a boon to the software development and computer savvy companies. They are based on the managed services model which is proactive in nature. The clients have saved tens of thousands of dollars a year, as they are given a stable network that is easy to maintain ... Views: 960
Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Whether you've just launched your first business or you're neck-deep in three or four, you know how easily the hours can slip away when you're your own boss. I've spoken with a lot of entrepreneurs over the years (and am one myself, of course!), and in that ... Views: 2190
You know the all too common question in job applications and at job interviews:
“Do you like to work on your own or as part of a team?”
This is one of the questions that most people now know what to answer to please the interviewers and maybe score a few points. You say that you "like” ... Views: 1995
Organizing your life and creating habits doesn't have to be a major overhaul, it can be simple steps that you perform everyday that can make a difference. Here are a few of my favorites that help to make my life easier:
1. Every time you fill your car up ... Views: 2076
As each day is bringing new challenges and people, the organizations with all their capability and rules need to adapt swiftly to retain a firm grip of the situation. Adapting to newer agendas, newer styles, newer policies and other newer things is indeed very important for prosperity and ... Views: 1078
Doing laundry can be one of the best chores to take on or it can be one of the worst. For starters, let’s think about the best case scenario.
How can there be a best case scenario for laundry, you ask? Well think of it this way. In a perfect world you just have to go down to your laundry ... Views: 1375
For the last two weeks, I have had more space in my schedule and it has been wonderful. More space means that I have time to think. Time to do whatever needs to be done in that moment. Time to see friends that I have been meaning to see for too long.
And where did I find this time you ... Views: 1220
What in the heck is a “wantrepreneur” anyways?
A wantrepreneur is exactly that. They simply “want” to “preneu” or start something of their own, but they never develop the mental focus and determination to make their dreams a reality. Here are four rules to help you strengthen your ... Views: 2862
There is an old proverb called “For Want of a Nail” that goes like this:
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for ... Views: 1523
Are you a Downton Abbey fan? I must admit, I’m a sucker for a good British period drama. There’s something about the architecture, the politics, the fashion, the formalities, the romance, and … the organizing.
Yes, you read that right! Although discreet, there are organizing, time management, ... Views: 1375
I have been compiling a quick list of practical tips to help you in the process of maintaining work-life balance as well as provide a tool to manage overwhelm.
You have probably heard of some of these before, but are you actually doing them? Probably not, right?
So, if this resonates for ... Views: 1908
Today I’ve compiled for a very quick top ten list of my favorite organizing tips.
- Get more sleep! – You’ve heard it here before but it cannot be overstated: you will never be more organized then your personal energy allows.
- Pitch your mail ASAP – sort your mail as you walk into your ... Views: 1290
For some homeowners, a garage is little more than a storage shed, but that doesn't mean your garage can't be organized. Here are tips for organizing your garage so you can reclaim some lost space.
First, you need to stop seeing your garage as an extension of your attic or a substitute for a ... Views: 1282
How often do you feel unproductive and disorganized while you working? You are fully aware that if you made some changes at work, things would improve dramatically, but you don’t know where to start so you don´t do anything. If you start by making small changes, one by one, over time you will ... Views: 1491
Big pictures can make you feel small and ineffective. So, break it up into daily chunks – manageable little pieces. Don’t decide to be happy every day. Just decide to make this day a good day and let Jesus be the Lord of what is undone at the end of that day.
"You may say to yourselves, ... Views: 994
What are you tolerating in your life that is keeping you from success? Tolerations are like the shoes that are left in the middle of the floor which you keep walking around instead of putting away. It may seem easier to take the few extra steps than to remove the obstacle, but in time those ... Views: 1416
Non profit Organization” is authorized to gather adequate earnings that must be organised on by the company for its self maintenance, development, or plans. NPO’s have selected panel associates, guiding panel associates, or trustees who owe the company a fiduciary work of commitment and believe ... Views: 1048
Set up a system that syncs with the lifecycle of paper.
No matter how organized the rest of your office may be, it’s easy to feel like things are out of control when your desk is covered with papers. Although you may have heard rumors that the so-called “paperless world” has arrived, you and ... Views: 2750
A lot of people think that it is not really necessary to keep a live scorecard. For one, it can be tedious, not to mention time consuming. But then again, keeping a scorecard will be able to help teams as well as individuals to discover what they need to change in the organization and, at the ... Views: 1189
Are you a disorganized person?
Is that what you are telling yourself when you can’t find your report in the morning or your socks don’t match or you walk in 10 minutes late to a meeting?
Or are you telling yourself something worse?
That you are lazy.
That you are stupid.
That ... Views: 1438
Systems are simply ways of automating or structuring processes so that they can occur without so much thought or attention—and by more than just one person, so that the business can continue to run if you decide to take a vacation.
Figuring Out What to Systematize
For most of us, ... Views: 1257
A starting point for organizing any room is to identify the function of the space. What kinds of activities are going to happen there? Those activities then guide your decision-making about what to keep in the space.
Bedrooms usually have three primary functions:
1. Rest
2. Changing ... Views: 1845
In my twelve years as a professional organizer I’ve run into many women who are still trying to keep house just like “Mom” did. So, what’s wrong with that? After all, Mom was the role model. There would be nothing wrong with that if Mom’s life was comparable to the lives of women ... Views: 1520
Easily the biggest piece of furniture in the room, the bed can have a profound impact on both the health of its occupants and the quality of the relationship of a couple. It is important to consider the comfort of the mattress and the history of the mattress and bed frame.
Your bed should be ... Views: 1990
As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, your goal in setting up your bedroom is to create a space that is completely conducive to sleep. The energy of smelly feet can only be distracting. Why is it that I so often find pairs of shoes strewn over bedroom floors?
I’m fairly certain that part of ... Views: 2394
If you’ve ever moved a house full of furniture, accessories and personal belongings, you know how expensive it can be. It’s not like college, when you can just load up and old van with laundry baskets full of jean and sweatshirts and go truckin’ merrily down the road. Moving in the grown up ... Views: 1108
Moving day is very stressful and the more planning and organizing you can do in advance, the easier things will go on moving day. Here are some organizational tips to help you start early and reduce stress when moving.
If you are Moving Locally
A local move is easier than a long distance ... Views: 1016
If you are moving, you already stressed. The last thing you want is to find your favorite wall art or family heirlooms broken or damaged when you unpack them at your new home. Here’s how to avoide that unwelcome scenario.
Start Early
Pack early so you have plenty of time to pack carefully. ... Views: 1449
It has been said that moving is one of the most stressful of life’s events, only slightly less stressful than divorce and death of a spouse. However, getting organized in advance of the move can greatly reduce the stress and make the move much easier. Here are four tips to help your next move go ... Views: 1220
You’ve moved! The big event is finally behind you, but now you have a lot of unpacking to do. This part of the job can be as hard as packing up and moving itself. However, by planning ahead and being organized in the way you pack your boxes, you can make settling in to your new home a lot easier ... Views: 1142
Event Managers begin planning by booking an event at a particular location. Next what they do is plan meals and drinks, entertainment, audiovisual needs, overnight accommodations for guests, visitors and social programs and other support services. It will also help to seek sponsorships ... Views: 1254
Mobile Application Development is becoming more and more popular these days. There are various innovative programs designed that allows the companies to obtain new levels of achievements.
Mobile phones have considerably designed over the last few years due to large upgrades in connections ... Views: 2417
It was a warm July morning, birds were singing outside my open window and the curtains ruffled in the breeze. I was standing in my bedroom and I was scared. I thought scary things are supposed to only happen in the dark on cold rainy nights. I had a good reason to be afraid as I was trying to ... Views: 1619
Getting rid of clutter just got easier by usingthese 2 tried and true ways to manage your time and get rid of clutter. If youthink you don’t have enough hours in the day try these for 10 days ans find outwhat a big difference they make.
When I think of my 82 year old grandma I think of her ... Views: 2081
A survey by Real Simple Magazine and the Families and Work Institute revealed that almost half of American women say they don't have enough free time. The survey defined "free time" as "time that you spend on yourself, where you can choose to do things that you enjoy." I was surprised that the ... Views: 1056
“To be able to open a cabinet, drawer or closet and find what I’m looking for;” “To start my family’s day on time and on a positive note;” “To experience the joy of leisure time.” These are all reasons clients have told me they want to get organized. Although each reason supports a different ... Views: 1072
Regardless whether you just have an interest in photography, or are an advanced photographer, there is an exciting new photographer's community available for you. With an innovative outlet for everything photography, this is a spectacular opportunity to learn tips, tricks, chat with ... Views: 1117
Listening is both an internal and external activity. We listen externally when we converse with others or tune into the radio or television. We listen internally when we pay attention to our inner thoughts and conversations. Both types of listening are necessary for good organization – ... Views: 2862
You don't consider yourself a messy or disorganized person, but somehow the paperwork and files continue to pile up on your desk. Besides saving your sanity, having an organized office will help improve your productivity, which can have all kinds of positive residual effects -- less stress, or ... Views: 1461
First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination. ~ Napoleon Hill
In the era of “big data,” we will be called upon to retrieve information frequently. ... Views: 1432
Want to create a high performance environment? My guess is that you already know many of the characteristics listed below. But, you may need some incentive to motivate yourself to create that type of space. Here you go!
High performance environments are:
• Comfortable and make visitors ... Views: 1948