I have often been dismayed to see ineffectiveness in my Bible reading. It seems that if I miss one day, I am more likely to miss another. It has a snowball effect, and before I know it the one day I was too busy, too tired, too behind in housework, too–whatever–turns into many days that I have ... Views: 952
Why does it matter to be still? I believe it is because that is how you get in touch with God’s heart and see things a little more from the perspective of God. He says it is simple to do this, just two little words, “Be still.”
Yet as little as those words are, we’ve been raised in such a ... Views: 792
Sometimes it is hard to enjoy your work. Cleaning up a messy house is work that is no fun at all. If you watch my husband tackle a big job you will see him model something we all need to mimic. At the end of a busy day of work, whether the project is complete or still in process, I can ... Views: 1019
Where do you find anything about romance in the Bible? You don’t. Not anywhere.
Where do you look for romance or get your idea of romance?
• The world?
• Pride and Prejudice?
• Romance movies?
• Christian romance stories?
• Advertisements?
• Marriage retreats where you can have time ... Views: 640
When children come, make sure your husband’s wife doesn’t leave. Don’t ever let your love for your child overshadow your love for your husband. Make sure that, once you become a mother, you don’t forget you were a wife first and still are. Be his warm and always-willing woman. He should never ... Views: 1205
I am always looking for a quick and easy cure for my ills. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to actually eat right to do it. I want to keep eating chocolate and lose weight without any effort on my part. A pill or my own personal cook would do it nicely, but I don’t have any of those ... Views: 616
King George and his army must have been having a good laugh on the battlefield. George Washington and his Continental Army had been whipped in battle after battle in their campaign to become independent from Britain. British troops had driven the Americans out of New York City, across the Hudson ... Views: 807
The biggest gift you have for your husband is yourself.
Let’s look at what Solomon’s love said about him along this line in Song of Songs 7:10,
“I belong to my lover, and his desire is for me.”
Did you notice the confidence and pride with which she says this? She happily proclaims that ... Views: 1097
One thing I learned soon after I was married is that when God speaks and really wants to get my attention, He doesn’t just say something once. Maybe it is because He knows I don’t catch on quickly. Or maybe it is yet another facet of His amazing grace and mercy.
I have found that God echoes. ... Views: 699
Hope in self leads to disillusion. Is it possible that this is why so many walk around with serious addictions, and although they try everything to break their bad habits, they remain unsuccessful? Is it possible that this is why unhappiness and even suicide are on the rise? Is it possible that ... Views: 811
All day long moms have many decisions to make, what to cook for dinner, whether to do two spelling lessons or not, if we should go to the library today or tomorrow, etc. We have all kinds of decisions to make and one of the biggest and longest lasting as far as long-term impact, is whether or ... Views: 964
Juggling regular responsibilities like meals, housework, errands, etc. is a lot to do. But when you add a precious baby into the equation you add a lot more than seems logical. The baby is maybe 8 pounds at birth but the weight of the equipment that you got to make life easier with an infant ... Views: 973
What is respect in a marriage?
In Proverbs 14:1 the Bible describes two kinds of women:
“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” (NIV)
There are some things that a woman does that build the people she cares about, and there are others ... Views: 924
If you want your marriage to succeed, make sure that these four things that can kill your marriage are avoided.
A University of Washington researcher who has studied marriage and married couples for years states that these four behaviors can kill both your love for one another and your ... Views: 1498
Big pictures can make you feel small and ineffective. So, break it up into daily chunks – manageable little pieces. Don’t decide to be happy every day. Just decide to make this day a good day and let Jesus be the Lord of what is undone at the end of that day.
"You may say to yourselves, ... Views: 1000
The majority of the death and destruction that came with Hurricane Katrina wasn’t caused by the storm. The biggest problem was the levees that gave way because the walls built to hold the water back were not as strong as they needed to be. Here are 6 walls that every woman needs to give vigilant ... Views: 966