In my twelve years as a professional organizer I’ve run into many women who are still trying to keep house just like “Mom” did. So, what’s wrong with that? After all, Mom was the role model. There would be nothing wrong with that if Mom’s life was comparable to the lives of women today.

When I look at my mother’s reality compared to mine, there are major differences:

• For most of the years that we three children were at home, she did not work outside the home. Therefore, she had much more time to manage all the tasks of running a home.
• The pace of life was much slower than it is today; therefore it was easier to keep up with all the chores of running a home. Easier, not easy. It’s never easy to keep up with the demands of raising children and running a home.
• There was no instant access to people with voicemail and email, so there were fewer social contacts to make on a daily basis. Mom wasn’t accessible to others at all times, as is the norm today.
• There were no computers to distract them from getting things done. Not only that, but there was no need to learn to use new technology like computers, cell phones, email, iPods, iPads, etc., activities that take time, focus and energy.
• There were fewer activities for children to participate in, therefore children played closer to home and did not require as much transportation.
• Academic expectations and involvement in extracurricular activities were such that children still had time to contribute to maintaining the home by regularly doing household chores.
• So, given those differences, does it make sense to aim for the same level of organization and home maintenance by the same means? In other words, should women still be trying to do it all by themselves in addition to working outside the home, having more to do because of voicemail, email, computers, etc., more running around to children’s activities and events, and less help? No! That’s a setup for feelings of chronic inadequacy, chronic fatigue, and hating life!

What do I recommend?

By all means, don’t compare yourself to your mother! You have two choices: Get more help or lower your expectations. Remember that times are different and it’s imperative that you do things differently to achieve the results you want. One of the biggest mistakes moms make these days is to carry too much of the load of home maintenance. Husbands and children get off easy because moms pick up so much of the slack.

Stop it! Ask for help! Hire help! Doing so is imperative today, not optional, given current realities. You have a right to rest, play and leisure time too! Do it! Your health and the quality of your life and that of your family depend on it!

Author's Bio: 

Author and Feng Shui Organizing Expert, Debbie Bowie is a professional organizerand leading authority on using clutter clearing and feng shui principles to attract more of what you want in your life. If you're ready to finally free your life from clutter, get started today and download her free report 10 Feng Shui Organizing Tips to Improve Health and Prosperity.