We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Nutrition". If you have expertise in Nutrition and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
What does scientific research tell us about the best diet for excellent health?
If we look at all of the results of the nutritional studies from the past 40 years, and then look at traditional diet plans, we find the truth. Most of the gold standard, unbiased research on diet and health has ... Views: 845
Those who come to see me for nutritional guidance or sign up for my newsletter, Nutri-Jyoti News, lead busy lives. And I've noticed a trend in the questions my private clients, in particular, ask me in their first consultation. These questions also sometimes come up in direct enquiries I ... Views: 547
Do you eat any of these foods even though you are trying to lose weight? Even if you consume them "every now and then" they could still be causing you to struggle with your weight loss. This list below is only a few examples of some of the worst foods you should be removing from your diet.
Work ... Views: 1150
A while back, a fellow member of an e-mail list serve that I belong to, asked the following:
"What do you take for calcium if you are not getting enough from diet. I used to take Tums, but now I heard that they don't do anything. Any suggestions"
I said there are 10 facts you need to know in ... Views: 1830
We are definitely an "inflammation nation".
Technically, you need some inflammation to heal wounds and fight infection, but an abundance of processed foods and the ensuing deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids can lead to a very dangerous (and increasingly more common) condition known as chronic ... Views: 8147
“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food”…Hippocrates
According to Canada’s Food Guide To Healthy Eating ... Views: 1268
It was just a few months ago when I experienced what some might call a "senior moment". I was in a conversation and, all of a sudden, I had a thought I wanted to get out, but could not think of the word I needed to express it. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but the specific word I was ... Views: 1239
The popularity of the Mediterranean Diet and it's apparent impact on longevity has led to research into the substance resveratrol, an ingredient found in red wine and a diet staple in the Mediterranean culture.
After extensive experimentation, doctors have concluded that resveratrol ... Views: 1291
I insist it is much easier to lose weight fast than you believe. All it takes are some healthy eating guidelines.
Seriously, if you can just follow three quick healthy eating guidelines you can be well on your way to fitting into your skinny jeans again.
With that being said there is a lot ... Views: 801
Natural Stem Cell Enhancers – An Exciting New Paradigm in Health
For many years now, research involving stem cells has been all over the news headlines … for a good reason.
According to the U.S. government’s National Institutes for Health (NIH), “Stem cells have the ... Views: 608
what a dilemna. Have you ever walked into your closet which is most likely overstuffed and overfilled with clothes and have literally said to yourself...hmmm, I have absolutely nothing to wear! It's not only an ironic statement, but beyond that, it's a ludicrous statement.
We as American and ... Views: 627
Common sense tells us we need good nutrition to live healthy. Obviously. And yet, in spite of this good common sense we possess, we are often guilty of mismanaging our diet. It happens all the time. Our grandmothers have rightly hit upon the answer. Simply put: Our eyes are bigger than our ... Views: 986
As February is heart month I thought it fitting to write about things that are good for your heart, and beans is one of them.
As a child, I remember all the teasing that went on with the cute little jingle “Beans, beans the musical fruit…. the more you eat, the more you…” (You can probably ... Views: 1685
Most people have the mistaken notion that to lose weight, you go on a diet for a set amount of time, and then you can return to what you previously were eating. Somehow magically, you will stay at the lower weight that your diet brought to you. False! To permanently change your weight and at the ... Views: 894
It can happen to the best of us. It’s that time of night when you’ve settled down for the evening. The overwhelming urge to eat again is nibbling away at you. Temptation is overpowering your willpower even though you know eating at night can cause you to pack on the pounds. Take charge of this ... Views: 2958
The announcement of AcaiBerryMD.com, an online portal recently launched, dedicated to educating the public on acai berry health and nutritional facts.
At AcaiBerryMD, people can quickly find facts and related information (e.g., acai berry, acai juice, acai benefits, etc.) they've been looking ... Views: 819
Today, a growing consumer population enjoys using herbal supplements for proactive health care. Herbal supplements are used by men and women to support optimal well-being. Herbal supplements are also the first preference of an aging population who use supplements to enhance their quality of life ... Views: 745
Most people claim there is no difference between synthetically derived vitamins and ones derived from natural sources. In fact, synthetic vitamins are cheaper which makes them the preferred choice of those who take vitamin supplements daily. Synthetic vitamins are cheaper because they are ... Views: 1781
Did you know that many foods are powerful enough to stoke your metabolism, improve your mood, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure(hypertension) and reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer?
When we think of the food, we normally think of what its going to taste like and what ... Views: 925
Make Peace with Food.
Ellen R. Glovsky, PhD,RD,LDN
The Nutrition and Diet Coach
Looking for the “Perfect Diet”
Many people believe they are overweight and “go on a diet” to correct that problem. Obviously, these people expect to lose weight! These expectations are generally unrealistic. ... Views: 512
With the pace of modern life we often feel we don't have time to prepare meals so we may go for quick options of pre-prepared foods or meals. One of the main comments I hear is - "I don't have time to prepare my own food".
What if I said to you "You don't need much time". It's all about ... Views: 544
Ayurveda is a natural medical system that's been going for over 5000 yrs. It's made up of many different parts and is the "science of life" that offers us knowledge that comes from the beginning of time.
Traditionally Ayurveda is associated with India because of how long it has been used in ... Views: 483
If you've been a regular Total Fitness newsletter reader (www.TotalFitness.net), you are aware that we encourage people to eat well, exercise in a balanced way, get enough rest and release stress.
The ability to revise all those areas of your life simultaneously is key to turning your ... Views: 923
Nutritional advice has generally been based on the premise that the particular nutrient we are deficient in is the one that needs to be supplemented. That means the core problem was seen to be a nutritional deficiency.
There is another viewpoint, which has taken hold some time ago and is fast ... Views: 864
With a brand new start to another year (and all the doom and gloom in the news lately) we may want to pay a little more attention to our physical and emotional well-being. One condition that can make us feel sick and/or tired and can also trigger anxiety and depression is a condition called ... Views: 1641
Have you seen the television ads that recently started running about high fructose corn syrup? The Corn Refiners Association started running them a couple of months ago. This campaign is estimated to cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 to $30 million. Why is the Corn Refiners Association ... Views: 882
Winter is the season of Kapha and the following are some of the characteristics that indicate balance in this Ayurvedic type: nurturing, forgiving, faithful, loving and giving.
Recently I went to the Christmas party at my local yoga centre. I heard a story taken from the book "The Yogi: ... Views: 562
If you want to melt off that belly fat, you have to feed the fire. Here are some easy snack tips to keep your metabolism high and your body burning fat during the day.
Here is the easiest way to keep yourself on track to eat healthy during those busy days.
Just look at your hand! That's right, ... Views: 1347
If you are eating out a lot you are putting your waistline at risk!. Follow these 5 simple tips to eating healthy while eating at your favorite restaurants.
1. Never go to a restaurant starving! You are setting yourself up for failure right from the start. Have a quick snack before you go if ... Views: 881
Joshua Rosenthal's book "Integrative Nutrition" is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to explore and discover the truth about giant food corporations and pharmaceutical companies and how they affect the American diet; the strengths and weaknesses of the popular diets in the market; the ... Views: 5034
I heard this phrase for the first time this summer, and I think it sums up what I’m about to say! Health conscious individuals are often associated with radical diets and ideas about food that seem very limiting and strange to those who aren’t. So afraid to fall off of their plan, or screwing ... Views: 1073
Most people I run into who ask me about healthly eating often bring up the fact that it costs so much to eat that way. They look at me as though choosing to eat healthily was a matter of choosing health over wallet. Being a wallet driven country, it’s easy for most to make the choice to save ... Views: 983
"Eat your vegetables," was something you probably heard mom say a lot as a kid, and she's even got scientists and the FDA on her side. Not only that doctors and the FDA recently suggested that the old "5 a day" is not enough! Now I can scarf some serious healthy foods, yet I have difficulty ... Views: 505
You may not think about it very much, but your gastrointestinal tract is more than a place for food to digest; it is actually a complex ecosystem. The gastrointestinal tract has the responsibility of producing enzymes to digest and absorb nutrients and rid the body of toxins. Without this ... Views: 1824
By now you have probably heard about the benefits of having more “Omega-3″ fatty acids in your diet, and if you haven’t, it is time that you looked into it. Even the Food and Drug Administration, not known for being on the cutting edge, has jumped on the bandwagon with their ... Views: 1167
If you're like me, what you're about to read will shock and horrify you.
Like many of you, I'm very saddened by the lives stolen through drug addiction. Not only the lives of addicts themselves, but of their friends and families as well. Drug addiction affects everyone.
Well imagine my ... Views: 828
Fatigue, or lack of energy, is now the primary reason for people visiting doctors in the Western World. It is essential for the human body, for it to grow and develop, to be broken down to a degree. This has always been important since it is the only way that we can become stronger; however true ... Views: 805
Refined sugar, or sucrose, has absolutely zero going for it because it’s been stripped of all vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that our bodies need to thrive and survive. That’s why we call junk foods “empty calories”—there’s nothing in them to help your body keep its organs, tissues, and ... Views: 1538
The secret to successful weight loss is to make small, lasting changes that will continue to be useful to you both now, and in the future, as opposed to a quick fix solution.
A step-by-step approach to weight loss is the way forward!
Here are 5 small changes you can begin making today:
#1 Aim ... Views: 511
Don't pack on the pounds behind your desk!
An Australian research found that people who sat at their desks more than six hours a day are nearly twice as likely to be overweight than those who sit for less than 45 minutes a day.
It's no secret that sedentary jobs (and lifestyles) have ... Views: 505
The science of nutrition includes the significant connections between food and our minds and emotions. The food you eat can affect your emotions. The same research also shows how feelings affect food choices. How does food affect your feelings and vice versa? The next practice allows you to ... Views: 745
Open a magazine, turn on a radio, unfold a newspaper, switch on a TV – the news headlines of North America’s print and electronic media all reflect a lingering interest in personal health issues and a growing concern for the state of our national health care systems. It seems everyone has a ... Views: 1051
With the days getting shorter and the nights longer we are moving into a period of the year when we feel even more the qualities of Kapha - heaviness, slowness. Yet we want to carry on at our normal rhythm, especially during the holiday season. Did you also know that the evening is the Kapha ... Views: 574
Fall is a spectacular time of year with the autumn colors and shifting of sunlight. It is also the time of year that officially launches the holidays, starting with Halloween and leading to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and New Year’s. For many, it is also the time of year ... Views: 784
Did you know that the function of your immune system is closely related to what you eat? The right diet will supercharge your immune system and get you over Epstein Barr fast.
In the initial acute stage of any infection or illness when symptoms like fever, sore throat, swollen glands, mucous ... Views: 48495
Going organic is a good idea… Organic foods are higher in nutritional content, from vitamins and minerals to antioxidants.
They’re also free of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and other toxins that cause hormonal imbalances, many kinds of cancer, birth defects, and other serious ... Views: 1122
Green Smoothies are a relatively new phenomenon. They consist of leafy greens such as Kale and Spinach, combined with fruits. Blended together, you have a powerful concoction known as the “Green Smoothie”
1.Green Smoothies Help Fight Cancer and Heart Disease
Chimpanzees are our ... Views: 2283
The honeybee might sting, but it sure has a sweet bite. The lowly bee goes from flower to flower collecting their pollens and plant proteins, only to return to the hive to manufacture some of the most complex and healthy superfoods known to humans.
Local Raw Honey
This sweet nectar is loved by ... Views: 2001
Here are more specific tips to finding a diet that will sustain your body in stressful times, and contribute to a sense of peace and wellness:
• Eat a diet composed of 50 to 75 percent raw foods. Free fruits and vegetables not only supply valuable vitamins and minerals, but are rich in ... Views: 925
If you suffer from gluten intolerance, your digestive system suffers and you feel tired. You know you have to give up a lot of foods you enjoy. So what can you do? Let me share with you an outline of the system I use with clients to help them deal with gluten intolerance and have more ... Views: 571