The announcement of, an online portal recently launched, dedicated to educating the public on acai berry health and nutritional facts.

At AcaiBerryMD, people can quickly find facts and related information (e.g., acai berry, acai juice, acai benefits, etc.) they've been looking for, pertaining to acai and acai berries. Its team of health enthusiasts has spent a many number of hours researching, comparing, compiling and writing the latest updates on the acai berry and its nutritional benefits. The resulting effects of this up-to-date information has caused AcaiBerryMD to quickly start rising to the top as a strong informative website for learning about acai berries. With their reviews on many of the acai berry distributors, they are a valid resource in helping to guide consumers to the best places to buy acai berry products.

Additionally, AcaiBerryMD has a goal to remind people of the importance of eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. Visitors will also find many helpful articles that will answer any questions they may have about acai berry and they are welcome to submit questions that may not have been answered.

The Start of AcaiBerryMD:
Earlier this year, Kris Trujillo was relaxing with his laptop and browsing the Internet while at home, when he first came across a news article on acai berries. He was very interested in learning more about the nutritional benefits of the acai berries and its reportedly high antioxidant levels. He quickly began researching information online but wasn't very successful in finding accurate facts on acai berries. After visiting and searching through the local libraries, he wasn't able to locate even one book related to the acai or acai berries.

Quickly becoming a little frustrated and bewildered as to why he couldn't find any information or resources on this supposedly health boosting fruit, he noticed many other people, just like him, were posting questions online in various locations looking to learn more as well. As he continued his quest to discover more on the acai berries, he recognized many of the online website sources contained repetitive information covering the same few topics.

Already being an online publisher and health conscious, he decided to take it upon himself to learn as much as possible about acai berries and to establish an accurate, educational website for others who are interested in this fruit. The very first thing he did was purchase all available books he could find to read about acai and acai berries, which created a moderate size collection for him.

"Not only was I fascinated with this new fruit that has made it into the Superfoods category of the world but I was very motivated to share what I've learned with others," says Kris. And he didn't waste any time in putting a website together. Quickly after the reading of the last acai berry book he purchased, Kris launched, with a few fellow health conscious buddies.

Having been launched only a short time ago, AcaiBerryMD seems to be very effective at answering various questions many people have concerning the acai berry. With a steady and strong growth of visitors browsing the site each day, this is definitely an accomplishment for any new website on the Internet.

"We will continue to grow as an online portal for acai berry information because the continuous new studies and research being conducted on acai berries are constantly revealing more about this nutrient rich fruit," says Kris.

Author's Bio: is an online guide devoted to establishing free public resources and information to further the worlds understanding of acai berries. This website features unbiased reviews of leading products such as juices, wines and supplements; providing authentic consumer testimonials and aiming to publish factual nutritional information on acai berry fruit.