The rate of iodine intake in the United States has fallen by about 50% in the past 40 years. In 1971, Americans were consuming about 630 micrograms per day. By 1984, that amount had fallen to about 300 micrograms per day. Some say the reduction was related to changes in iodine usage in the dairy ... Views: 1289
Food processing companies have one goal and that is to make as much money as possible. This is understandable; why else start a business? The problem for consumers is that this goal of making money supersedes all other moral decisions.
Instead of providing health supporting products that are ... Views: 858
What does scientific research tell us about the best diet for excellent health?
If we look at all of the results of the nutritional studies from the past 40 years, and then look at traditional diet plans, we find the truth. Most of the gold standard, unbiased research on diet and health has ... Views: 848