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Lots of people presume that skin treatment is an activity only ladies are worried about, and men might think about it solely during puberty. The reason behind thinking this way is fairly simple to grasp. Almost all commercials regarding skin treatment products and services within magazines, in ... Views: 767
. How to Face a Cheating Husband the Other Woman Without Losing Him
2. Infidelity doesn't need to be the end of your relationship. Many men have affairs that are not unhappy with their wife, (seldom do women drive their husbands to cheat). Confrontation about his affair does not mean that you ... Views: 2195
How to Improve Your Intimacy with Your Husband - 5 ways
Improve Your Intimacy with Your Husband - 5 ways
Are you married? If you are, you likely love your husband. With that said, love isn't always enough to keep a relationship going strong. Intimacy is very important to having a strong, ... Views: 1032
The word celibacy means abstaining from sexual relations. While this can be viewed as a very respected way of life, it can cause some problems if the person enters a relationship with someone who is not celibate. The two different views and lack of sexual interaction can severely harm a ... Views: 5489
Men around the world are known to experience some or the other sexual problems, which can affect a man’s self-confidence and self-esteem to a great extent. Most men experience these sexual problems at least once in their life time. They usually experience these problems on a temporary basis, ... Views: 604
Oligozoospermia is ordinarily recognized as low sperm count disorder. Moreover, this medical condition occurs when the body of a male produces minimal amount of sperm due to which any sperm is unable to fertilize the egg of a female reproductive system. Furthermore, a male is considered to be ... Views: 1033
Oligozoospermia is a condition in which amount of sperm is not appropriate to fertilize the women's egg. Moreover, this irritating condition is commonly recognized as low sperm count which can be treated effectually with the help of effective oligozoospermia natural treatment. Furthermore, the ... Views: 882
Here comes a yet another restriction for men. Initially it was cell phones, then it was laptops and now here comes another study where it states that Excessive Bike riding can cause impotence in some men. Now the question arises that how much of driving leads to this situation? There is still ... Views: 701
Infertility means a woman is not able to conceive or is unable to carry the child for the duration of the pregnancy. A couple might have problems conceiving for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the man might be infertile, but this is something that can be treated medically most of the time. ... Views: 1038
ED-erectile dysfunction is turning out to be the buzz word in the present scenario. People who are not suffering from the health disorder are also taking up information as they fear their turn in not far off. Medical experts indicate various reasons for the bed time misery and the disturbance in ... Views: 680
Nocturnal emission is a natural phenomenon commonly found among people of adolescence period. This natural release of semen during sleeping hours may happen with or without erection. It can be also described as a natural part of sexual development. Frequent nocturnal emission is one among the ... Views: 1151
Men are considered stronger than women but men do not care much about health as women. As a result, men usually have more health problems. Nowadays, to be successful in any area, you need a good health to support your work. Here are men’s good health tips that you can easily adapt and make them ... Views: 679
We all know how bad erectile dysfunction is and how it can ruin one's sexual life. If a person suffers from ED or impotence, then very often his entire life suffers. If both the men and their partner are not sexually satisfied, this ultimately leads to problems in the couple. But a majority of ... Views: 1292
There are numerous causes for erectile dysfunction that can really make a man feel like, well, less of a man. The top erectile dysfunction cause includes: the aging process, drinking, smoking, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, diseases, obesity, poor diet and sexual anxiety.
Fortunately, all the ... Views: 649
Your sexual identity can indeed relate to premature ejaculation, or lasting longer in bed for men. In fact, if you would imagine this for a moment, it may make even more sense to you. When a man is forced to fight premature ejaculation, and he has no idea of how he can defeat it, it’s nearly ... Views: 1553
There are some ways to indentify if you suffer from low male libido – and thankfully there are also some steps that you can take in order to increase male libido if you do find that you suffer from it. The first key is in learning if you have low libido.
A few telltale signs include the lack ... Views: 913
If you could learn to last longer in bed via prolonged ejaculation, and you could do this every time that you were making love, offering your partner a far more pleasurable and intimate experience, would you say no to this?
Of course you wouldn’t, and to be honest, almost no man really would. ... Views: 1839
Can Cell Phone be a hazard to your reproduction ability? We are still waiting for a very convincing report to make it as an affirmative statement. Researchers across the US and the globe have conducted various researches to find out the actual effect of electromagnetic frequency coming out of ... Views: 756
Many men suffer from excessive loose chest fat which causes enlarged breasts, referred to as man breasts. Many men
suffering from the condition begin to search for ways to hide their man boobs. Unfortunately there are few ways to hide the enlarged breasts, but there are ways to reduce the size ... Views: 693
Do you want to know how to last longer in bed for men? Are you sick of trying everything and anything that you can possibly think to last longer in bed men, and still running out of any ideas that even remotely work? The reality is that finding an answer for this sexual indisposition can be ... Views: 879
Erectile dysfunction is most commonly caused by physiological problems, but stress, anxiety, depression or a partner with a bad attitude toward sex can all contribute to the issue. The best treatment may not come in a little blue pill but rather on a psychologist's ... Views: 1167
Prevent and Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Though ED is more likely to occur with age, increasing percent in men over , it is not an inevitable part of aging. Erectile ... Views: 1136
Erectile Dysfunction (ED), or impotency, impacts on the lives of 0 million men globally. It's effects are physically, emotionally and mentally felt by the sufferer and their loved ones.
ED's social stigmas encourage men to be hesitant in addressing the issue with health professionals. Have ... Views: 1882
Premature ejaculation affects not only you but your partner as well. Feelings of anger and resentment can arise from continued unsatisfying sexual encounters. The good news is that this does not have to be a permanent problem. Read on and learn what you (and your partner) can do to improve your ... Views: 1729
Becoming a dad is a very exciting time in your life, however unfortunately it can mean less time for yourself. Working a 9-5 job then coming home from work and running around after the kids, eating dinner then being too exhausted to do anything else for the evening let alone think about ... Views: 1257
Premature ejaculation happens when a man ejaculates earlier than he would like to. It is also known as rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early ejaculation. The average male takes less than three minutes from the time of insertion till he ejaculates. To gain greater orgasmic ... Views: 1159
For most men, their earliest sexual experiences are with masturbation done secretly and quickly, for fear of being found out. Hence it is often believed that such early experience actually condition some men’s sexual response to a pattern of rapid ejaculation. In reality, masturbation is one of ... Views: 2196
Does male circumcision make sex more pleasurable for both the guy and the girl?
The extra lubricating functions a foreskin provides are not present in men without a foreskin. However this can be remedied with the addition of a lubricant. If anything, the men I have encountered who underwent ... Views: 2065
The length or girth of a penis is not the measure of a man. Penis pumps, pills, and patches can only make your penis bigger temporarily. They all work on the same principle of increasing blood flow in order to get a thicker penis. I would be wary of any body alternating devices and invariably ... Views: 5476
Do guys need to take protein supplement after making love to replenish the loss of protein?
There are many ingredients composing semen. A few of the constituent elements: vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, ... Views: 1868
It is easy to point the finger elsewhere and say it is the men’s fault. For every man who we say is making a mistake, there are three fingers pointing back at you. Really, since men are not mind readers (though we would like them to be), we have to communicate. Men won’t be making ‘mistakes’ if ... Views: 1273
The first thing we should know that the monogamous model for relationship has not existed through all societies and time. More so in our Asian culture, we are exposed to concepts like polygamy where Muslim men can have up to four wives; and patriarchal systems where the father or eldest male is ... Views: 1014
Codeine. An Unusual Cause of Ejaculatory Failure.
Dr Andrew Rynne.
Delayed ejaculation or so-called anorgasmia is a common male sexual dysfunction. In order of frequency it comes third to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It can be a deeply frustrating and devastating problem ... Views: 2202
How much of erectile dysfunction is biological and how much of it is psychological?
Erectile dysfunction, sometimes known as impotence, is attributed to physical causes in up to 85% of cases. Medical conditions linked to erectile concerns include heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, ... Views: 1263
Pearly penile papules removal is possible through a variety of techniques. Pearly Penile Papules or PPP can be removed by different methods of treatment.One of such method is Pearly Penile Papules Home Removal.
The first PPP treatment that you can use that will help you get rid of the papules ... Views: 2109
There are various reasons of weight gain. It is hard to believe but STRESS is also one of them. Many people living healthy lifestyle in many ways still faces the problem of weight gain. They are completely frustrated about it. When asked physicians the reason their first pointer is towards ... Views: 577
The workplace can cause stress on a regular basis.
The regular day to day interactions with coworkers, the urgency of meeting deadlines and the increasing workload that a single employee has to handle can cause real and immediate stress and anxiety on a regular basis. This repeated stress ... Views: 861
The brand new Braun Electric Shavers are available using the modern technology for enjoyable shave. One of the new series 7 is Braun series 7 790cc shaver. This shavers come with new feature. Amazing Pulsonic Technology can make 10,000 micro vibration to help get more hair. So we really feel ... Views: 1147
Internet shopping has made many our lives simpler as the ease of comparison to find the best prices is really quite easy from a computer. However, when purchasing medications one should always exercise extreme caution. The lowest price could affect your health or the health of those you love. ... Views: 724
The growing number of cases of cardiac diseases has outdone other dreadful disease like cancer, thus becoming the 3 rd biggest cause to kill most number of people in the US alone. The bottom-line behind the phenomenon is no other but the high calories of cholesterol in the food items that make ... Views: 672
Did you know that in many ancient cultures, the intense pleasure of sex was considered as a spiritual experience? For some men, that same intense pleasure is not a lasting or experience because it really is "too much". Today, we're taking a brief look at the role physical sensitivity plays in a ... Views: 1444
Acne vulgaris sounds like a horrible acne condition doesn't it? As if normal pimples aren't enough, add the word vulgaris when you are trying to get rid of acne, and it seems to become something much worse. The word vulgaris brings to mind the word vulgar and vulgar can easily be used to ... Views: 687
Booster capsules are made up of purely herbal and natural ingredients these herbal ingredients have been used since ages to provide erections which can last longer without casting any side effects on overall health. Males can develop problem of weak erections or lack of erection due to many ... Views: 1127
Erectile dysfunction, else known as impotence is a sexual health disorder characterized by inability to get or maintain an erection. Factors leading way to impotence vary from person to person. Depression, nervous disorders, high stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, prolonged intake of certain ... Views: 1197
Contrary to popular belief, this is not a problem unique to women. Or even predominately so.
Men also go on emotional eating benders.
When they have an unhappy breakup.
Are worried about business. Finances.
Or want to tamp down anger or another uncomfortable feeling or are simply ... Views: 1091
As hair starts to disappear from the head, people tend to look around for answers as to how to treat the condition, and to wonder if in fact a cure for thinning hair exists at all. There is a lot of quackery and a lot of snake oil sellers around who promise to 'regrow' hair and who promise to ... Views: 1688
The Prostate is a male reproductive gland situated in front of rectum.below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. The name is derived from the Greek word prostates, literally translated as "one who stands before", "protector" or "guardian". It may be so called as its main function is to store ... Views: 876
Let face the facts. You may have to start finding and dealing with the choices of ejaculation problems. But most people in advance will see why the different solutions
can make a great to get rid of a problem in their sexual relation and control the delay ejaculation as they wish for the ... Views: 873
The most common problem in men is Prostate enlargement, which is commonly known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostate enlargement mostly or commonly occur to those men who are ages 50 and up. This problem could be little more than a painful inconvenience. The result of benign prostatic ... Views: 742
There are techniques by which a male can avoid early ejaculation and can last longer in bed. It is a well known fact that males are aggressive in their behavior in bed and hence they get excited too early and sometimes this over excitement can push them to ejaculate too early. Beyond a certain ... Views: 6704