Do I need to take daily nutrition supplement for women? This is a common question asked by hundreds of women all over the world. Answer for this question depends on several factors. Imbalance diet schedule is found to be as a common cause of several health disorders. Health disorders formed due ... Views: 859
Do I need to take daily nutrition supplement for men? This is a common question asked by many people. Diet schedule plays a vital role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of person. Improper diet is found to be as one among the main causes leading way to the formation of health disorders. In ... Views: 969
Fatigue, formed as a result of illness is a common health disorder reported in hospitals. Lifestyle plays a vital role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of people. Causes leading way to the formation of tiredness can be either physical or psychological in origin. Common causes of low ... Views: 2085
Blood deficiency is a common health disorder found among women. At present, you can find hundreds of herbal remedies in market for treating blood deficiency or anemia. In order to reduce the risk of blood deficiency, it is recommended to include a good amount of blood nourishing and iron rich ... Views: 1816
Muscular weakness is a common health disorder found among old age people. Injuries, metabolic diseases, neurological diseases and accumulation of toxins are some among the main causes contributing for weak muscles. Extra effort to move arms is a main symptom shown by a person suffering from weak ... Views: 1403
Insomnia, characterized by inability to get required amount of sleep is a common health disorder found among people. Factors contributing for this health disorder can be either physical or psychological in origin. Treatments for curing insomnia are usually prescribed after analyzing the right ... Views: 1684
Today, you can find hundreds of herbal products manufacturers and exporters in online medical stores. Choosing the best one among these companies is not an easy task. In order to avoid adverse action, it is advised to do thorough research before choosing your supplier. Perfect manufacturing and ... Views: 1507
Lifestyle plays a key role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of person. Boils, one among the common skin disorders caused due to staphylococcus can be well cured with proper care and treatment. This infection mainly affects the hair follicles on skin surface. Boils are usually ... Views: 907
Eczema, medical term used for describing inflammations is a common skin disorder affecting people of all ages. Multiple causes play key roles in the formation of eczema. Some among the causes leading way to eczema trouble include use of cosmetics, detergents, jewelry and psychological stress. ... Views: 1324
Nightfall, else known as wet dreams is a common health condition found among teenagers. If left untreated, this natural phenomenon can induce both physical as well as psychological impacts on person. Reasons contributing for wet dreams vary from one person to another. Infertility, mood swings ... Views: 2329
Release of semen during sleep, best known as nocturnal emission or wet dreams can be easily controlled with healthy lifestyle and treatment. If left unconsidered, excessive semen leakage during sleep can induce both physical as well as psychological problems in future life. Some among the main ... Views: 1652
Ejection during sleep, best known as wet dreams or nocturnal emission is a common reproductive disorder found among men. Physical as well as psychological causes play equally important roles in the occurrence of wet dreams. Teenagers and people of early adult years are more prone to this health ... Views: 1432
Lifestyle plays a significant role in maintaining the reproductive health of person. As per research, low sperm count or oligospermia is a common health disorder among infertility troubles. Reasons contributing for the formation of low sperm count vary from one person to another. Common causes ... Views: 2233
Involuntary emission of semen during sleep, medically termed as nocturnal emission or nightfall can be well cured with proper treatment. Physical as well as psychological factors play key roles in the formation of this trouble. Weakening of parasympathetic nervous system is one among the main ... Views: 1104
Memory loss or inability to recall past events can be medically termed as amnesia. As per research, memory loss troubles can be mainly divided into two as temporary and permanent. Some among the common causes reported for the formation of memory loss include alcoholism, Parkinson's disease, drug ... Views: 1371
Liver, one among the vital organs plays a great role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of person. Liver cleansing is a best recommended remedial measure to enhance your liver health. It acts as a natural cure for treating various kinds of liver diseases. This natural remedy improves the ... Views: 1246
Kidney stone, formed due to concentration of urine is a common reported health disorder in hospitals. Common causes inducing this stomach disorder include improper diet schedule, family history, hyper-parathyroidism and polycystic kidneys. You can easily determine kidney stone by analyzing its ... Views: 1173
Developing an attractive personality is a dream for many. Moreover, good personality is an asset, which can lead an individual towards success. Furthermore, any individual with a strong personality can impress others more easily than thin people. In addition, many individuals with a thin body ... Views: 937
Most of the males are quite crazy to gain weight and muscle mass. Moreover, inappropriate weight can make your personality dull. And, any person with a dull personality cannot impress people around him, due to which his entire life gets affected. In particular, the professional life of a thin ... Views: 948
Loss of appetite is one of the prime reasons for weight issues. Moreover, lack of hunger can make an individual underweight. In addition, this disorder can affect the entire life of the suffering person. Furthermore, this disorder affects the functioning of internal organs by making the body ... Views: 1480
Many people around the world are suffering from poor appetite, due to which they have become underweight. Besides, today's culture is concerned with weight loss, but we did forget about the ill effects of being underweight. Moreover, inadequate bodyweight can lead an individual towards a lot of ... Views: 2027
Nowadays, a lot of people suffer from appetite problems. Moreover, a decreased appetite can be addressed as a reduced desire to eat. Furthermore, it is a problem that can lead to various physical ailments, for example renal disorders. In addition, it can give rise to weight issues by making an ... Views: 896
Being underweight is like being overweight. Moreover, an individual can be considered to be underweight if he weighs 10 percent less than the ideal weight. And, ideal weight is calculated on the basis of given height, built, and sex of an individual. However, weighing less than 20 percent of the ... Views: 830
Many individuals assume that being thin is quite healthy than being fat. But, the fact is that, being underweight has just many health risks as being overweight. However, it is unfortunate that market is full of products that help people to loose weight. And, most of the companies have forgotten ... Views: 835
Low sperm count, medically termed as oligospermia is a health disorder characterized by less number of sperms in ejaculate. This condition usually happens when sperm count is less than twenty million spermatozoa per one ml of ejaculate. Underlying causes leading way to the risk of oligospermia ... Views: 1700
Nil sperm count is a common reported infertility trouble among men. Multiple causes contribute in the formation of this health disorder. Occurrence of viral orchits, HGH deficiency, obstructions in the outflow of semen and mycoplasma infections are some causes giving rise to the risk of nil ... Views: 3096
High blood pressure, characterized by excessive pressure in arterial walls is a condition occurring when the pressure reading is above 140/90 mm of Hg. If left untreated, high blood pressure condition can lead way to several health risks in future life. Causes contributing for high BP can be ... Views: 1082
Involuntary emission of semen during night sleep, best known as wet dreams or nightfall is a common problem found among teenagers. Causes giving rise to excessive nightfall or wet dreams can be either physical or psychological in origin. Common causes reported for the formation of this ... Views: 2570
Pre-cum, else known as pre-ejaculate is a kind of seminal fluid formed when the reproductive organs are aroused. As per research, excessive pre-cum is one among the common reported health troubles nowadays. Versatile causes contribute in the formation of this reproductive trouble. Some among the ... Views: 4806
Kidney stone is a health disorder formed due to crystallization of minerals and chemicals. Uric acid stones and calcium stones are two among the common types of kidney stones. Symptoms shown as a result of stone may not be unique always. Common symptoms shown as a result of stone formation ... Views: 821
Indigestion is a health condition depicting the underlying intestinal disorder. It is usually characterized by pain in the upper abdominal area. Peptic ulcer and gall bladder disease are two main causes reported for the formation of indigestion problem. Symptoms shown by a person suffering from ... Views: 1573
Hemorrhoids, best known as piles is a health disorder characterized by protuberance of soft balloon-like veins around anal region. According to the location of piles, this health disorder can be divided either as internal or external. Lots of factors contribute in the formation of this health ... Views: 1124
Gallstone, asymptotic in earlier stages is a common health disorder affecting abdominal region. As per studies, gallstone problem shows symptoms after reaching a size greater than 8mm. Abdominal pain due to gallstone attack or renal colic is a common symptom shown as a result of gallstone ... Views: 1069
Premature ejaculation (PE) is one among the common reproductive disorders found in men. This health disorder, characterized by uncontrolled ejaculation of semen can be well cured by proper treatment. Treatments for curing PE problem vary from one person to another. Both physical and ... Views: 4581
Nocturnal emission, else known as wet dreams can be well cured with the help of herbal remedies. Choosing herbal remedies for nocturnal emission cures problem without the risk of side effects on patients. Nocturnal emission problem is characterized by involuntary ejaculation of semen during ... Views: 4629
As per research, diabetes is found to be as a main cause inducing reproductive disorders in people. Proper functioning of nervous system plays a very important role in maintaining healthier functioning of reproductive organs. Weakness of nervous system is a common health problem reported by ... Views: 990
Erectile dysfunction, else known as impotence is one among the commonly found reproductive disorders in men. As per studies made on patients, both physical as well as psychological causes contribute a lot in the formation of this health disorder. At present you have lots of treatment options ... Views: 998
Low sperm count, medically termed as oligospermia is a health disorder characterized by less number of sperms than normal count in semen volume. Problems causing this particular health disorder can be either of psychological or physical origin. Common causes reported for the formation of this ... Views: 2094
Low sperm count or oligospermia is one among the common problems reported among men. This reproductive disorder can be formed due to the impact of both physical and psychological causes. Some among the common causes causing oligospermia include imbalance in hormone level, smoking, varicocele and ... Views: 1071
Lifestyle plays a significant role in improving the erection ability of person. As per research, erectile dysfunction is reported as a common reproductive disorder found among men. This health disorder, also known as impotence can be caused by multiple factors. Some among the main risk factors ... Views: 1518
Erectile dysfunction is one among the common health disorders reported among men. Multiple causes contribute in the formation of this reproductive disorder. These causes can be either physical or psychological in origin. Psychological causes inducing weak erection in men include anxiety, stress, ... Views: 1126
Poor memory, if left unconsidered can impact on both physical and psychological health of person. Multiple causes contribute in the formation of this health disorder. Daily life activities of person play an important role in improving the memory power of person. In order to have good memory ... Views: 1226
Arthritis, affecting musculoskeletal system is a common health disorder found among people over fifty years of age. As per studies, there are over hundred types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and septic arthritis are some among them. Grating sensation in joints, ... Views: 876
Memory loss is one among the commonly found health disorders among old age people. Aging, trauma, medication, drug abuse and infections are some among the common causes of low memory troubles. Depending on the cause of problem, this health disorder can be grouped either as temporary or as ... Views: 1185
The basic necessity of all human beings is to sleep properly every day. You need to sleep five to six hours daily otherwise your whole metabolism will get disturbed and can cause many problems. Life is full of hard work and competition which are the main reason for stress. This stress can later ... Views: 725
The immune system of the body plays a defensive role by fighting and eliminating foreign substances and organisms which may cause various diseases. The symptoms of weak immunity are tiredness, insomnia, frequent diarrhea, stress, depression, lethargy, recurring infections and constant fatigue. ... Views: 792
Overuse and misuse of the eye muscles cause weak eyesight. Weakness or heat of brain is considered to be the main cause of weak eyesight. Some of the common causes responsible for weak eyesight are; watching T.V. closely and for longer durations, unbalanced living and eating habits, reading ... Views: 2183
Veins which are abnormally enlarged and appear to be bluish and swollen are known as varicose veins. Some of the common factors which may cause varicose veins are lack of exercise, pregnancy, obesity, injury, excessive weight, prolonged constipation and long standing periods. Some of the ... Views: 841
A pain which may occur in the area of the teeth, gums and jaws is known as toothache. There are many factors which may cause toothache such as; cracked tooth, dental cavities, gum diseases, exposed tooth rot and many more. Some of the common toothache symptoms are inflammation or swelling of the ... Views: 873
Inflammation of tooth nerve can cause tooth pain. It happens when some foreign material enters tooth pulp which is the center of the tooth. Bad oral hygiene, unhealthy diet and neglect can cause tooth infection which may further result into tooth pain.
Home Remedies
There are several home ... Views: 1112