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In life's grand mosaic, every creature, regardless of its size, holds its place and significance. Among these tiny beings are gnats, often regarded merely as nuisances. However, from a spiritual perspective, gnats are much more than bothersome insects. They are considered powerful symbols, ... Views: 200
In the intricate tapestry of nature, various creatures hold significant symbolic meanings that resonate deeply within the human psyche. One such fascinating creature is the black beetle, an insect that has captivated spiritual seekers and symbolists across cultures and centuries. Its modest ... Views: 195
Have you ever felt like there's a secret to manifesting abundance that's just out of reach? Something that seems too good to be true, yet tantalizingly close? What if I told you that the key to unlocking your dreams lies in a simple yet powerful code — the 369 Manifestation Secret?
In today's ... Views: 224
Details to Include on Your Website for Better User Experience. Multiple Methods of Payment, Contact Details, Your Ethics and Values, Intuitive Navigation
What to Include in the Website to Build Better User Engagement?
Multiple Methods of Payment
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Anxiety can be a difficult emotion to manage, especially when it seems like your mind is running wild with worry and fear.
It can feel like you’re stuck in an endless loop of negative thoughts that just won’t quit. Fortunately, there are some simple tips and techniques you can use to calm ... Views: 438
Meditation is a powerful practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote peace, well-being, and spiritual growth. Today, meditation is gaining popularity in schools and homes as a tool to help children manage stress, anxiety, and emotional difficulties. Here are ten benefits of ... Views: 471
It's one of those words that people are using a lot thanks to the slew of new books, infomercials, and movies that proclaim that nothing is earned and nothing is worked for, rather things "manifest" in one's life - as long as they "ask" or "think" the right things.
Want a car? ... Views: 455
The mind seems always to be busy, and we seem to have a constant inner commentary about sensations, perceptions, memories, anticipated activities, hopes and dreams, and worries about situations we need to address. Then there are the drives and cravings such as hunger, thirst, or sensations of ... Views: 475
The power of concentration is well-known. It is a power that we utilize daily to accomplish the various tasks set before us, or to achieve some goal that we have set for ourselves. In yoga, also, the power of concentration is required. The focus and intention behind the concentration is the ... Views: 476
If we observe the mental status that takes place at times when we focus on achieving some objective or other, taking a test, working on a project, running a race, playing music, or creating some work of art, for example, we see that the attention is focused intensely on the task at hand, and ... Views: 492
In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna poses the question to Sri Krishna as to how one can know the spiritual man, how does he walk, how does he speak, how does he act… Spiritual practitioners pose similar types of questions about meditation, as to what is the right form of meditation, how does one site, ... Views: 460
When an individual sits for meditation, does he come out of the meditation changed in some way? … or is meditation something like a state of ‘statis’ where time goes by, but nothing happens? Is the individual taking a ‘time out’ from life but not moving the purpose and focus of the life forward? ... Views: 459
For someone beginning with meditation, every aspect of the process raises a question. One of these questions relates to the body. The eventual goal is to attain a state whereby meditation can occur regardless of what the body is doing or how it is positioned. However, this is not usually the way ... Views: 410
If we shift to the standpoint of the observer of the mind, we will notice that as conditions vary, the ‘mind-stuff’ (citta) takes on different characteristics based on our state of reactivity and interaction with perceptions, feelings, events or external circumstances. We may consider an image ... Views: 371
There is considerable confusion about what exactly meditation is. This is compounded by the fact that there are numerous different techniques that are taught as meditation, ranging from practices that are called ‘mindfulness’ to those that include detailed visualisations Sri Aurobindo provides ... Views: 340
There is considerable confusion about meditation and concentration. They are, however, not quite the same. Achieving a meditative state inwardly can aid in the development of concentration. Certain forms of meditation utilize techniques that lead to concentration. Yet meditation can be calm, ... Views: 417
When it comes to productivity there is generally a concession between high quality and also quantity. Many individuals think that productivity is just a numbers game, it is just concerning getting the job done as swiftly as possible. To them, the more things individuals get done despite their ... Views: 431
Most people are confused about what meditation is. One of the causes of this confusion is the variety of forms of meditation that are recommended and practiced by various traditions. Some forms of meditation require strenuous efforts and considerable time to bear fruit. The Mother provides ... Views: 360
Opioid addiction is a chronic medical illness that affects millions of Indians every year. Anyone, regardless of age and race, can develop opioid use disorder (OUD). Like other addictions, the treatment for opioids is possible. Given the right help and proper treatment, it is possible to help ... Views: 572
The most comfortable position in our life is the mother’s womb where we play & enjoy the most and everything needed is taken care automatically. But alas, we have to leave this place one day, and then we start creating web/layers of our personality by problem-solving process through our mind to ... Views: 555
In today’s era, the speed of growth and development has increased widely in almost every arena. At the same time, this growth has put a negative impact on the mental and physical health of people. In the haste of getting ahead and winning the race people are working vigorously neglecting ... Views: 508
Are online crystal ball readings a good idea? It often depends on how seriously a person takes their life. Some can be very laid back and leave it to luck to sort out their aspirations and problems - of course, those are usually the ones whose life never improves and gets worse or stays bad and ... Views: 544
Binaural Beats CD - Are They Effective?
Binaural beats or tones, happen to be part of an interesting technology today that includes trying to affect the mind by listening to various frequencies of sound waves. However, you may wonder if a binaural beats entrainment CD can really work as ... Views: 607
What comes to your mind first when you think of a place like Goa? Wild party nights, free boozes, outrageous parties by the beaches, and loud concerts. Visitors go gaga over Goa parties and wild nights. And this is how Goa came to be known as the party hub. Goa got synonymous with wild party ... Views: 562
One of the best ways to get centered is through meditation. The feel-good state of meditation directly combats stress and anxiety, and helps to improve your overall outlook on life.
Besides the many scientifically documented benefits (some of which we document below), meditation helps you ... Views: 555
Have you ever thought of taking some time off from work and travel to beautiful destinations in an attempt to relax and relive? Do you wish to take yourself on a trip surrounding a deeper meaning concerning the wellness of your health and mind? That is what a yoga retreat provides you with. No ... Views: 546
Most of us think that affirmations have a definition, meaning everything would come true if we claim it would come true, period. However, that's not how it works. Well, yes, affirmations really have that definition, but it's more than that.
Think of it this way: most of us have anxious ... Views: 643
Positive affirmations can make us feel several things, most of which are good ones. In this world full of negativity, suffering, and hardships, it can be particularly hard for people to believe in the power of positivity. Some people see positivity as toxic because we still have to remember that ... Views: 571
One must know that the word Yoga means to join, unite, or link, and this unison can be interpreted differently; the unison of mind, body, and Spirituality lying within oneself or the unison with much a bigger power or spiritual force. Yoga is actually a holistic approach towards a happy and ... Views: 582
Step 1 — Maha Rudra Kriya and effortlessness meditations both are very simple and easy to follow methods to relax your mind. Anyone can listen to these and you can share them with your family & friends safely. I still use these audios often to relax my mind.
Step 2 — Go deeper guided ... Views: 604
The transformational Yogic journey encompasses multitudes of philosophical ideas and theoretical implications that ultimately lead you towards wisdom and awareness. The extensive dimensions of Yoga allow you to discover the best in you by inculcating the notions of spiritual knowledge and ... Views: 533
The transformational Yogic journey encompasses multitudes of philosophical ideas and theoretical implications that ultimately lead you towards wisdom and awareness. The extensive dimensions of Yoga allow you to discover the best in you by inculcating the notions of spiritual knowledge and ... Views: 551
The 3 gunas of Nature, Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas are active in all things, even in the approach we take to the practice of meditation. Understanding these modes and the specific types of energy they each represent can aid us in tuning the meditation practice for ultimate positive results. Tamas ... Views: 555
It is a somewhat frequent occurrence that the instruction to meditate on the space behind the heart, or between the eyebrows is taken to be the meditation itself. There is a difference between where one “seats” one’s consciousness during meditation and the object of the meditation. Sri Aurobindo ... Views: 571
The first point that should be considered is why one wants to meditate and what the expected result should be. This is important because it helps set the internal expectation and helps thereby in understanding the different aspects, both internal and external, that can influence the result. ... Views: 540
The yogic trance, samadhi, is considered a goal for the spiritual seeker, providing access to the realisation of spiritual Oneness. In the integral yoga, however, dropping of the outer life and activity and entering into a trance state is not the end goal. The consciousness that is experienced ... Views: 541
Traditional paths of yoga, and in particular the yoga practice organised and codified by Patanjali, hold Samadhi as an ultimate state of consciousness that puts the seeker into a state of superconscious reality that effectively links him to the Divine reality and purpose of existence. Swami ... Views: 605
Traditional yogic disciplines advise the seeker to concentrate between the eyebrows, chanting OM and focusing on the Divine Will. Sri Aurobindo notes this practice, and develops it to provide access to the higher ranges of consciousness above the mental level. The Isha Upanishad notes that there ... Views: 575
Sri Aurobindo describes two main areas of concentration within the being, the heart centre and the head. For most people, the concentration in the heart centre turns out to be the safest and easiest to achieve realisation. Yoga, to be effective, must move beyond either a purely mental exercise ... Views: 548
Concentration of various sorts is a part of yogic development generally. In most cases, particular paths recommend very specific forms of concentration, whether it be visualisation, recitation of mantras, or specific devotional exercises. The integral yoga also utilizes concentration, but does ... Views: 598
It is likely that most people have experienced a state of concentration at some point in their lives, whether it is focusing on a specific project they are involved with, preparing for an examination, or playing some game of sport that involves focus on a consistent basis. Many people report ... Views: 574
The great epic of India, the Mahabharata, provides various illustrations of concentration in the recounting of the actions of Arjuna, who was the pre-eminent archer of the time and whose actions led to victory. The first example was provided during his youth as he, and his siblings and cousins ... Views: 567
Whichever method one chooses to begin the practice, eventually the seeker finds that mental control is not going to achieve the result on its own. There comes a time when the recognition comes that active intervention cannot achieve what an opening or receptivity to the higher Force can provide. ... Views: 602
It is essentially a universal experience that when we sit for meditation, we see clearly the constant running of thoughts, perceptions, feelings, emotions, desires etc. that occupies the mind all the time, but to which we pay little attention when going about the activities of daily life. There ... Views: 527
Swami Vivekananda, in his lectures on Raja Yoga, describes what we may call the “mind stuff”, citta, which tends to be always disturbed as impressions, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions create ripples, as a breeze will create ripples on the surface of a lake. He goes on to describe the ... Views: 547
In the Taittiriya Upanishad, Bhrigu approached his father, Varuna and asked to be taught about the Eternal. Varuna replied ‘Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal.’ As Bhrigu ... Views: 549
We are asked to meditate and for most, the question arises, what is meditation? How do i do it and what is supposed to happen when I meditate. Those with an active or highly devotional nature may find it difficult to sit for formal meditation, but for those who have a developed mental process, ... Views: 591
These are unprecedented times, as companies are scrambling for business continuity, and millions of workers around the world are forced to adapt to a workplace culture dubbed as the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. But there is a steep price to be paid for this change – weakened ... Views: 446
“Benefits of Meditation”
Anapanasati Meditation alone gives spiritual health to a person. Spiritual Health is the root and physical health is the fruit.
Meditation is the greatest gift given by our own efforts to our own lives. We can give so much to ourselves.
In Meditation:
Diseases get ... Views: 608