Blame it on changed lifestyles, junk-food, stressful living and lack of exercise, our immune system seems to have taken the backseat — not the driver’s seat.
It is a fact of life that people living in a natural environment stay healthy. They wake up in the morning, have a simple, balanced, nutritious breakfast and go through a long workday without complaints. They don’t gobble pills; on the contrary, they spend every moment “training” the immune system without actually focusing on it.
When your immune system is strong, and in top gear, allergic reactions — to highlight one common example — are foreign to you and also your system. It is for this reason that the endocrine system becomes strong.
Homeopathy takes into account such fundamentals — besides, it does not merely attend on the given individual’s symptoms, but also one’s immune functions and the mind/body connect.
In so doing, homeopathy enables us to achieve this state. Naturally.
Natural Medicine
Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that treats the total symptom-picture – physical, mental and emotional. By matching the appropriate homeopathic remedy to the individual constitution of a person, a homeopathic remedy can bring order back to a disordered state and help our mind and body to return to a state of balance.
Homeopathy treats illness or disease by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to those of the disease.
For example, when one suffers from sleeplessness, as a result of joy, not stress, it can be treated homeopathically with Coffea Cruda, a remedy made from coffee, which can cause sleeplessness from overexcitement, delightful news or pay-hike.
To cull another example: when you chop onion, you get watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and throat irritation from exposure to the tuber’s active substances. The homeopathic remedy, Allium Cepa, made from red onion, can help you overcome a cold or allergy attack in which you may have similar symptoms — watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing or throat irritation. The actual symptoms of the illness, as you’d figure out, were not caused by exposure to onion, yet the homeopathic remedy made from onions can help the body overcome them, because the symptoms (signature) are similar.
This is where homeopathy differs from conventional medicine in which one medicine is made to “fit” all — notwithstanding each person’s unique individuality and temperament.
We, at Dr Batra’s Clinic, believe that our body functions on the foundation of a dynamic balance. It is this balance that helps to direct all bodily functions in life. This is called homeostasis. In other words, keeping things static or constant.
Our body has the resilience and the innate ability to return to its upright position, naturally, in spite of the assault from outside forces. For instance, when our immune system identifies a protein foreign to the system, it produces antibodies to drive the protein out of transmission — much before it can cause harm. Such self-regulating activities happen without our knowledge; they are, of course, not tangible. What guides this organising principle, or our immune system, that runs us all — from our defence mechanism to our bioclocks — is difficult to observe directly.
Physiologists suggest that there is a fundamental principle that guides our body to live, think, eat, digest, reproduce and move. It is this defence mechanism that aids our body to repel invading organisms. It keeps all our internal biological functions running smoothly.
Hahnemann called this the vital force, or principle — in modern parlance, immunity.
Symptoms are the body’s attempt to treat itself. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the immune system to assist the body in repairing imbalances. A hyperactive immune system, for instance, can cause autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, where the body starts attacking its own cells. A deficient immune system, likewise, leads to deficiency illnesses like common cold and flu; they may also sometimes lead to more serious conditions.
Homeopathy can boost one’s immunity with a medicine that corresponds with the symptom-picture of the given individual.
Nux Vomica, for example, is a remedy that best fits energetic, fun-loving, and ambitious people.
Sulphur is useful for impractical individuals.
Pulsatilla is useful for shy, kind and gentle and always ready to be led rather than lead.
Arsenicum Album is indicated in tense, or anxious, individuals who are extremely worried about their health and future.
Homeopathic remedies strengthen the immune system — put simply, they help to increase the body’s capacity for holistic self-healing.
Pioneering Steps
Homeopathy pioneered the research and treatment of allergies. To cull a notable example — severe allergic reaction to bee stings is treated gently, safely and effectively with Apis Mellifica, a homeopathic medicine, made from honeybee. Picture this. It was the British homeopath C H Blackely who suggested, in 1871, that seasonal sneezing and nasal surges were triggered by exposure to pollen dust, two decades before conventional medicine developed allergen injections.
Dr. Mukesh Batra, a visionary entrepreneur, has deftly combined professional excellence and personal achievement with social commitment and contribution. Single-handedly responsible for pioneering modern Homeopathy in India, Dr. Batra has not only set up a colossal corporate empire but also extended the medical benefits of this safe and sure medical system throughout the country through path-breaking commercial as well as charitable initiatives.
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