Name : venkatraman K***** Nationality : Indian***** Age : 50 *****Resident : UAE ***** Qualification :,F.C.A ;Grad C.W.A (FROM India) *****
Profession Chartered Accountant ***** Business Consultant in Dubai
Professional website : *****we are Business consultants and Business solution provider having offices in Dubai and Mumbai . We are in the profession for more than 25 years and in Dubai for the past 20 years. Our clients include from multinationals to SME.
*****I am good in Public speaking and am a member of ICAT Toastmasters' club.Dubai.
***** I am also a member of Rotary club and have taken various initiatives with them.
*****I am also a member of Indian Business professional council Dubai
*****I am also a member of Dubai Chamber of commerce
***** I am also a member of ICAI Dubai
***** I enjoy Painting and writing poems
There is no age for getting education, we are all teachers and we are all students throughout our life. Education is for all strata of society whether poor or rich, whether in village, town or city in any part of the world. We should impart our knowledge which we have accumulated to the community at large. So next generation will be better off. is such an initiative Gap between a NGO and the Donor /NGO to NGO can be bridged by a facilitator with an initiative to create awareness.
A child requires 2 pencils per term to do their studies, 172,000 pencils make 1 tree. Pencil collection drive took place in Dubai and Gulf news published the article. 4 schools are taking the initiative forward and now it has become a stationery,story book drive..
waste management: reuse,reduce recycle waste
I collect waste from factories and printing press and give the same to NGOs who manufacture good items and sell the same in exhibition which subsidises the expenses. The need was only creation of awareness
Spectacler drive - initiated and done thru Rotary club
Specs is one of the major waste which we keep at home as we are emotionally attached. Initiative was taken in mumbai
and 60 collection center has been placed. each collection center ca get 100 specs . Presently around 1000 specs given to an NGO to be distributed to underprivilaged
Internet is a tool available for all ages and can be one of the best tools of education. is a site for us to put forth our thought on education into action not only for own but for the community. Education is a continuous process from the time we are born till we breathe our last. “The only wealth we lose is our knowledge on our death if it is not passed on during our life." There are four things required for education Teacher with knowledge (make a good institution), student ready to learn, tools of education freely available (textbooks, reference books, notebooks, stationery) and in the modern world, free e-learning. I am taking a humble step forward and look forward for support by giving tools of education for the children who are ready to learn or by being an environment friendly educationist