We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Charity, Nonprofits and Volunteering". If you have expertise in Charity, Nonprofits and Volunteering and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Do you think philanthropy is only for the really wealthy – Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Bono, Bob Geldof, Mac Robertson, Stephen Tindall and the like?
Well that’s just plain wrong. I’ll show you why.
It used to be that business finance, business credit and so on was only for ... Views: 1184
21st June 2009, an icon completed 50 golden years on this planet.
He is unique and one and only one of his kind in this world.
He considers himself as a King of Hearts.
This self declared icon is standing in your midst - Venkatraman Krishnamoorthy popularly known as ... Views: 1530
There is a thin line between Ordinary and Extraordinary.
The word extra makes ordinary extraordinary. An extra mile, an extra effort and an extra thought makes ordinary extra ordinary.
We all Balance our professional life and family life,
is it or is it not? I feel it is definitely ... Views: 2396
I am so proud of my country and my fellow countrymen. What has happened in Haiti, almost a week ago now; has had me glued to television news reports. I have watched as my President rallied the “troops” of Americans from across the country with a simple news briefing. He called on all Americans, ... Views: 1481
During our daily lives or in the midst of extraordinary circumstances, we often come upon worthy causes to donate to. However, because of one of any number of reasons we fail to make the donation. When you give even a little bit to an organization that helps others, you are making a positive ... Views: 6826
Josh turned over another plastic toy is his hand and decided to sleep on whether he could bear to part with it. In the morning, it was still there, proudly on top of the pile like a Christmas tree star - a shining token from a boy who couldn’t quite grasp the meaning of his gifts.
What he ... Views: 1146
What is Abundance?
Maybe we need to rethink abundance. I lived my first nine years in England, from 1944 to 1953. In all those years we were under rationing. Food was doled out frugally, to the point that my sister and I suffered from malnutrition. Automobiles were scarce, we never got a ... Views: 1412
Hey All You Big Givers!!
Six years ago, I wrote an article called 7 Totally Different Ways to Give Big this Thanksgiving!!
Since then, I’ve come to learn that people need to know what giving is NOT. “The Secret” would say, don’t focus on what you don’t want. However, ... Views: 2321
Susan Jeske is well-known as the first recipient of the Ms. America ® title and in her capacity as the current Ms. America ® Pageant President and for her various pageant-related associations for the last twenty years. She has a great professional profile as a pageant judge, having judged more ... Views: 2070
Some people find the holiday season one of the most depressing times of year. Are you one of them? If so, you know that those cheerful greetings heard so often throughout November and December often fall on ears with hidden melancholy. Here are some suggestions for beating those holiday ... Views: 1744
Dan Boyle’s Oscar-winning film, Slumdog Millionaire, set in the slums of Mumbai, skillfully portrays the conditions of Indian slums and, more importantly, has ignited public interest in the many children who inhabit these slums. In the film, Jamal, Salim and Latika (played by real slum children) ... Views: 1695
There is a sad, unfortunate, and all-too-common scenario that happens on the street corners of the majority of large cities across the world. The situation is familiar to us all because we each have faced it several times. And while the locations and people may be different, the circumstances ... Views: 2872
Engaging followers who will become volunteers and donors is hard enough in the good times; now, your nonprofit is competing with disasters near and far that drown out your message. After all, even with Twitter, YouTube and all manner of media operating 24/7, there is still only so much personal ... Views: 2574
I heard a wise phrase the other day: "in every moment, you are either serving or being served." The give and take, or giving and receiving, is a constant balance of life. How often to you serve others, and how often do you allow others to serve you? Is it easier for you to give than to ... Views: 1334
This week's best of the INTENTernet links are all about giving, serving and volunteering--sometimes in unexpected ways. All come from a heart of gold.
Island DIY: Kauai Residents Don't Wait for State to Repair Road from CNN.com. The local residents whose business livelihood depended on a ... Views: 1392
1. "I don't have the time." Michelle Obama has the time to be a mother, a First Lady, the nation's advocate of service, and have fabulous arms. What's your excuse?
2. "Why do I have to volunteer? I want to watch Lost." Because if you spend your entire life not giving your time to causes ... Views: 6463
I have been in service to others since I was 16 years old when I did my first walk for hunger. I still have the card we used to get each mile marked with a stamp in the shape of a foot. That was 37 years ago and I do not think I have had a time in my life when I wasn't giving back or ... Views: 1538
There's something about the idea off covering great distances that brings out the fundraiser in people. If it's not a breast cancer walk, it's an AIDS ride. If not an AIDS ride, a marathon team running for leukemia. The list goes on. I myself did an MS ride, and I have recently written about an ... Views: 1445
I am reading a fascinating book called Management Rewired (http://www.amazon.com/Management-Rewired-Feedback-Surprising-Lessons/dp/159184262X) which applies new findings in cognitive science to management. Yesterday on the train home from New York I read a chapter that blew me away. Studies show ... Views: 1231
Volunteers make many organizations possible. Volunteers donate their time, effort and often professional expertise in order to help organizations they care about. Yet many organizations don't have a clue how to treat volunteers. In my many years of volunteering at various organizations, I have ... Views: 2077
Walking through the green hills of Tennessee Valley bordered by the brash jubilant display of purple lupines and sweet shy hellos of delicate yellow wildflowers while connecting with Melinda, the founder of Women’s Earth Alliance and Amira her right hand assistant I circled back to that place of ... Views: 1067
I grew up in the South. As a result of that I helped my mom make a lot of casseroles and salads for those who were sick and in need. It was just what you did. We belonged to a Presbyterian church and every Sunday we picked up Mrs. Browman, a woman who lived to be 100, every week so she could ... Views: 1489
1. Make an effort to look good. Because when people look good and know it, they tend to feel good. When you are feeling too self-conscious about your baggy jeans or the stain on your shirt, you have less mental energy to focus on other people's needs and concerns. On the other hand, if you ... Views: 1319
I don't know the exact moment when I let some of my reservations go but I think it happened when I was on the back of a motoconcho (motorcycle) without a helmut zipping up a mountain in the Dominican Republic.
My longer than normal hair whipped around me; with my sunglasses on, I would tilt ... Views: 1037
The summer is the perfect time to start volunteering for worthy causes. The weather is nice, there is generally a more uplifting aura that pervades in the air, and there are many events and causes around the nation that are looking for volunteers that care for their cause (not to say that any ... Views: 1303
This week on Intent, we want to hear your tips, tricks and advice on volunteering. Yes, we know that much have been said about volunteering and giving back in light of President Obama's push for more Americans to serve. We also know that many volunteering resources already exist out there on the ... Views: 1081
Get Involved! Volunteer! This administration's determination to address recession fallout spans beyond the reach of bail out dollars, and into old fashioned barn-raising, with a passionate call to service. The United We Serve campaign challenges all Americans to make a difference by doing "good" ... Views: 1994
Time is a commodity. It’s been compared with money. We only have so much of it in this lifetime, so time is precious. And how we spend our time says a lot about what is important to us. Recently I’ve had a big change in where I’ve been finding my time spent – and it has surprised me, in many ... Views: 1474
Volunteerism isn’t just a noble act, it’s imperative to our national priorities -- or so says First Lady Michelle Obama. She rolled up her sleeves Monday and helped put the finishing touches on a play structure in the Bret Harte Elementary School playground in San Francisco, which has been ... Views: 1077
Hi there everyone!!
Personal growth doesn’t just happen when we’re being trained, learning something new, or having a new type of experience. In situations where we give of ourselves unconditionally with love, with no expectations, we strengthen our character, raise our self-image, and ... Views: 3711
Hey All You Big Givers!!
The first thing we may think of when we think of giving, is money (or gifts and presents which cost money). However, some of us may feel financially constrained . . . The second thing we may think of when we think of giving, is our time. With fast-paced lifestyles and ... Views: 2341
Perhaps you imagined that the people on the bottom rungs of the economic ladder would be pinching every last penny to make ends meet.
If so, you’re surprisingly wrong. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey, the poorer you are in the United States, the larger ... Views: 1336
If you would like to find an enjoyable and fulfilling way to spend time with your family, consider family volunteering. Imagine you and your family planting trees at the local Arbor Day event. Or maybe you’d enjoy helping out at the local furniture or food bank to help other families regain ... Views: 2647
Volunteering has been a part of America’s civic culture since the early days of barn raisings and quilting bees. Neighbors have nearly always been willing to pitch in and help others in times of need. Helping others is not out of fashion. In fact, a new trend in volunteerism is sweeping America ... Views: 2230
Yesterday, you could donate and save one life. Today, you don’t even have to donate to save hundreds of lives and positively impact thousands of people online. We’ve put the power of peacemaking in your hands. For the first time in history you can directly help fix global problems! You won't ... Views: 3809
Although many people are involved in projects that help others, there are also many of us who are searching for ways to help those who are in dire poverty: those without safe places to live, food to eat and medical attention available.
As we begin our search for the best ways to help others, ... Views: 2231
As Carolyn Maskens explains, when she set out to raise a bit of money to help improve the lives of the children at an orphanage in the East African nation of Kenya, she and her Kenyan friends were amazed by the response.
I graduated from Queen’s this spring with an honours degree in Life ... Views: 1444
Ethiopia, a landlocked country in Eastern Africa which is slightly less than twice the size of Texas, has a poverty stricken economy with over 80 million people striving to survive. It is a nation that is well known for its droughts and famines and its long civil conflict and a border war with ... Views: 1461
Volunteering requires a great deal of commitment and determination. It is filled with personal challenges and enormous rewards which are often life changing for the volunteer. Some volunteers feel compelled to go the extra mile and make sacrifices in order to better the lives of the community ... Views: 1352
Hi there everyone!!
I love Obama and he is very much needed to give people of the world hope. Hope is the first, crucial step this world needs before it can embrace change.
The reason most people in the world can't cause change is because they do not acknowledge that hope is required ... Views: 2922
I should be jumping with joy. All our class XII students have passed their examinations and this for the 8th year running. But before I could get down and savour the good news a mail dropped in my inbox informing me that one of our main donors would not be able to meet their monthly commitment ... Views: 1153
I remember something from my community college economics class that economy had something to do with scarcity.
All along I've been reading post after post about how to get what we want because all we need is available in abundance.
Seems to me we need to abolish the monetary system. What ... Views: 3455
Across the spectrum of nonprofit organizations, a broad brush of advocacy concerns and efforts are underway - each as varied as the organization they represent.
Women’s Way is one of the youngest groups supporting legislative efforts that will positively impact the respect of, for and by ... Views: 1581
Recently, in a conversation with a community banking representative about the business of nonprofit agencies and civic engagement, she became quickly confused by my use of two terms.
Advocacy was one of them. Governance the other. But she was a banker and couldn’t be expected to know what ... Views: 1504
One of the many reasons for the growing popularity of the modern marathon is that they are more commonly being used as a means of raising money for charities and worthy causes. Whichever marathon charity you choose, it will have more meaning to you if you select one that is related to someone ... Views: 1950
Managing a nonprofit organization is one of the toughest jobs around. You have a worthy cause, wonderful staff and volunteers, but the funds for promoting your organization are very limited or not there at all. How would you like to have an unlimited source of potential donors that you can ... Views: 1656
Do you ever wonder who could possibly help a homeless person? The answer is each of us can help. It's called direct service - helping someone in need ourselves.
But how? There are many ways to help a person in need, including giving a homeless person a blanket. That's how we started Children ... Views: 1283
This is Anifatou Gado. She was born on March 6, 2005 into a small, respectable family. Her lovely mother cared for her and her three other siblings. Her hard working father made a living to support his wife and children by selling gasoline out of their home.
By the age of three, Anifatou ... Views: 1242
Financial or business planning is at its most powerful when it is well integrated with one's personal goals. And the ideal way to accomplish such an integration, at least for people with some degree of wealth, is starting a private foundation. Read on about why that is so, and how to go about it ... Views: 1249
Since January 20, the American people have been drinking from a fire hose. We are deluged with progress on issues that once seemed intractable - restarting the economy, safeguarding the environment, universalizing access to health care, and reasserting our good name abroad. As President Obama ... Views: 1139