Managing account activity of your sales reps is crucial especially if targets are missed on a regular basis. However sales managers must delve deep beyond mere account activity. They should determine how the particular account activity has progressed over time. The managers must find out how the ... Views: 1737
To increase sales performance, sales managers must highlight essential areas of goal development for the sales reps to improve in. Even if the reps are lacking in many professional selling areas, it's best to identify and focus on one area for specific measurable improvement at a time. Next the ... Views: 1634
Business owners and sales management can take steps to inspire their staff to new heights. They should be transparent in communicating the actual business results of the organization. Incentive programs can be introduced to all employees and not just the sales team to foster better overall ... Views: 1599
In everyday life anybody is capable of making a difference in their community, it doesn’t have to be the prominent civic leader, politician or business tycoon, any he or she can seize the initiative. Superheroes need not be all flash and regal, it could just be the down to earth everyday guy or ... Views: 1404
An increasingly fast pace of life continues to put excessive demand as well as stress on people. Many may become overwhelmed under more pressure to push their bodies to the max. The burden of meeting personal as well as business obligations saps energy and motivation. Inspiration is the driving ... Views: 1509
You are not alone, many people have a burning desire to release the power within them. However all too often action is simply not taken, days may go by, maybe months or even years and they kick themselves later. It’s never too late to do many things in life, it’s just your mindset and it’s ... Views: 1241
It’s fair to say that in the last half a century or so, women have captured more masculine associated traits such as powerful external strength along with independence and self-reliance. However men have made less progress in these feminine associated traits such as true compassion for others, ... Views: 1058
Maintaining motivation is a huge factor in accomplishing your goals in life. We’ve all been there before when we embarked on a particular project full of energy and enthusiasm only to find ourselves losing interest a few months later. Losing your passion and motivation is a common challenge. ... Views: 1213
There’s much more to courage than display of force in a physical contest, courage should serve as the underlying x-factor in which we can exercise all the other virtues of life like wisdom, justice and hope. Courage should start from every individual daring to live their lives to the fullest ... Views: 1120
The meaning of sales value can vary from one organization to the next and indeed differ from one sales rep to another. However the key is how the customer perceives the value. Organizations like coaches can call plays, but it doesn't mean it will work out. Is the customer truly getting the value ... Views: 1032
Most organizations employ some kind of sales coaching program; however many don't yield measurable results. The top performers continue to make up most of the revenue pie. How can organizations motivate the under-performers? Should they use more contests and more bonus money? The top performers ... Views: 966
One of the reasons that the top performers of each organization continue to bring in a bulk of the revenues is due to their superior sales techniques. Some sales reps are more adaptable than others. They don't use a one size fits all technique. They learn to adapt as the situation dictates, they ... Views: 1253
One could make the argument that self-motivation may well be the most crucial ingredient for sales performance. However evaluating motivation in a sales team is a complex matter. It's assumed that most sales reps are motivated by money of course and making their quota every month. However one ... Views: 2009
We have all watched a sports game and noticed an athlete that may not be as naturally gifted as others, but he had a burning desire and drive to succeed. You noticed that they never gave up on any plays and contested at every possible opportunity. The internal drive to succeed is crucial is ... Views: 1321
Inspiration is the brother of motivation, if not at least close cousins. Some would even argue that inspiration trumps motivation. One could simply say that inspiration provides the high octane gas that can fuel your motivational drive. In some circles, inspiration implies a higher calling, ... Views: 1216
It may seem impossible to some, but you can find a way to earn a living doing what you love. Everybody is born with an innate skill, no matter how unique it is, on this planet you can find a way to monetize your passion. It may not happen overnight, but develop a plan to see it to fruition. If ... Views: 1085
Everybody would probably love to be working in a field that they love; however, some may feel that's just not possible given their current circumstances. If you are currently doing work that you no longer enjoy, try taking the necessary steps to get to where you want to be. It doesn't mean ... Views: 1045
Organizations need to keep a watchful eye on not only their overall company sales strategy, but also at the individual sales rep level. Sales reps are the foot soldiers in the field. They are in the trenches every day and well rewarded for it too, however they should also be able to chime in on ... Views: 1257
Do some organizations still apply the usual sales formula that it takes 10 to 20 cold calls for each sale? If that was the case, a lot of reps who were low performing could just double the amount of calls the next month and success, right? Not so fast, if only if it were that easy. Yes, ... Views: 1077
As the economy continues to regain strength, sales managers are still struggling to get the most out of their current sales staff especially after the many cutbacks of resources during the recession. After research of over 1000 sales reps over a 2 year period, only slightly more than half of the ... Views: 948
It's a shame that some people choose to maintain a negative disposition about their lives. Unfortunately negative thinking generally yields negative results. Consider whatever lofty goals you may have in life, you are likely not going to get there if you think negatively. Sure, you may not get ... Views: 850
Everyone knows the benefits of physical exercise to achieve that improved quality of life. However when incorporated with a daily mental exercise, there can be no better way of keeping out Father time. Something about water and the brain, after all Dolphins are almost considered almost as smart ... Views: 1077
In today's fast paced world as more and more pressures seem to pop up every day, it's vital to reduce the negative effects of stress on the body. Just as we intend to keep unwanted weeds from our manicured lawn, the effects of stress can cripple your brain function. A daily mental workout will ... Views: 1035
Many would agree that a body in motion tends to stay in motion; however, there are times even the most motivated among us need a jolt or two to get us back at full force. When we launch ourselves full speed into a task, at the beginning motivation comes easy, but gradually you may ease your foot ... Views: 968
Success means different things to many people; it can also differ from one culture to another, but one thing is certain, everybody seems to want success in one shape or another. It makes sense because society rewards success of course. It often leads to even more opportunities than you ever ... Views: 967
Ever wondered why some people have such a great attitude? Could they possibly have no problems whatsoever? Of course, everyone has their share of issues in life whether rich or poor, the important thing is maintaining a positive attitude regardless what obstacles come your way. Learning to keep ... Views: 1171
Is there anyone alive that hasn't heard about the power of positive energy? Even though many people know all about it, only few truly believe in it. Perhaps some feel that it's just not possible for them given their circumstances. It's far from the case; you could be a rich man, but still have a ... Views: 1188
An essential part of life should be achieving one's goals. There's a reason most self-help sources encourage you to write your goals down. The process of writing out and plotting a course of action stimulates the brain. It's important to note your exact feelings as you make your plan, remind ... Views: 773
Is courage truly disappearing from today's world? Can you remember what courage meant to you as a kid growing up in modern society. Did you define it in the physical or moral sense? Did you ever take a stand on a particular issue? There's a great reason why most heroes all through history have ... Views: 819
It's surprising that nowadays people still remain skeptical about the power of the human spirit. Books like The Secret and The Power of Positive Thinking have done little to change people's minds. Michelangelo, Amelia Earhart and Graham Bell are examples of driven individuals with an indomitable ... Views: 930