The number of newsletter opt-ins you get depends on how you market it. If you market it ineffectively, you may be missing out on opt-ins.
Here are 7 tips to increase your newsletter opt-ins:
1. Put the sign-up box in a visible location. There are areas of your Web site that are more visible ... Views: 655
If you're missing a call to action when trying to get newsletter opt-ins, you may be missing out on opt-ins. Just like in offline copy, you need a call to action to have prospects take a specific action. It's not always obvious on what the prospect should do. So we need to spell it out for ... Views: 756
The opening paragraphs of your web sales pages are important. Fail to catch your prospect's attention and he or she won't read further. But it can be hard to come up with opening paragraphs that get attention. Your mind might even go blank when you sit down to write your first sentences.
An ... Views: 813
When developing your Web site, it's important to make sure your Web site loads quickly. If it takes too long to load, your prospect may get impatient and leave.
When a new visitor arrives at your site, they'll typically only want to wait a few seconds. If they wait longer than that, they'll ... Views: 764
It's important to get people to read your blog posts. Learning a few copywriting techniques can increase your readership. By applying just one copywriting technique, you can boost your readership by up to 100% and more.
For instance, the most important part of the blog post is the title. The ... Views: 973
A little more than a year ago, I was browsing a forum and noticed a forum networking mistake. It was on a forum related to dating advice for men.
A “guru” named RL posted an unsolicited article explaining his philosophy on how to meet women. Depending on a forum's rules, there may be nothing ... Views: 756
Back in school, I remember learning about Parkinson's Law. It was taught in one of my classes. Parkinson's Law states, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” I remember reading that with a yawn. At the time, it didn't mean much to me, nor did I fully understand ... Views: 1707
It can be confusing whether you should use jargon in your copy. If you use too much jargon, you run the risk of confusing your prospects and making the copy hard to read.
On the other hand, if your audience understands the jargon, but you made the copy too simple, they may get annoyed. They ... Views: 1066
We'd all like to get more done in less time. The more you get done, the more results you generate for your business. And the more you'll increase your income level.
What are some ways to increase your productivity? Here are 7 ways...
1. Time limits. When you have a time limit set, it ... Views: 883
The design of a Web site is important. If you're making these mistakes, you may be scaring your prospects away. You want your Web site easy to use. Prospects should feel in control of your Web site, not intimidated by it.
What are some mistakes when designing a Web site? The first one ... Views: 711
It's important to write in a conversational tone. People are more likely to buy from those they like and trust. A conversational tone gives your copy a friendly vibe. But writing in a conversational tone can be tough, especially if you come from an academic writing background.
Here are some ... Views: 1423
When you write your copy, you have to be respectful of your prospects. You can't talk down to them, insult them, or make them angry. If you do, they'll toss your copy in the trash or close their web browser.
Don't Write a Google Ad Like This
There's a Google ad with a headline that says, ... Views: 672
Back in school, you learned all sorts of grammar rules. Whenever you made a grammar mistake, your English composition was returned to you with red ink. Words were crossed out. Paragraphs were highlighted. Maybe your teacher even scolded you for making such silly grammar errors.
But when it ... Views: 802
In an earlier article, I talked about 6 ways to build your Web site traffic. In this article, you're going to learn 6 more ways to build your Web site traffic.
1. Link Exchanges. Link exchanges can increase your search engine rankings. The more incoming links you have to your Web site, the ... Views: 670
Building traffic is important for your business. Before you can make any money through your Web site, you need traffic.
But how do you build your Web site traffic? Here are 6 ways...
1. Search Engines. Search engines can be a powerful way to build Web site traffic. If you have a strong ... Views: 687
A common mistake is not telling the prospect what to do at the end of your copy. From our point of view, it seems obvious on what the prospect should do next. We think the prospect should be able to figure it out himself. Spelling out the obvious might even insult his intelligence, we ... Views: 801
Having a guarantee boosts your sales. If you don't have a guarantee, you should strongly consider having one. Here's why...
1. It takes away the risk from the prospect.
Your prospect has worked hard for his money. Most people don't want to risk their hard-earned cash, and that includes your ... Views: 652
Prospects today are skeptical. Many of them have been fooled in the past and won't readily believe you. Some of them have been taken advantage of. If prospects are too skeptical of your product or service, they're not going to buy.
So how do we get around this problem? We solve this ... Views: 704
Coming up with headline ideas can be difficult. But it doesn't have to be that way. You're going to read tips on how to come up with headline ideas and improve your headlines.
First, write down as many headlines as you can without editing yourself. Just let the ideas flow and get them down ... Views: 2038
When writing copy, one thing you must pay attention to is making it concise. To quote Strunk and White's book, The Elements of Style, it says, "Omit needless words." This applies to writing copy as well. When your copy is concise, your sales message is strengthened. It gets straight to the ... Views: 1519
You may have heard you should never talk about yourself in your copy. Many books have written about it. In fact, if there ever was a "copywriting bible," it'd be listed as one of the biggest "sins." It makes sense too. After all, prospects don't care about you and are more concerned with ... Views: 810
When making promises in your copy, it's important to keep them. When promises aren't kept, you lose credibility and customers. Your customers end up resenting your company. You're unaware of it because they often don't complain to you or your company. Instead, they complain to their friends. ... Views: 871