Have you ever come across a perfect person? I bet you've answered no to the question. The thing is no one is an ideal human being because if humans were, there would be no such thing as wars, stress, sadness, or mistakes. The funny thing is even though, while we may never accomplish perfection we can become nearer to it through our limitations.

The majority of people would not portray themselves as absolutely perfect. I bet even the most conceited people in the world are not, on the whole, so big-headed as to say they are perfect in all ways - even Paris Hilton thinks she is a dummy! If you think about it if we are not all perfect then it goes to say that we must have a lot of short-comings as a result. Which also means that through our short-comings we are prone to make mistakes, and that mistakes are a normal part of the human condition.

You may think that this seems like a silly concept. If you do, then lets look at it in this way. When you first learnt how to drive a car the first thing that probably happened was that you stalled the car. What happened after that? Well, your brain looked at what went wrong, it made the necessary adjustments to the movement of your legs and coordination. Hey before you know it your driving along without being conscious of it! What happened was that you learnt from your mistakes.

We learn about the world through making mistakes. When Thomas Edison invented the wireless he made seven hundred attempts before he got it right. When asked about his failures he replied: "Well, when I failed seven hundred times, I knew then that there were seven hundred ways of not doing it. By not repeating my mistakes I finally got it right." If scientists did not make mistakes we would have no computers, aeroplanes, electricity. Basically everything that makes our life easier has come about by trail and error.

Trial and error is the method by which we learn as human beings of how things work. The only way we can know how to get something to work, is to know what things will stop it from working. People that let the fear of making mistakes override them, hardly ever reach their goals in life. These people concentrate on the negative aspect like, "What will happen if I do this or do that. What if I fail." They waste a lot of energy on dwelling on all the bad things that might happen if they are not successful in their venture. Instead of thinking of all the good things that might happen if successful.

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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