Even though depression is a very serious disorder, you can still stand up and fight against it, and beat it, if you know what to do when it comes. If your depression is really severe, it's essential that you seek the advice of a doctor.
The thing is a lot of people with depression, usually, ... Views: 687
Chakras are seven centres of motions of the essential life force (prana). They are part of the subtle energy system and have a vital part to play in healing and health. They are basically subtle energy transformers, and are located on a physical level all along the spinal column and ... Views: 815
Crystal-gazing is the practice of looking into a ball of crystal, glass, or anything that is similar to a ball of crystal and trying to see within it meaningful pictures or symbols which can help in some way to solve a problem or answer some question.
Crystal-Gazing is a very old divinatory ... Views: 1410
Being aware and being able to Understand and control your own aura (energy field) is a significant step towards self-growth and an awareness of the energies around you.
So what is the aura? Well, the aura is a "force field" of energy surrounding each one of us that helps to keep mind, body ... Views: 2749
Think about it we spend about one-third of our life in sleep. The amazing, recuperative effect is essential to our survival. The ultimate therapy for being tired is going to sleep, and then to dream. Most of us have had an amazing dream at one time or another, and then wondered what it ... Views: 1069
The word clairvoyance comes from 17th century French: with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision." It is the ability to perceive things that are beyond the range of our everyday human senses: seeing the unknown with the mind's eye (the third eye).
Most parapsychologist and other ... Views: 1313
When you practice exercises to tap into your Psychic abilities, it is rather like going for a workout at the gym, and exercising your body muscles. Developing psychic abilities is just the same: they become stronger the more you use them. Also as you become better at using your abilities the ... Views: 3145
Why, is it that almost everyone is afraid to make mistakes? One of the biggest obstacles that stop people from achieving anything in life is the thought of making a terrible mistake.
But the funny thing is making mistakes is a very important part of life, so why are people so afraid of ... Views: 678
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson, nineteenth-century American self-help pioneer.
Ask yourself this question what is confidence? And a number of various answers may come to your mind. Such as confidence is the ... Views: 690
Decision-making can be worrying. The worrying is worse when you try to make decisions centered on what the people around you want you to do. The best kinds of decisions are the ones that you make that guide you to the contentment and success you are worthy of!
Contribution from your friends ... Views: 1013
A lot of people believe that you need to finish your goals at a certain time. Ok a lot of this is true in many situations, but there are definitely many ways on how you can accelerate the course of your achieving your goals. You can accomplish the things you want faster by concentrating on the ... Views: 945
With the use of meditation you can calm not only your body but your mind also. This article is for those who are uncertain about meditation as a mind calming technique because of the opinion that meditation is a hard procedure to master. It may be true that to sharpen your meditation skills you ... Views: 926
The thing is what is Performance Stress? Well, performance stress has to be one of the biggest causes of stress in the workplace. With a working atmosphere that continuously exposes its employees to a given set of requirement that they must meet, this much pressure can lead a person to question ... Views: 570
The Dangers of Stress
Most people suffer from Stress. Even though it is fairly common, it still needs to be dealt with given its effect on a person's health and well-being. Every time you undergo stress, your body produces chemical alterations in your brain that might also have an adverse ... Views: 829