By enhancing your feeling of introspection as much as possible you will become much more contented with life and much more honest with yourself. There is not much to be gained by only being slightly honest or biased against your shortcomings. It is also necessary that you try to prevent seeing yourself only as a saintly being - like some of these celebrities do. By asking yourself the right questions and being honest with the answers is the best way of developing introspection.

What you need to do is to harness self-awareness to such an extent that there are no more secrets being hidden from yourself. Finding the truth about yourself, even if it's very unpleasant, is the first step you need to take before finding answers to your problems.

To find out more about yourself you need to ask pertinent questions. Like, " What are the things I'm good at? " Then ask, " what are the things I'm not good at? " Remember it takes courage to face your weaknesses, so don't feel uncomfortable. Once you've learned what your weaknesses are you will then know what to build on and improve in yourself.

Introspection is a very emotional process. To find out and understand who you are, you need to find out what are your over-riding emotions: what makes you do the things you do. What I'm asking you is to look at your emotions as either positive, or negative. When you do this it will avoid any bad feelings when you discus your emotional feelings with others.

The other thing is it avoids confusion. Think about the different ways that two separate people can describe the same thing. We may use different words to describe the same feelings. Like different people experience fear in different ways. The reason is we all experience the world in different ways. This is all down to how we were brought up by our parents, and who we associated with as a child. That's how we have values and beliefs installed in us, all because of who we know. Think about it maybe the values and beliefs that you have now aren't yours really, but someone else's?

I want to ask you a question. Have you ever wanted to do something, but you were to scared of doing it because you thought people would laugh at you? I'm certain you definitely have, haven't you? Well, the thing is we all have. The thing is, the biggest problem to hold you back, is people! It seems they all have this inner fear of making themselves look like a silly ass in front of their peers. This leads to them not doing the things that in the long run could make their lives a way lot better.

For example, maybe you were in a pub and saw someone of the opposite sex that was really attractive and sexy, but you avoided them like the plague in case they said no to your advances because you didn't want all your friends to laugh at you being rejected. That person could have been your soul mate, but fear of failure made you into a coward. This kind of thing happens in all kinds of situations to all kinds of people. Another example might be that you've always wanted to take dance lessons, but were so frightened of seeming clumsy in front of the more advanced students, thus, stopping you from doing the one thing you have always wanted to do - dance like Fred Astaire.

All you need to remember is that fear of worrying of what others think of you will stifle you. Also this fear will stop you from accomplishing what you want in life and becoming the real you. Stop being scared! Think positive and good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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