This article clarifies two major myths and misconceptions rampant in the self-help industry about the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is purported by some well-known teachers in the industry to be full of dark and unwanted tendencies. If you can impress upon your terrible subconscious pictures and visualizations of the things you want and release yourself from its negative programming, you can finally achieve the success you deserve.

The following are two fundamental claims about the subconscious that are nothing more than myths.

Myth #1: The subconscious mind accepts anything and everything you impress upon it

It is easy to refute this myth when you realize what the subconscious mind actually is. Your subconscious is the source of your intuition--an extension of your higher self. Your higher self is not easily impressed upon, and it is certainly not fooled. Although it is true that your subconscious mind is "in charge of" your life experiences, the self-help industry is still largely ignorant of the true reasons behind the struggles and challenges in people's lives.

It isn't necessarily that certain teachers are deliberately misleading; it's just that all this is part of the divine game being played out on this planet, and it's how the higher self's goal of growth through firsthand experience is attained.

Myth #2: Because your subconscious mind must accept anything your conscious mind gives to it, building a picture in your conscious mind and planting it into your subconscious will then move you to take effective action - leading you to the results you want and to your success.

I have found through personal experience that this is not how the process works. In fact, the self-help industry has it backwards. You can see this when you examine the concepts deeper than surface-level. (And also, when you apply them: The Law of Attraction, as it is currently understood, has not really worked for the "average" person.)

The conscious mind is often referred to as the ego personality mind. Your subconscious mind (the consciousness of your higher self, also called the superconscious) is connected to the divine plan, the larger plan being played out in the Universe. Your conscious ("ego") mind will not and cannot override the plan your higher self set out for you since before you were born. Your conscious mind (it isn't all that conscious) is not yet aware of the larger divine plan, but the reasons for that are beyond the scope of this article.

However, the process for your success is simple and it works like this: You familiarize yourself with your higher self and the plan your higher self has for you will gradually be made known to you on an "as needed" basis. Then you take actions based on your inner guidance, your intuition. Taking action inspired by your higher self will place you in amazing synchronicities as well as give you new insights that will forward your success.

Your conditioned ego mind (your conscious mind) does not have the ultimate understanding of your life situation and it certainly doesn't know the bigger picture, the awesome divine plan that's being played out right now. That's why it is time to reconnect to your higher self--and it's what will begin to shift your consciousness.

This is the opposite of what the big gurus are telling you to do, I know. But it is time to rethink things and to think for yourself. The subconscious mind has been portrayed as the "bad guy," filled with negative programming which you must alter using their methods - or else. But the challenge and the opportunity of the moment depends on you doing what makes sense to the real, authentic you--not the you that has been mentally conditioned by powerful establishments that have kept humanity ignorant and oppressed for ages.

Author's Bio: 

Are you ready to fast track your spiritual awakening and finally live the life of your dreams? Get your free Spiritual Awakening Process Quick Start Guide at and discover how to rev up your intuition, access your inner shaman, and fulfill your divine purpose. Christine Hoeflich is the author of The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light and Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir, available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback / hardcover versions.