A few days after I published an article about the subconscious mind and the misconceptions being spread by so-called self-help gurus, I read a message channeled by Mike Quinsey about the awakening process that humanity is currently undergoing. The following is an excerpt:

"...As the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite. Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes." SaLuSa--channelled by Mike Quinsey, March 29, 2010

What this says to me: As we raise our consciousness (as the collective consciousness increases) we are realizing the need to come up with our own understanding of life. The truth can be found, but only by letting go of many cherished beliefs. (You cannot learn anything new if you already know everything.) Unfortunately, many of the beliefs that have been passed on through history are false, and just because the majority of a population believes something doesn't make it true. Indeed, more often than not religious as well as spiritual beliefs are false (all religions and teachings are filled with distortions). You can access the truth through your intuitive knowing. Connect with your higher self because that inner part of you has been around forever and is connected to the divine.

Here are a couple examples of current beliefs that are most likely fiction, found in my email inbox the day I began this article: 1. Women who take bisphosphonate drugs (those advertised to protect against osteoporosis) are actually increasing their risk of fracture, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (but you'll have to wait before the FDA acknowledges that). 2. Agave "nectar" (the "raw" kind included) is touted to be a healthy, natural alternative to cane sugar, but closer inspection reveals it may be worse than high fructose corn syrup. (I tried it once at Trader Joe's, never touched it again.)

The two examples above are easy to adjust; it's much harder to change your mindset when it comes to older beliefs (which also have been "sold" to you). I can imagine that for most people, it can be disturbing to even contemplate the possibility that the things they held true for so long may not be true at all! How do you deal with something like that?

But--wasn't it Jesus who said that we should aspire to be as young children? And what describes young children better than being open to learning new things?

So where do you begin? How do you start? Well, I do not suggest letting go of your beliefs all at once. I can promise you it will leave you feeling disoriented. Instead, cultivate the attitude that you believed what you believed for valid, even noble reasons and be open to new information that is coming forth in this time of planetary change. (You will discover the reasons as you awaken.)

You do not need to jump into totally new beliefs. In fact you may keep your old beliefs until you become sick and tired of them or are no longer able to reconcile them with reality. At the same time, be open when a new idea that sparks your interest comes into your awareness. Don't fear new ideas; know that the truth (that has--up until now--been hidden) shall set you free. Keep an open mind and view the new spark of information as a possibility. (You are "loosening" the hold that your beliefs have had over you when you do this.) Then check this potential truth against your own inner knowing. The more trust you have in your connection with your higher self (and not some dogma that was passed on to you), the better you can discern the truth.

If it is true, then it should help explain, in a simpler and more elegant way, things that were poorly understood before. If it is true it will be part of an emerging "bigger picture" that makes more sense than the worldview that has been handed down to you. This is how to change your mindset, and connecting with your higher self is what activates this awakening process.

Author's Bio: 

Are you ready to fast track your spiritual awakening and finally live the life of your dreams? Get your free Spiritual Awakening Process Quick Start Guide at http://www.ChristineHoeflich.com/ and discover how to rev up your intuition, access your inner shaman, and fulfill your divine purpose. Christine Hoeflich is the author of The Spiritual Awakening Process: Coming Out of the Darkness and Into the Light and Reconnected: A Spiritual Awakening Memoir, available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback / hardcover versions.