"Funerals or memorial services are the final, formal celebration of a person’s life. They are universal rituals of love that incorporate a final good-bye." --Suzanne Kyra

At funerals and memorial services, I have appreciated how the deceased and the deceased loved ones have been honored and celebrated. Funerals and memorial services are only for the living. They are a time to say good-bye to the physical manifestation of the deceased, pay tribute to his or her life, and enjoy the memories of what was good—while always letting go and finding deep comfort in the memories left behind.

I Have Learned
... that a funeral is a closure honoring the deceased, and the deceased’s community. It is about recognizing the connection between the deceased and myself, as well as the connections between myself and those touched by the deceased. I have found that funerals offer me an opportunity to expand my relationships, while sharing memories with others who are grieving the loss I am grieving. Ultimately, funerals join me with others, showing me that we are all connected in life and in death.

Musings on Funerals and Memorial Services, With a Sense of Love
Love is the heart wide open mourning the one who has died. What were your experiences with funerals while you were growing up? How do you experience funerals today? How present are you able to be with your grieving and the community’s grieving? How are you able to take in nurturance from a memorial service? What meaning do you give to funerals and memorials services? How do you imagine your funeral? Is your image satisfying?

We encourage you to attend funerals and memorial services as an opportunity to show your respect for another human being’s existence, and the ending of that existence. We suggest that if you are unable to attend the funeral you have your own private ritual celebrating the memory of the connection you will always share with the deceased.

My commitment to honoring my relationship with the deceased and those around me is ...

(The above is an excerpt from Welcome Home to Yourself: A therapist and photographer explore the meaning of life through individual lenses—a mother and son’s journey published in 2008 by Relationships Matter Publishing Inc.) www.suzannekyra.com

Author's Bio: 

Suzanne Kyra is a Registered Clinical Counselor, self-empowerment specialist, workshop leader, international speaker, consultant, and clinical supervisor at the Psychology Clinic with Simon Fraser University, B.C., Canada. She is the author of the award winning book, Welcome Home to Yourself, which is about living authentically in harmony with self and nature. Kyra has over three decades experience in all areas of human development, and is an expert in developmental stages, parenting, intimate relationships, and abundant living.