Did you want long hair like Rapunzel when you read that story or watched the live-action Disney film? You did, right? Most girls dream of long, healthy, and shiny hair like Rapunzel. Unfortunately, not every one of us can have hair to die for, right? The reasons are multiple, from genetics to ... Views: 603
Hailed as the ‘king of Ayurvedic herbs’, Ashwagandha works well in reducing anxiety and stress. Ashwagandha tablets may also significantly enhance strength, promote glucose metabolism and boost testosterone levels.
Roots of ashwagandha have a horsey smell (in Sanskrit, ashva ... Views: 592
Fish Oil Capsules Triple Strength 2500 Mg
Are you searching for omega-3 fatty acid supplements? Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that act as a preventive agent for chronic diseases. Deep-sea fish oil contains abundant vitamin D3 and vitamin E. These help fight against heart diseases and ... Views: 500
Whenever you reach for that bottle of vitamin C or a bottle of fish oil pills, you might question how well they'll work and whether or not they'll be harmful. One of the first questions you should ask yourself is whether or not you need them. In most cases, Online Vitamin C ... Views: 524
Are you exhausted of unnecessary fat in your body? We know, nobody likes that huge flabby paunch. You may have exasperated a lot of diverse conducts to get liberated from that body fat. It is not as tranquil as anticipated to lose the body fat. And for some people it is the bereavement of their ... Views: 587
Neuherbs commitment is to improve the quality of life. To fulfill your body’s Omega 3 needs, Neuherbs has brought to you Deep-Sea Fish Oil 2500mg, formulated with innovation to address modern lifestyle health issues and to target desired results.
Why go for Omega -3 Supplements?
Omega-3 ... Views: 556
6 Steps to lose weight at home.
how to lose weight fast
1. Drink Apple Cider vinegar
When we talk about fast weight loss, the name of apple vinegar or apple cider vinegar comes first. Apple vinegar is helpful in burning body fat. For weight loss, apple cider vinegar should be mixed with a ... Views: 737
Beauty Tips with these 7 magical ingredients.
1. Collagen
The skin is the body’s biggest organ, and is responsible for feelings of temperature, pressure, and different other significant capacities. Collagen makes the skin firm and smooth. As the skin goes through natural ... Views: 599
Benefits of Vitamin C Supplements
1. Helps in everyday cough and cold
Vitamin C appears to help on cold and cough symptoms and make them less severe. In the old and the people who smoke, and those who are experiencing common health issues, there’s proof that vitamin C can really reduce ... Views: 657
What is Giloy?
Giloy is a type of vine commonly found in jungles and bushes. Giloy has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. Seeing its benefits, there has been increased awareness among people for the recent few years and now people have started planting Giloy vine ... Views: 764
Winters have arrived and it is also a comfort to those who love to empty their teacups that they can eat ginger without fear in this season. In most Indian homes it is customary to make tea in the morning or evening. Ginger has its own importance in it. In winter, it becomes even more special. ... Views: 653
Exercise is the remedy of many diseases, which keeps you fit and energizes the body. Nowadays stress and anxiety have become common from children to the elderly. Everyone has stress due to some or the other, which is fatal for your body. Stress itself causes anxiety, headaches, high blood ... Views: 755
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), also called Indian ginseng or winter cherry, is an Ayurvedic rejuvenator or rasayana that assumes a multifacted function in improving overall health. The foundations of ashwagandha are used widely in Ayurveda to enhance physical and psychological well-being, ... Views: 728
Testosterone deficiency is also known as hypogonadism. When testosterone levels in human body blood are less than 300 nanograms per dl (ng / dL), testosterone is deficient.
In adults who are male, problems related to low testosterone deficiency can be seen more clearly. But testosterone ... Views: 647
Tulsi or Tulasi in Sanskrit, is found locally in tropical Asia. It is also referred to as Holy Basil and is the most sacred plant in India.
In Ayurveda texts several names have been given to tulsi in its praise “The Incomparable One,” “Mother Medicine of ... Views: 1029
Specialists may suggest home consideration on the off chance that somebody in your family:
-has coronavirus (COVID-19)
-was tested for COVID-19 and is waiting for the results
-has flu like symptoms (like a fever, cough, and sore throat)
Any individual who is suspected — regardless of ... Views: 624
Calcium is required by all of us for the build-up and maintenance of strong bones.Calcium also helps to maintain heart rhythm, muscle function, bone strength, bloodclotting and more. Most of the amount of calcium is stored in bones and teeth, whereit supports their structure and ... Views: 799
Fitness and Health Trends to keep in mind in 2020
Within one week the new year is about to knock on your doorstep and with the new year and its new beginning, you come up with lots of new resolutions. Other than many resolutions, there’s one important thing that people often pay no ... Views: 665
Fitness and Health Trends to keep in mind in 2020
Within one week the new year is about to knock on your doorstep and with the new year and its new beginning, you come up with lots of new resolutions. Other than many resolutions, there’s one important thing that people often pay no ... Views: 692
Anemia is a condition when there is a decreased number of red blood cells orhemoglobin in the body. It is the most rising blood issue in the general population.Hemoglobin is the main component of red blood cells (RBC), which binds withoxygen and carry it forward.
What is Anemia and who all are ... Views: 740
Diarrhoea is a condition, which is characterized by abnormally loose or watery stools. If a person passes 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequently than it is said to be abnormal and we can say, the individual is suffering from Diarrhoea. Nowadays, it is one of the most common ... Views: 800
Testosterone is the key hormone that is responsible for men’s optimal health.
Biologically, it’s an androgenic male sex hormone that is primarily produced in men testicles. This hormone plays an essential role in the development of male growth and masculine ... Views: 868
Yes! Liquid diets, as the name suggests, means getting liquids only as a part of thediet. The liquid diet is a diet that can replace all the meals with fruit, vegetables,milkshakes or basically liquids, which have to be taken at some intervals throughoutthe day.
Following liquid diets ... Views: 998
What Exactly Diarrhoea Is?
Diarrhoea is a condition, which is characterized by abnormally loose or waterystools. If a person passes 3 or more loose or liquid stools per day, or more frequentlythen it is said to be abnormal and we can say, the individual is suffering fromDiarrhoea. ... Views: 847
1st OCT – 31st OCT
Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women, in developed and developing,low & middle-income countries. It has been seen from the past few years, theincidence of breast cancer is rising due to an increase in life expectancy, increasedurbanization ... Views: 768
DASH stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension”
The DASH diet is a lifelong approach which has been designed to treat or prevent high blood pressure (hypertension). It has been developed to lower blood pressure without medication. The DASH diet encourages you to limit ... Views: 832
What is morbid obesity?
Morbid obesity differs from obesity, it is when a person has excess amounts of body fat and a body mass index or BMI greater than or equal to 35.
Morbidly obese people are at greater risk of factors that can directly affect their quality of life; like it can ... Views: 753
There are basically three human body types: Endomorph, Mesomorph, andEctomorph. But it is not necessary that the body remains bound to one category orthe other. Some changes like lifestyle, genetics, history, and training styles play arole in how you look, and it can be changed over ... Views: 911
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is a low-carb diet, which is usually recommended for weight loss. TheAtkins diet says that one can simply reduce weight by just avoiding carbohydratesfrom the food and increasing the amount of protein and fat (healthy). Studies haveshown that a low- ... Views: 902
Low testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in men by the testicles. Testosterone affects a man’s appearance and sexual development. It stimulates sperm production as well as a man’s sex drive. It also helps build ... Views: 2224
Sex can reduce stress, make it easier to sleep, and improve heart health (all that bumping and grinding counts as a workout, you know). Considering these amazing benefits, what really happens to your body when you stop having it—whether you're taking a timeout on ... Views: 939
Unlike getting the flu or a cold, allergy symptoms aren’t the same across the board. Depending on the type of allergy you have and how severe it is, your reaction could be completely different than another person’s. However, there are many things you can look out for that could signal an ... Views: 694
It may seem like everyone and their mother is getting lip fillers these days, but before you sign up for a pout that could rival Kylie Jenner's, it's important to vet the professional you're trusting with your lips. Just take it from the multiple women in Arizona who were left with ... Views: 846
Physical activity and some level of exercise is very important to maintain the health of diabetes patients. Regular exercise will help your body use insulin. This controls your blood sugar. It will burn off extra body fat and strengthen your muscles and bones besides lowering blood ... Views: 943
What is C-reactive protein?
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a substance produced by the liver in response to inflammation.
Other names for CRP are high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP).
A high level of CRP in the blood is a marker of ... Views: 1047
Men visit doctor half of as regularly as women and reason behind it can be that men are expected to be solid, reliable and extreme. But it is necessary to know about changes to your health and to see your doctor with no delay if you see something wrong.
The following are the four most important ... Views: 1237
जिंदगी में तमाम तरह के बदलाव और तनाव के चलते खुद का ध्यान देना न भूलें. कुछ ऐसी आदतें हैं जो आपको आसानी से अपने दिमाग और सेहत दोनों को खुश रखने में मदद करती हैं.
सेल्फ केयर आइडिया क्या है ? जब आप यह सवाल खुद से करते हैं तो इसके महत्व को समझते हैं. दरअसल सोशल मीडिया और डिजिटल दुनिया के इस नये ... Views: 877
My shake Meal replacement shake is a healthy, quick, portable and convenient food product that comes prepared in a can or bottle, while others come in a powder form that can be mixed with milk or water to give your body the same nutrition as that of a small meal.
As the name suggests, meal ... Views: 1741
Type 2 diabetes is far more complicated than simply having eaten too much sugar.
However, preventing the escalation of prediabetes into type 2 diabetes can be simpler for some.
Approximately 22 percent of people diagnosed with prediabetes are able to prevent it from progressing to type 2 ... Views: 950
Performing oral sex on a woman can be extremely pleasurable for her, and satisfying for you to watch. But it is not dangerous or bad for health if you lick or swallow the fluid from her vagina.
The fluid that is present in her vagina when you are performing oral sex is naturally produced by a ... Views: 1870
Do you believe that sex and intercourse are synonymous? If yes, how would you feel if we say that they are actually not? Sex is not limited to penetration and it does not even have to be included in sex at all. Just outercourse can do the needful. This is what science says. According to a survey ... Views: 886
Do you believe that sex and intercourse are synonymous? If yes, how would you feel if we say that they are actually not? Sex is not limited to penetration and it does not even have to be included in sex at all. Just outercourse can do the needful. This is what science says. According to a survey ... Views: 784
Papaya has become a favourite fruit among a lot of health-conscious people. Not everyone enjoys the taste of papaya but considering the health benefits of the fruit, it is definitely worth a try. Read on to know about the benefits of ... Views: 913
It seems like the gluten-free diet is the new in-thing. As people across the globe are adopting a gluten-free diet, Indians are not far behind. But what exactly is a gluten-free diet? Gluten is a type of protein which is found in various food substances such as wheat and barley. Here we present ... Views: 954
So you and your partner are tearing off each other's clothes and heading into the bedroom—and you’re definitely in the mood for some action. But your vagina doesn’t seem to be as into the idea as you are. It’s seriously dry down there, and that's killing your vibe.
Hey, we've all experienced ... Views: 4387
On Friday, the FDA approved a new drug meant to boost female libido, only the second of its kind to enter the market. Vyleesi, which is being touted as “female Viagra,” claims to be the answer that women with low libido have been waiting for, but it hasn’t come without controversy.
Vyleesi, ... Views: 821
One of the most common problems encountered in today’s society is infertility. It has risen to almost 20-30% in the period of last four to five years. Parenting is just not something that only a mother requires to get prepared for, father’s play an equally important role. In men, the main reason ... Views: 834
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old discipline from India. It was developed as a practice to unite the mind and body. There are many branches of yoga. All yoga styles can help balance your body, mind, and spirit, but they achieve it in various ways.
Benefits of yoga
Yoga's gentle movements are a big ... Views: 658
Find out the health-benefits of these tiny & powerful seeds… !!!
Nowadays everyone is talking about a diet that is low in carbs and fat, commonly known as ‘FAD DIET’ that promises a rapid weight loss.
Quinoa dates back three to four thousand years ago when the Incas realized that this crop ... Views: 810
You're probably aware that green tea has antioxidants, but did you know that green coffee does, too? Unroasted coffee beans that are still green contain antioxidants and chlorogenic acid that's been linked to weight loss. To try these benefits for yourself, steep your own green coffee extract or ... Views: 812