Today I have a video where I share the 3 negative consequences of affairs on the betrayed partner.
In my work helping thousands of couples heal from infidelity I have seen 3 negative consequences that commonly affect the betrayed partners.
I wanted to share these negative consequences are ... Views: 631
Are you micro-gaslighting your partner? You might be doing this without even being aware that you are.
In this video, Todd describes what gaslighting is and the concept of micro-gaslighting that he sees so often in his work with couples.
It is important to understand why we ... Views: 457
In this video, marriage and relationship therapist Todd Creager discusses the five ways that infidelity affects the partner who commits the infidelity.
He also gives suggestions for how the betrayer can use this to look deeper into themselves, learn from it and become a more trustworthy ... Views: 538
Full article at:
We are here to reach our potential. This is something of which I am absolutely convinced.
The longer I live, the more I see that we have been given amazing potential and with the correct ... Views: 465
The answer is yes phones in bed are taking a toll on sex lives. There was an interesting research study that had some eye-popping statistics.
Here is a quick synopsis of some the statistics from that study :
1. ... Views: 595
The pain created by infidelity is one of the most difficult things that a couple can go through. I have shared this in many other articles and videos discussing how to heal from infidelity here on my blog.
My intention is not to minimize ... Views: 688
What do you do when there is a sexual desire discrepancy between partners?
Couples have different desires about many things.
They like different kinds of foods; they like different kinds of movies; they like different kinds of music. ... Views: 720
How does a couple regain sexual intimacy after betrayal?
There is a discovery by one partner that the other partner has cheated on them. That moment becomes devastating, disorienting and shocking.
A lot happens emotionally to that ... Views: 943
In this video therapist Todd Creager discusses the five ways alcohol ruins relationships.
Not only your intimate relationships but all of your relationships including yourself.
Todd dispels a common myth that alcohol is a great way to be more social, that in fact it does just the ... Views: 615
Infidelity can be devastating to the betrayed partner. It can put a betrayed partner in a total state of disorientation after infidelity has occured
The person you trust and have opened your heart to has been with another person in an intimate way. At first, it may feel almost too much for ... Views: 604
I often get asked why should I forgive after an affair? In this article I examine why forgiveness essential for the betrayed person to heal whether or not he or she decides to stay in the relationship.
Affairs are so painful for the betrayed person. As I said in last week’s blog on After ... Views: 712
Every relationship has its ups and downs.
Every relationship has its smooth times and challenging times. I find that often my past wisdom and experience helps me communicate in ways that are mature and constructive with my wife. However, that is not always the case!
Even though I’ve been ... Views: 611
From my work with couples in this area, I have found some clear answers to the question, what are the most important things your man wants from you sexually.
In my private practice, I’ve been helping couples rekindle passion and keep it alive. I’ve been doing this for over 30 years with ... Views: 1099
In my last article, I talked about the three most important things your man wants from you sexually.
In this article, I share the reverse side of this topic and cover the three things that make your women want you sexually.
The reason I changed the title is that there is more of a ... Views: 3635
Could you handle your partner’s truth? This is a topic that is very near and dear to me.
In this video I discuss why it is important to be transparent and fully expressive as a key to having a healthy relationship with your partner.
Our role models (our parents & ancestors) have ... Views: 645
My mother was 90 and her boyfriend was 100 (My dad had died 8 years prior).
They had been videotaped and the video was on YouTube about sex in older age. They also interviewed a much younger couple that was 85 and 83.
Both couples met at the assisted living residence and both were ... Views: 676
Every relationship has its smooth times and challenging times. I find that often my past wisdom and experience helps me communicate in ways that are mature and constructive with my wife. However, that is not always the case!
Even though I’ve been a marriage therapist for all these years and ... Views: 633
In this video, Todd Creager shares a success story of how EMDR therapy helped an individual process, heal and move on from childhood trauma.
PTSD infiltrates people’s lives, their work, and relationships, often limiting them. Watch the video and listen to Todd tell the story of Sue who had a ... Views: 701
One of the things I’ve noticed in my practice is that there are a lot of people who are stuck in a busy and overwhelmed state.
Most often this shows up as relationship, health, and emotional problems.
I’ve filmed this short video to help you break free of this and start focusing on your ... Views: 543
When I do work with individuals and couples, I often look for some of the deeper issues that may include childhood trauma or early attachment wounds and other kinds of deeper psychological issues.
However, there is more to health than exploring and resolving old issues. Learning to practice ... Views: 550
In my work with couples and individuals, I’ve seen how slowing down will make you happier and more productive. And, I know we all want to be happy and we all want to be productive…right?
Many of us erroneously believe that the way to be happy and productive is to go as fast as you can ... Views: 569
I have often defined a dysfunctional family as one in which the family members are not free to be themselves. They have to adapt and give up their true self to live out an adapted self who is trying to survive in a family where they are used to regulate the emotions of the parents. But let’s ... Views: 661
In this post I’ve compiled a list of 10 surprising questions to ask your partner as a way to help you build emotional intimacy.
One of the most important aspects of an intimate relationship that makes it thrive is when both partners really know each other and each partner gets the feeling ... Views: 1035
Many times infidelity has nothing to do with sex… however, when most people think of infidelity, they often times think of having sex with another person.
You may be surprised, but I actually work with many couples where this is the situation…the infidelity has nothing to do with ... Views: 634
In this video Relationship expert Todd Creager talks about whether a sexless marriage justifies infidelity.
He also shares the many causes of sexless marriage and what you can do about it to regain passion and sexual intimacy.
Watch it and see what Todd’s answer is to the question does a ... Views: 707
I spend at least 50% of my time in my office helping couples heal from infidelity.
Infidelity is not a good thing; it is a very painful thing. It is a hurtful thing and the betrayed person is a victim of a deception that shakes his or her world. Cancer is not a good thing it is a painful ... Views: 1017
I’ve got a short video here for you about the 3 stages of love and how to beat the statistics and have a Long Hot Marriage.
I’ve been helping couples in marriages and relationships thrive for 30+ years and I am more optimistic than ever about couple hood!
In this video I share the 3 stages ... Views: 698
I just had a couple leave my office. I was helping them to practice communication.
Her main complaint was that when she expresses anything to him, he feels attacked and then shuts down.
She is left feeling insignificant and not heard.
I see different versions of the same story over ... Views: 689
I often call infidelity an interpersonal crime- a crime in the sense that it robs the betrayed partner of the opportunity to make decisions for him or herself based on what is actually true. Could you imagine driving blindfolded? Of course not- because in order to make the best driving ... Views: 1758
Gaslighting is a tool that people use to manipulate you into doubting your perceptions, your feelings or your self-worth so that the gaslighter does not have to look at him or herself, change anything or be uncomfortable in any way.
This article answers the two biggest questions I get ... Views: 942
What exactly does that mean?
It means that we all have been wounded in our childhood as well as earlier in our adult lives. At a minimum, we have been disappointed or rejected or were left out of a social group at school or told we were not good enough by someone important in our life (or ... Views: 764