The key to building a successful marketing campaign is to really understand who your prospect is, what frustrates them and what they dream of for the future.
I would suggest developing a customer profile that clearly details the specifics about your most common customer.
Starting this ... Views: 1548
To write a truly effective marketing plan for your business, you must have the basics in place first. One of the most basic, yet often overlooked elements of a marketing plan is the situation analysis.
This situation analysis will provide the context for the proposed plan of action and must ... Views: 3227
If you’re currently in business for yourself or are considering starting a new business, marketing is a skill you absolutely must master, if you hope to be successful. Although marketing can be a daunting prospect for many entrepreneurs, mastering the basics of writing a marketing plan can be ... Views: 1628
Are you worried that your business is going to suffer because of the current economy? In this article you'll learn how to find customers in any economy by following a few simple steps...
It's true - In a slumping economy consumers are spending less. But that doesn't mean they've stopped ... Views: 1388
Are you curious about how to effectively use your LinkedIn profile to market yourself more effectively online? By the end of this article you'll have 3 simple LinkedIn marketing strategies you can begin using immediately!
LinkedIn Marketing Tip 1 - Include a Signature In Your ... Views: 2725
Do you, like many entrepreneurs, get caught up too easily in all the "latest and greatest" marketing tactics... but somehow fail to get the results promised? Keep reading to find out how to stay focused on what works!
It seems the very things that make you a successful entrepreneur – ... Views: 1853
So you want to generate more word of mouth, but don't want to be pushy or "in your face" about it? Here's how...
Everyone knows that the best form of advertising is word of mouth. The reason this is true is because the marketing message is coming, not from a "greedy company" but from a ... Views: 1662
Do you know how to make your marketing message sizzle in the mind of your prospective customer? You will if you read and implement this short article...
People are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages every minute of the day, from all angles. Making your message "stick" in their ... Views: 1171
There is a lot of attention being put on internet marketing these days… search engine optimization (or SEO), social networking, podcasting, vlogging, blogging, RSS, email marketing, article marketing, etc. And more tactics are being added at an astonishing rate!
So how do you determine ... Views: 1374
Every business needs a plan – any plan – that will guide and inform their marketing activities. And yet, as essential as a marketing plan is, many business owners and entrepreneurs don't use one; most claim being "too busy" with the running of their business as the primary ... Views: 1421
Being able to succinctly describe your business is an essential networking skill for two important reasons.
First, the person you’re talking to can quickly and easily understand if they, or someone they know, is a potential customer of yours.
Second, knowing specifically how to ... Views: 853
There is one challenge that, above all others, can have the most dramatic impact on the success potential of your business – marketing.
Without a steady stream of new, qualified prospects coming into your business each and every week, your business will eventually dry up and be blown away ... Views: 1904
Hopefully you already have a vision for your company.
It might be to be the biggest, the best or the brightest in your industry. It might be to deliver a certain experience or level of service to your customers. It might be to take over the world and travel to the moon.
Whatever it is ... Views: 935
Marketing is not hard.
In fact, marketing is quite easy… when you know what steps need to be taken.
It’s a system!
Of course, you have to actually follow the steps start to finish in order for the system to work. But that’s the beauty of a system – it is a ... Views: 1217
There are some things that small business owners can do to market themselves very effectively, while working with a very conservative budget. These days, a big budget is not required for big results.
Here are three powerful tips for small business marketing success:
Play To Your ... Views: 902