Procrastination and distraction instantly derail your efforts to grow your business and achieve your goals. Follow these five steps to banish distraction and work more efficiently:
Step 1 - Get honest with yourself.
This step is hard for most people. It can be difficult to admit that ... Views: 882
Referrals are the best source for new business for your salon or spa. People trust recommendations they get from friends or family over advertising hands down. Even better, referrals feed on themselves: your happy clients refer their friends building your base of happy clients who refer their ... Views: 688
Referrals are the lifeblood of your business. You need a consistent flow of referrals from your existing clients to achieve your weekly sales goals. A well designed referral program taps into your clients' networks rather than relying on you to make one-on-one connections.
Don't be one of ... Views: 930
Fear is a natural part of our emotional make up. It is even helpful at times. For without fear, we'd certainly walk into many unnecessary dangers. When it comes to being successful in your Virtual Assistance business, you may have many fears that hold you back from making the progress that you ... Views: 943
Partnerships are a powerful tool to grow your business. The right partnership will give your business a shot in the arm. You'll get fresh ideas, a new audience and maybe, depending on the type of partnership, a new product.
However, there are some right ways and wrong ways to find a partner ... Views: 695
Have you ever heard a marketing consultant tell you that you need to identify your ideal client profile? Most folks start thinking about demographics: age, education, income level, marital status and occupation. But defining your ideal client goes beyond what the census bureau measures.
In ... Views: 550
In order to grow your business and achieve your goals, you have to streamline your activities and focus your efforts. What does this look like on a practical level?
Learn to Say "No."
It means that you're going to have to say "no" to any nonessential activities in your business, in your ... Views: 922
A solid referral campaign is the most powerful - and least expensive - marketing tool you have at your disposal. An analysis of 500 salons showed that less than 3% have a defined referral program yet 80% of salon owners say they get most of their clients by referral.
Join the minority! Use ... Views: 899
Do you find it hard to believe that you can create or accomplish anything that you want? I used to have that problem. When growing up, I was very shy. My shyness stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. I always thought, "I'm not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough... " ... Views: 1005
How often have you seen an announcement for a course, eBook or teleseminar presented by an amazing duo? Instead of wishing you were part of an incredible partnership, take the steps to form one on your own. It's easier than you think.
The benefits of partnering for a project are enormous. ... Views: 671
Top-notch salons and spas provide value by giving their clientele exactly what they need. Follow these steps to create offers your clients can't refuse.
1. Learn about your clients
Giving your clients exactly what they need starts with understanding their needs. The easiest way to do that ... Views: 587
Great salons and spas give their clients exactly what they need. To find out what your clients need, you have to get the inside scoop on them.
How do great spas and salons get the insider info? They use surveys! Survey clientele to collect feedback on your staff, your services and what else ... Views: 572
It can be a challenge to determine how much to charge for your products and services. You need to charge enough to cover your costs and consistently generate a profit, but you don't want to scare your prospects away. Pricing doesn't have to be a struggle. Follow these tips to price your services ... Views: 517
Webinars are a great way to build your audience - they give you an opportunity to "show and tell", which builds trust and credibility for your business. With webinars, you also have the opportunity to partner with another business offering complementary products and services, which can build ... Views: 730
Webinars are a prime way to build your audience and establish trust, but there's a right way and a wrong way to go about doing them.
By making sure your webinar provides value, and leaves participants wanting more of what you have to offer, you can get the most out of this form of ... Views: 687
Creating a marketing video for your business used to mean booking time with a professional studio and paying a hefty price tag. Now you can do many of the same things using your own smartphone. Whether you have an iOS or Android device, you can use your smartphone or tablet as your personal ... Views: 1169
Do you attend local networking events? Being part of formal referral and networking groups has been a big part of my success in growing two successful businesses in the past 6 years. Keep in mind that your networking doesn't have to be limited to official events. I've used a terrific technique ... Views: 803
I don't know a single entrepreneur who isn't busy and on the go these days. Folks who are struggling to grow their business often lament that they don't market like they should because they don't have enough time.
But the truth is we are each allocated the same amount of time each day, we ... Views: 751
When your website is set up correctly, and focused just right on your ideal clients, it can be a 24/7 sales and marketing tool for your business. Unfortunately, far too many small business owners are missing out on important keys that can make or break their businesses. Don't be one of them! ... Views: 927
"Old-school" business marketing ideas can still help you greatly in your quest to bring in more ideal clients to your business. In today's post, learn about 3 ways you increase business.
Most entrepreneurs who do not currently have enough clients in their business are facing that challenge ... Views: 863
Is your website doing all that it can to bring you new leads and build trust with your prospects? If not, you could be missing out on loads of clients who need exactly what you have to offer. With a few changes to your approach, you can turn your website into the number one tool that generates a ... Views: 809
Having an arsenal of small business marketing tips can help you catapult your business to success.
As a business owner, you should be constantly searching for small business marketing tips that can be used in your business. This will ensure that your marketing efforts are always fresh and ... Views: 798
Your business website can't be successful without a plan. Before you launch, you need to have a clear and focused vision of what you want visitors to do. This way, you can create a plan for you and any service providers you hire to follow. How do you develop a plan? You start with setting ... Views: 787
Uncover the 7 small business advertising ideas that will help you grow your business to a huge success.
Having a variety of small business advertising ideas at your fingertips is a necessity for any business owner who wants to build his business and succeed in his niche. While there are ... Views: 683
Your website is the number one marketing resource for your business. But far too many small business owners aren't using this important online real estate to its full potential. With the wrong approach, your website goes from a marketing asset to a liability.
Even if you're not a web ... Views: 575
I often hear entrepreneurs making this excuse about why they aren't marketing their business consistently:
"I don't have enough time to market Sydni!"
I'll refrain from going off on a rant about making excuses (and how that correlates to how successful you are in business), but I will say ... Views: 775
What is a marketing strategy? I like to define it as "a process that allows you to concentrate your limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase your visibility, sales and income."
For example, let's say you have the goal to enroll 3 new clients within the next 30 days. You ... Views: 843
Love it or hate it, marketing is a necessary part of creating a successful business. If you happen to reside in the "hate it" camp, it could be because you feel like marketing means you have to be pushy, sales-y or fake. We've all had the experience of having someone try to "sell" us and it ... Views: 795
Ouch, I'm in pain over here! It doesn't matter who you are or what you do. If you can solve my problem, I will happily give you my time and money.
We each have a pain that needs healing, an itch that needs scratching, or a problem that needs a solution. And we're on the hunt for that ... Views: 762
No matter what differences you and I have, the type of business we have, our philosophy about being self-employed or what our personal goals are, we most definitely have one thing in common. We want to be successful and we want to make a good living doing the work we love.
There are a lot of ... Views: 716
Do you ever scream after working with a particular client? It is not the end of the world when you find yourself in a working relationship that is well, NOT working. I would really love to help you avoid (or get out of) a bad client situation. How can you do it?
Know what you HATE
To help ... Views: 839
Developing high quality content is a critical component to being successful with your marketing efforts.
At the very least you need to decide what to say on your business card and on your website. If you decide to blog you've got to figure out what to write there, and participating in social ... Views: 864
Let's face it. Most folks go to a networking event hoping to close new business. Is that the case with you?
If so, then you need a plan to make this happen. Simply showing up and collecting a few business cards, is NOT going to create new money in your business.
First, you need to research ... Views: 859
You've likely heard me say, "marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions with people who are already looking for them." To get the results you're looking for (more clients, more income, more visibility, etc.) you must also market consistently.
I understand that it can be overwhelming ... Views: 938
You may be familiar with the phrase, "throw enough against a wall and something is bound to stick." That might be true, but as you market your business (which is really just sharing solutions with people who are already looking for them) wouldn't you rather know what is going to stick before you ... Views: 970
The term analysis paralysis is fitting when a person over-analyzes a situation to the point where a decision is avoided or action is not taken, thus paralyzing the outcome.
Success ALWAYS responds to decisive action. So even if an action you take leads to an outcome you didn't expect, it ... Views: 940
Do you remember the goals that you set for 2012? How are you doing with being on track with those? I am asking you this for a VERY important reason. I want you to focus on your goals, remember them and crush them!
Every year, people in general start the year off with fascinating expectations. ... Views: 535
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that you want your target market to be giddy over your services and products. You are in the business of serving others and you want to help as many ideal clients as you could possibly manage. Right?
To be of service and create a profitable business ... Views: 826
One of the most important elements of profitable marketing is often the most difficult for solo service professionals to maintain. That is sharing your solutions consistently. To keep your pipeline filled with ideal clients who happily and readily pay for your solutions, you MUST market your ... Views: 763
Have you ever noticed on some treadmills that there is a setting called the "fat burning" zone? Theoretically, if you keep your pace, speed and incline at a certain level, you will maximize your work and keep your body in its prime "fat burning" zone. Which is obviously the goal if you are ... Views: 779
It's time to be honest! Are you really spending the time you need to each day on growing your business? Or are you getting distracted with time wasters like surfing the Internet, hanging out on Facebook or other busy work that isn't leading to profits?
If your time management and productivity ... Views: 822
I just joined the Apple family by getting my first iPhone a couple of months ago! I've been having so much fun with all the cool features and completely understand why when you go Mac, you never go back!
If you are a new user like me or considering getting an iPhone, I wanted to share a few ... Views: 902
Do you find that your marketing efforts are haphazard and all over the place? If so, you're not alone. Consistency is the one area where entrepreneurs often have the most trouble. It's an area to give careful attention though, because in order to grow your business and your income, you need to ... Views: 933
Joseph Ghabi once said: "Your life will begin changing the moment you decide that you want it to."
I've found that the same is true for growing your business. If you want to see different results than what you've seen in the past, you must make a heartfelt decision to do things differently. ... Views: 931
Clarity about what you want in your business is absolutely priceless. If you've ever been stopped dead in your tracks because you don't know what to do first or where to go, you can appreciate that. Knowing what you want to accomplish, even if you have no idea how to get there, is the first step ... Views: 936
Creating a successful business is a simple step-by-step process. Of course, there will be challenges along the way. You may make a few mistakes - I know that I have! I have literally made every mistake that an entrepreneur can make - but it hasn't stopped me from being successful. I've learned ... Views: 780
If you entered a contest that challenged you to enroll one new client next week, how would you go about doing so? Imagine that the stakes are VERY HIGH. The prize, $100,000 if you could just get one new client to work with you in your business. Would $100,000 be enough to get you excited about ... Views: 809
As you think back over the last year of your business, are you pleased with your results? I hope so. I am proud of what you accomplished and you should be too! Are there some goals that you didn't quite reach? If so, you're not alone! Being goal oriented and stretching yourself is part of being ... Views: 794
Entrepreneurs generally have a lot in common. We're passionate about our work. We care deeply about delivering high quality products and services to the people who need us. We have a "never-say-die" spirit.
Another thing we have in common is a bad habit of focusing on what went wrong. We ... Views: 1067
As we approach the end of the year, NOW is the perfect time to take a look back at the last 12 months and take stock of what's working and what's not working in your business. Were you thrilled by your success or disappointed in your business? What were your greatest successes? What aspects of ... Views: 951