Though we live in a modern, fast paced society, spend a lot of time communicating via text message, email and social media, and are extremely pressed for time, there is NO substitute for grace and expressing your appreciation in business. This is especially true when it comes to thanking those ... Views: 796
Do you want to work with more of your ideal clients?
Would you like to save time on marketing and get better results?
Do you desire to become a recognized expert in your field?
You can do all this and more when you build your business by referral. If you ask for and encourage referrals, ... Views: 793
How much more profitable would your business be if the majority of your clients came from referrals?
How would your life be different?
Would you spend less time on prospecting? Receive more qualified leads? Grow your business faster and easier? There are multiple benefits.
Now, what are ... Views: 562
Your subject line can make or break your email marketing efforts.
With the right subject line, you'll make an impact with your list members and encourage them to open your email and take a look inside. Also, you can increase your sales, deepen your connection and be more valuable to the ... Views: 1027
Doesn't it feel great to pass along the word about your favorite restaurant or tell someone about a terrific book you can read? You can make it easy for your clients and colleagues to do the same for your services. When you do great work for your clients, they are just as excited to tell others ... Views: 780
If you want to get the best results from your marketing efforts, you've got to be strategic in your approach. Choosing the right strategies for your business starts with selecting techniques that fit your goals and the solutions your ideal prospects are looking for. Then you need to IMPLEMENT ... Views: 741
I'll be the first to admit it.
When video marketing started getting popular, I was NOT feeling it. Looking back, I can see it was because I was WAY over thinking it! ("What will I talk about?" "Don't I need a lot of equipment?" "I've got to get cute every time I shoot a video!!")
As I ... Views: 774
According to HubSpot in 2010, 45% of all Americans are aware of podcasting, while 23% of Americans listen to podcasts. This has increased from 11% in 2006. It is also estimated that 70 million people have listened to or viewed a podcast.
So there's a high likelihood that a fair number of your ... Views: 870
A smart, simple way to engage ideal prospects is to leverage email marketing.
There are so many great reasons, not limited to the fact that:
1. Most everyone has an email address.
2. You can schedule your messages in advance.
3. You can personalize your messages and really ... Views: 582
Being a solopreneur can trigger many fears that you may not have even known about before! You know that you have talent and a lot to offer your clients. Nevertheless, it's not an easy job to keep your confidence up while you're dealing with the realities of marketing your services, being your ... Views: 813
Creating visibility for your business online can seem like a daunting task. There are many different options to choose from and you'll likely find yourself in "analysis paralysis" if you try them all at one.
That said you simply can't ignore having an effective strategy for marketing your ... Views: 791
When you're a service professional, you are only paid for the time you spend on client projects. Therefore, maximizing your work time is key to the profitability of your company. So, when you run your solo business from home, it's important to create a productive work environment where you ... Views: 929
Building your business and growing it to support the lifestyle you want is the whole point of becoming an entrepreneur.
The first step in doing so is to define what success means for you. Perhaps it means that you work a certain schedule. Have the ability to travel extensively. Or maybe it ... Views: 821
You have started a small business. Congratulations!
Now, what is more important than starting a business? STAYING IN BUSINESS!
We discussed recently the importance of having a powerful mindset that will support all of your business and life goals. It's also important to have the proper ... Views: 781
Service professionals have to be proactive about finding and acquiring new clients. The marketplace continues to enable normal people like you and me to earn a living AND gives others the opportunity to get the services that they need. Why is that? It is because we can easily access the people ... Views: 798
There is a fundamental truth about construction. Any building that is constructed has a better chance at lasting on bedrock than on sand. That is a guarantee!
This is why it is so important that your business has a solid foundation. How can you make sure that this is the case with your ... Views: 857
Do you have a "CAN DO," "WILL SUCCEED AT ALL COSTS" type of mindset? Is it natural for you to lead yourself towards your goals no matter what negative signals you receive from naysayers?
Your response could very well be the determining factor as to how quickly and easily you accomplish your ... Views: 783
You've heard me say it before. Marketing is simply a matter of sharing solutions with people who are already looking for them. So, the point of your marketing messages is to encourage your prospective clients to take the next step with you: hire you to help them solve their problems.
But if ... Views: 918
If you want to consistently attract ideal clients to your solo practice, you need to have a clear marketing message. In addition to defining your message, you need to figure out how to package your message for maximum results.
How you present your marketing messages makes a BIG difference in ... Views: 513
I recently reviewed my client list over the past 18 months to see where my clients had come from so that I could fine tune my marketing efforts. You see, Smart Simple Marketing is not about doing more. It's not about doing the "latest and greatest thing". It about doing what works and doing that ... Views: 451
What we think our clients want and what they actually want can be vastly different. The only way to create offerings that are easy for them to say yes to and solve their problems is to find out for sure. And the easiest way to do that is to ask them! When you ask your audience what they need, it ... Views: 513
Marketing your business is not a one-time event. Rather, it is an ongoing process that you execute repeatedly to present your solutions to those that are already looking for them. To do this easily and effectively, you need a plan to follow each day, each week and each month in order to create ... Views: 455
You've heard it said, "Ask and you shall receive." This is NEVER truer then when it comes to asking for referrals. Many service professionals are hesitant to do this for a number of reasons. It might be because you are afraid of "bothering" the person you're speaking to, because you're worried ... Views: 485
One of the best ways to get your ideal clients interested in your solutions is very simple - talk to them about how you can solve their problems. You may already be telling people you know about what you do, but there is a lot more to talking to your target market than that. There are networking ... Views: 437
When you think about talking with prospective clients about what you do, you may be tempted to tell them all about how you do what you do. But think about it - is that really what they want to know? Are they really interested in exactly what you do? In most cases, they aren't.
In reality, ... Views: 447
Whether you've been in business for one month or ten years, there are basic marketing strategies that ALWAYS work, but that are easy to overlook. As you look to meet your goals of generating a certain amount of revenue, working with a certain number of clients, or breaking into a certain market, ... Views: 482
As a service professional, an important element of your marketing strategy is to highlight why you are THE premier solutions provider for your target market. When you showcase your expertise and how others' lives and business have improved because of working with you, your services and products ... Views: 488
If you want to fill your pipeline with prospects and increase your income, you have to speak the language of your ideal clients. When you speak their language, you'll be able to connect with them on a deeper level and show that you understand their problems.
Some solo professionals struggle ... Views: 485
Marketing a service business will inquire an investment of your time and financial resources. What if you don't have a lot of money to spend on marketing? Now what? Does that mean you simply cannot market your service business and your only hope is waiting on the sidelines for someone to hire ... Views: 504
Successful service professionals know that they are problem solvers for their clients. Positioning yourself as a problem solver helps your clients instantly see how working with you will make a difference in their life and/or business. It can also help your unique business stand out in the ... Views: 625
Small business marketing is not only necessary to your success as an entrepreneur, it's easier than you think. Statistics say your small business has a 1 in 6 chance of survival, but without effective, ongoing marketing, your odds are far less than that. Utilize proven small business marketing ... Views: 455
If you want to pump up your profits, you have to get clear about exactly what you are offering your customers and offer it to them in a way that is compelling and interesting. The best way to do this is to position yourself as a problem solver for your ideal prospects. If you can solve problems ... Views: 746
To market your business and to do it effectively, you need a marketing plan. Trying to just jump in and implement strategies as they come might seem like a carefree way to handle your marketing, but doing so will never create highly profitable results in your business.
For a marketing plan ... Views: 502
Do you feel like you're working all of the time and struggling to get your tasks done? When you're unproductive and disorganized, you'll get further and further behind on your goals and feel even more overwhelmed. It's common feeling but fortunately, there's an easy fix. Being an entrepreneur ... Views: 669
Feeling overwhelmed with marketing your business? We've all been there at one time or another. But you don't have to stay there! Being in a constant state of overwhelm is a choice. It's a choice one makes partially as a result of a limiting belief that being successful in business is hard and ... Views: 541
Practical marketing solutions are necessary to build a successful business. As a solopreneur, you don't have a full-fledged marketing department at your disposal. You need some practical marketing solutions to grow your business without exhausting all of your time or money.
Practical ... Views: 477
I get it. You need some affordable marketing ideas you can implement without laying out a lot of cash. But how can you consider even affordable marketing ideas when the budget's tight, your client base is small and you're not quite so confident in your marketing skills?
Affordable marketing ... Views: 497
Whether you're in start-up mode or an established business owner experiencing a cash crunch, you may find yourself without as much capital as you'd like to spend on marketing your business. That may be your reality, but that is no excuse for not marketing your services. The only way you're going ... Views: 508
Time. It's the most precious asset we have as entrepreneurs and the one thing we can't get enough of. Many service professionals struggle with using their time effectively and find it hard to consistently market the way they should. While we can't literally add hours to our day, we can use the ... Views: 569
The success of your service business depends on your ability to consistently and effectively market your solutions. So why is it that so few solopreneurs are spending the necessary time and energy on marketing? In my coaching work, these are the excuses I hear most often:
1."I don't have ... Views: 520
It isn’t rocket science, but for a lot of service professionals, a simple step-by-step social media plan seems difficult to create.
Yet, developing one takes all the intimidation and guess work out of using this popular tool for business marketing. If you’ve been holding off on using social ... Views: 468
Most service professionals know that they need to market their business consistently to get great results. But knowing and doing are two very different things. It can seem challenging to market consistently when you’re so busy serving your clients, actually running your company, and trying to ... Views: 533