Clientele looks to you to spread cheer all year-long. Each new appointment is to verify we are there to serve the people well and address their needs. For example, I compiled my list below and checked it twice to share with you. We can choose to be grumpy or naughty. Or we can decide to be ... Views: 627
When ready to take your career to the next level, it is possible to transform today into tomorrow. The idea of reverse engineering comes from Silicon Valley. Embracing the concept can improve your current circumstances with greater ease. Even better, engineering talent is not a ... Views: 680
Do You Want To Accelerate Your Progress?
Are you planning to accelerate your progress? Discipline for moving forward is essential for doing well in the next phase of business and career. Our success depends upon the motivation we have for continuing learning, revising goals, and diving deep ... Views: 936
Light the Path for Others to Follow
Similar to the delivery of the lyrics below, others hear and see your power when you no longer question being successful. Many of us have experienced our darkest night and needing to walk through the seemingly endless tunnel.
Readjusting to the new ... Views: 671
A recent conversation with the team at centered
on two topics:
#1. Barriers to inequality.
How leadership can begin eliminating barriers, and help employees to achieve their career goals
#2. The fundamentals of selling and how we can apply them to the hiring ... Views: 640
Everyone seeks more sales success. New salespeople feel the pressure mount the moment they first enter the office and receive their quota. Newly hired representatives focus on the time crunch between training, learning, and producing sales. It’s easy to picture the stress heightening, while ... Views: 707
Almost every day we face some type of challenge, but success is in how you embrace theses qualities to move past tough times:
1. Motivation to continue
2. Believing you can be successful
3. Willingness to re-strategize and reset goals
But, the stress can make all of the above easier ... Views: 763
Can you honestly say that you sell with enthusiasm? Without excitement, our commitment declines. In the end, minimal accomplishment reveals itself.
The doldrums of being on the job can dissuade one from putting in an all-out effort to excel. And an increase in quota for salespeople may be the ... Views: 776
Can you honestly say that you sell with enthusiasm? Without excitement, our commitment declines. In the end, minimal accomplishment reveals itself.
The doldrums of being on the job can dissuade one from putting in an all-out effort to excel. And an increase in quota for salespeople may be the ... Views: 790
It is smart to occasionally take a calculated risk because hesitation can ruin opportunity. The calculation is in the intuitive feel that the idea will work out well. However, nothing is guaranteed, and this is where we find the risk.
“A full pipeline of opportunity minimizes potential ... Views: 729
It is smart to occasionally take a calculated risk because hesitation can ruin opportunity. The calculation is in the intuitive feel that the idea will work out well. However, nothing is guaranteed, and this is where we find the risk.
“A full pipeline of opportunity minimizes potential ... Views: 651
Are Excuses Preventing Growth?
Salespeople, entrepreneurs, and management all make excuses preventing growth. And when they experience a downturn in sales, they act puzzled. Asking for help is one of the best remedies for when we encounter difficulty. Seeking help is also one of the better ... Views: 714
When we quickly dismiss varying ideas, sales are lost. Planning and client meetings offer opportunities for agreement. The lack of understanding frequently leaves us worse off. Most people miss out on the opportunity to practice negotiation skills.
My Story
There is a need in ... Views: 826
Everyday experiences bring up the question, what aren’t you hearing? The listening piece is about using all of your senses to hear, see, feel, and intuitively contemplate which actions to take next. Sales excellence requires almost a meditative state for analyzing the worst and best actions for ... Views: 963
As we mature, it’s natural to contemplate why we are here and question our purpose. We become more aware of time being precious and have a growing desire to be of service.
As I originally entered the entrepreneurial world, my focus was on moving my business forward. At the time, media ... Views: 772
Do You Realize Your Purpose?
The ultimate accomplishment is to realize your purpose. In the early days of entrepreneurship, similar words came my way but were not understood. Most of us are so busy living life, that we merely maintain a running list of small to moderate goals. The ... Views: 750
Today’s question is, do you occasionally take the time to realize how far you have come? An occasional announcement will stop me in my tracks and have me reflecting on how I got to where I am today.
Thirteen years ago, in 2006, Sourcebooks published my manuscript and entitled it “Nice Girls ... Views: 882
In the early days of my career, I wondered how others were achieving success. I realized that observation and dedication to learning that includes continued trial and error will empower your effort.
My brief 3-Step System for Achieving Success:
1. Write out your vision and plan for going ... Views: 686
Does frustration set in when ignored or told “No”?
I find being ignored the most frustrating of the two because it puts communication at a standstill, while being told “No” is usually an easy fix.
When you are awaiting a response from someone but it does not come, try a variety of ... Views: 1065
Are you driven?
Successful salespeople are very goal driven determined to achieve their distant star and beyond. Further defining the personality and deep within, the successful salesperson does soul searching to understand their motivating forces and then prioritizes which to accomplish ... Views: 1280
Long ago a sales manager said to me, “Sometimes you have to fall on your sword.” He was referring to saying the words, “I’m sorry; My error; My apology.” For many, and I’m one who had to learn, these words are difficult. But I quickly realized he was right.
Forgiveness comes far more quickly ... Views: 1203
This is a tough principle to swallow for most hard-core business and salespeople. However, what if you recognized this is the path to attracting your preferred prospects and clients – would you then give it some consideration?
Have you ever dealt with someone who was less than an ideal ... Views: 1334
Long ago, I read Dale Carnegie’s suggestion as fear sets in upon attempting something risky is to ask yourself “What’s the worst that can happen?”
Most often our fear is far greater than the worst that can happen! Understanding this concept led me to live life more carefree.
We are ... Views: 1310
So many occasions arose this year for me to transform my way of being. I had many sleepless nights early in the year worried about where extra income would come from; stress over things not working out quite right; and in all honesty I was somewhat sensitive. I’m proud to say I have reformed ... Views: 1200
This time around upon listening to the words sung by Susan Boyle, “I had a dream worth living” they resonated with me in terms of entrepreneurship.
So many times we do have dreams but all that comes of them are excuses. Why is that? Some say it’s due to lack of funds, negative others, ... Views: 1812
Do you use your intuition to make final decisions or use the philosophy “sleep on it” and wake up with an answer in the morning?
These questions may seem a bit “out there” for hardcore businesspeople. However when you pay attention to all of your senses and thoughts, you develop a ... Views: 1053
Are you letting fear and inaction stop your success?
Too often we doubt ourselves or allow others to make us believe we are unable or unworthy of achieving success. To be successful, you must adopt a positive mindset and you must Believe to Achieve!
Most entrepreneurs are plagued by three ... Views: 1112