How exciting is your life? How much fun? Does your life have any meaning? Do you think of your life as just one mundane task after another, about as exciting as a shopping list?
Have you ever just stepped back and looked at your life as if you were watching a movie? Well, here’s the thing about movies: they don’t show every moment of the story. They don’t show the long dull stretches when nothing important seems to be happening. And even the most exciting lives are filled with long stretches of nothing.
But here’s one way to increase your quality of life right now: see your life as a movie, every moment contributing to the development of the plot. Start to have some fun with it. Of course you don’t necessarily know where the plot is going, but you can interpret whatever shows up any way you want, and that’s part of the fun of it.
Is your life like a fast-paced action story, or a cerebral epic that covers an entire lifetime in a couple of hours? You can make pretty much any life into an interesting story if you compress it into a couple of hours.
One day you really are going to see your entire life all at once, like the most real movie you’ve ever seen. That day will be the first day after you leave your body, when your earth life is over and you experience your life review. You’ll get to see it all as a whole, and it will all come into focus and make sense.
So why wait? Start right away – right now, this minute as you’re reading this, step back and watch and listen as if you were watching a movie. You might want to add some narration. Just make it up. Add some significance and excitement that’s not visible to the casual observer. Some movies are exciting because of what’s going on in the mind of the people, and not necessarily because of the so-called physical action.
You’ll start to notice that your life begins to take on more meaning as you see it as a movie. Things can start to fall into place and make sense in a way they never did before. Even the little things. And meaning doesn’t have to be deep and serious. It can be light and fun also.
One of the keys to making the movie technique work is remembering that you can change the kind of movie you’re watching any time you want. You can make your life a romantic comedy if you want. Then you can change it to a mystery, a drama, an action adventure, or a warm, intimate look at the significance hidden in a seemingly ordinary existence, slowly exploring the strengths, depths and breadths of human existence.
You’re the director. You get to interpret what happens. The old cliché is that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% what you do with it. The same story can be interpreted in many different ways by different filmmakers. You get to choose whatever kind of filmmaker you want to be. And you get to change your mind as often as you want.
Try it sometime. It can be tremendous fun, it can begin to impart a sense of significance to your life that you never thought it could have, and it can help you to always move toward a better feeling thought immediately, which is always one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your life.
Lights. Camera. Action!
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S. James Webb is a Holistic Life Coach, and creator of The Web of Light Holistic Coaching System. He is a board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Health Practitioner. He is trained in advanced MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques) and as a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. He is a Certified Reiki Master, an ordained minister, and a certified chaplain. Dr. Webb holds a Master's Degree in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics and a Doctor of Divinity from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.
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