Aren’t you tired of spending yours days and hours wishing and hoping, and never seeing any of your dreams become reality? Hoping that somehow the life you want could be possible, but not really believing that it could be?

Well, the first thing to understand if you really want things to change is that you’re going to have to actually do something to make things change.

What if I told you that the first step is surprisingly easy? Unbelievably easy, in fact, and not just easy, but incredibly powerful. It can literally shift everything for you and make every following step just fall into place.

First, you have to do is stop doing what you’ve been doing, or you’re just going to get more of the same. Wishing and hoping that things will somehow change by themselves, or that someone is going to rescue you from your situation won’t work. Wishing and hoping have no power.

If you’ve been wishing and hoping for any length of time, you’ve built up a powerful vibration of helplessness and powerlessness. You have to move from that vibration to a vibration of possibilities and expectation. If you can do that, literally everything can change for you. The problem is, that if you’ve been stuck in this mode for any length of time, you can’t even see how you could possibly change. It seems like your lousy luck is just reality, and you’re stuck in it.

Well here’s an exercise that will change your reality. But only if you do it. So read this and do it right away. Don’t put it off. Even if you don’t have any belief that this will work, just do it.

Get a sheet of paper or notebook and start writing. Write down all your wishes and hopes. Don’t hold back, let your heart and soul run wild. Write them this way: “I want ____” and fill in whatever it is you want.

Notice how you feel. Do you feel weak or strong? Are you in a place of expecting great things, or not really?

Now write a second list. Put a big number one at the top of the paper. Look at your first list of “I want’s”, pick what you want most, and write that down next to that big number one. Then do the same for the next starting with number two, and so on and so on until you’ve taken all the items on your first list and created a second list with everything prioritized from top, what you want most, to bottom, those things that aren’t as important and urgent as the top items.

Don’t get too hung up on getting everything right, this is just a tool to get you started. You can always edit it and refine it in the days to come. Right now, it’s more important to do it than to get it exactly just so.

Now write a third list. Copy the items from the second list, only instead of writing “I want ____” write “I intend ____” to have, to be, to do, whatever it may be.

Now again, notice how you feel. Did you feel your energy shift after doing that?

Taking your “wants” and making them into intentions puts you in control. The very act of writing your desires as intentions changes everything. It shifts you out of a vibration of hopelessness and into a vibration not just of possibilities, but of expectation. These things you want are no longer out there maybe someday, they are now on the way to becoming reality.

Read your intention list every morning and night and watch what happens. Notice the ideas and possibilities that begin to come to mind. Notice how things and opportunities that can move you another step toward your intentions start showing up.

Then act on those.

You’ll be amazed at the change this one exercise can make in your life. If you do this today, one year from now you will be amazed at how many of those items on your intention list have moved into your “reality” list.

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Author's Bio: 

S. James Webb is a Holistic Life Coach, and creator of The Web of Light Holistic Coaching System. He is a board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as a Holistic Health Practitioner. He is trained in advanced MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques) and as a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. He is a Certified Reiki Master, an ordained minister, and a certified chaplain. Dr. Webb holds a Master's Degree in Metaphysics from the University of Metaphysics and a Doctor of Divinity from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.