Every woman in the world dreams of having beautiful legs and flawless skin. This is especially true, since it has become fashionable for women to flaunt their legs and bare a decent amount of skin on social occasions. The problem is that spider veins often get in the way of having beautifully ... Views: 1507
The nose is one of the most cosmetically-altered parts of the body. It is a very prominent part of the face so imperfections are easily visible to other people. This is also why people who feel that their noses can look a lot better and would be likely to sign up for nose revision procedures or ... Views: 736
Many people may not admit it, but most are very conscious about how their appearance, especially their skin. Having clean, healthy skin can make even the comeliest person look radiant and attractive. It can also make a person look younger than his years, something that most women today would ... Views: 2379
Everybody wants to have beautiful, healthy, and young-looking skin. It seems that healthy skin is the ultimate secret to looking younger even in a person’s twilight years. Our generation is lucky that there are so many commercial products in the market that help us achieve this. There's even the ... Views: 738
As if they didn’t have enough on their plate, HIV patients have to deal with a medical condition known as lipodystrophy. The danger this condition poses lies in the fact that it can be a major risk factor for some serious medical conditions such as heart disease. Other than that, the signs and ... Views: 690
Eye hollows are very prominent facial features that are common among Indian nationals and Middle Eastern men and women. For some guys, this gives them a brooding, intense, and mysterious look. If they're lucky, they may even come across as very sexy. Unfortunately, not everyone can rock eye ... Views: 8395
Maintaining beautiful, healthy, and youthful skin takes a lot of work. Not everyone is blessed with naturally smooth and beautiful skin from birth. That doesn't mean though that if you usually have dry, coarse skin you will have to suffer that for the rest of your life. Like most things in life, ... Views: 745
The term rejuvenation means the extension of life on something that is otherwise approaching its end. When applied to the human body, it means the reversal of aging and the promotion of re-growth. When we speak of skin rejuvenation then, we’re talking about preventing the aging of the skin, and ... Views: 1073
During the summer days, or any time of the day when it’s already very humid, the body automatically produces sweat. Sweating is the natural cooling method of the body. Once the sweat is already on the surface of the skin, it helps the body cool down and reduce its core ... Views: 995