How does one step into the holidays when life is tough? Perhaps there has been a loss of a job or a decrease in financial flow. Now, more than ever, it is important to practice good self-care during the holidays.
It can be tough in times of difficulty to see a “silver lining” amidst so much ... Views: 1418
During this holiday season, I invite you to extend yourself to family and friends who may be experiencing more stress than usual, by offering a helping hand or listening ear.
This time of year commonly brings more stress than other times of the year, and this year especially many are ... Views: 1212
Remember the song from the 70’s, “Breaking up is hard to do!”? It’s amazing, how even though we may know that a relationship is not serving our highest good or meeting our needs, we can still hang on tenaciously hoping that something will change. That change may be that the other person becomes ... Views: 2145
On October 22, 2009 the book, Overcomers, Inc. that I helped author, there were 37 of us, gained bestseller status. What an amazing day that was to officially say that I was a best selling author! I’m generally not one to “toot” my own horn but on that day I did and it felt wonderful. I had ... Views: 1486
Now that we’re stepping into the holidays, it is very important to take extra good care of yourself. Have you noticed, that every year the holidays seem to get advertised earlier and earlier? This year I noticed that Christmas displays went up a day after Halloween. In previous years, I didn’t ... Views: 1393
Have you ever noticed when life gets to be too much and you’re feeling overwhelmed and uninspired, how everything becomes difficult to handle? It’s as if life has lost its color and zest, and nothing looks promising. Negative self-talk becomes more pronounced, people seem rude and uncaring, and ... Views: 1543
Now, more than ever, we are being challenged to look at the areas in our life that are difficult. Be it financial distress, the loss of a job or a diagnosis of a life threatening disease, all of us, in some way or form are getting stretched with what doesn’t feel good.
So how does one deal ... Views: 1704
As you walk through your day, do you practice gratitude and grace? When things are going our way, this can be an easy task. When life is difficult or stressful, being grateful and being graceful about it can be quite the challenge.
I notice that when things are running smoothly for me, I ... Views: 1605
Debbie Ford, who wrote the book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, has finished a movie called “The Shadow’. It was released June 26, 2009 and is available for purchase. It is a movie well worth watching.
I have been following Debbie’s work for years and had the opportunity to meet her at ... Views: 1619
Within each of us there is a part of our character that gives us the strength to stand up in this world. The part that is often referred to resiliency giving us the ability to survive various life circumstances that are difficult to manage at times. I have the pleasure of working with ... Views: 1348
I was working on my computer, when my son told me that a hummingbird had hit the sliding glass door outside my bedroom. He told me that my very eager cat, Annie, quickly retrieved it and brought it into my bedroom. Annie released the bird and when I found it, it was pressed up against one of the ... Views: 1936
Do you practice having an attitude of Gratitude or an attitude of Hopelessness?
Noticing which emotion feels more comfortable is a way to start refocusing on how you view your world. It’s amazing how we chose to look out into our world either with a cup half full or a cup half empty. The ... Views: 867
As we shift into a whole new way of being, many of us are being called to look deep within and uncover the hidden treasures of insight, wisdom, and inner knowing that have been slumbering within us.
Now is the awakening of our full potential as we release and surrender to situations that are ... Views: 1186
For many folks, this time in history is one of tremendous challenge and change. Many individuals are being forced to make decisions that they thought they would never have to make. The decision to sell a beloved home, the need to relocate in order to find work, adult children moving back home ... Views: 1025
Whether we like it or not, we are our fathers, our mothers, our grandparents. No amount of denying, pushing away or ignoring will change that. How many times have we thought that if we move enough miles away or emotionally separate ourselves from our family, that somehow it will make a ... Views: 1219
We are living in a world where there is a lot of contrast and division. Battle lines are being drawn and tempers are rising. As we break away from old paradigms, or ways of thinking, it creates separation and fear. It can be threatening and scary to move away from one way of thinking and ... Views: 959
All that we have ever needed is within us. Yet, we often look outside ourselves for the answers to the questions that surface, as we step into this thing we call Life. Where did we ever learn to stop trusting our own intuition or our little voice that tells us secrets in the middle of the night? ... Views: 1371
More than 50 years ago, Bert Hellinger coined the phrase systemic constellation work. It is a type of systems work that focuses on the soul of the family, of an individual, of a Universal consciousness that has us, we don’t have it.
We are all born into a family that has a collective ... Views: 1327
What if you are more than your story of who you think you are? Have you ever wondered who you would be, if you put down your story? These words can sound like a puzzle, confusing and convoluted, yet this is the way many people live their lives; from a story of who they think they are. This story ... Views: 1199
On 9 – 11, I was experiencing my own 911. For years, I had attempted to push down my fears, traumas, grief, anger and resentments, only to find that my life was getting to be more painful to live. It was becoming harder to deny the deep feelings of emptiness and bitterness that I was ... Views: 1191
“Our biography is our biology.” (Carolyn Myss; “Why People Don’t Heal”) What does that mean? It means that the emotions that are unresolved in our life get buried deep within. These unresolved emotions work their way into our cells, our body, our brain, and our neural circuitry. If left ... Views: 2176