A few years ago when I was in training with the Coaches Training Institute, I remember one of the leaders saying that it is easier to give 100% - easier than 95%, or anything less than 100%. That resonated for me. In the moment I knew the truth of it, but put it into some “future query ... Views: 772
What would be different in your life if you made your decisions in favor of your greatness?
Deciding in favor of your greatness means being true to yourself and taking the high road in your actions and decisions, whether anyone is looking or not. Being true to yourself and taking the high road ... Views: 805
Have you been working too hard lately? Nose to the grindstone? Life gotten really serious? Not having enough fun?
Stop and take a 5-minute refresher.
Make a wish for something that you really desire. Something that lightens your load, gives you exquisite pleasure and ... Views: 747
Where are you trying to make something work that doesn’t work? You might recognize it by how much time you spend looking at it, this way and that way, and then this way and that way again – trying to see something that isn’t there, feel something that you want to ... Views: 684
Does fear ever immobilize you, or keep you from moving forward?
Passion is a perfect prescription - or antidote - for fear. You will see why as you read on about an intuitive vision consultation I did for a business owner the other day. She came to me because of a chronic problem - she was ... Views: 705
This is a BIG question.
Should I enter this relationship? Should I marry this man? Should I take a new job? Should I move to a different city?
What if I fail? What if I look stupid? What if I loose money? What if I can't survive? (If you're asking this question, it's probably best NOT to take ... Views: 637
Step into Your Greatness. . . where playing small is no longer an option™ is my brand, my tag line and an invitation all in one. This single line creates remarkable (but not surprising) responses. They are usually of the “I want that!” variety, or they express wistfulness and ... Views: 721
The turning of the New Year is a time filled with wonderful expectancy and excitement about what's possible. There is an energy of vitality and aliveness, of new beginnings and directions. Our highest dreams and desires rise up in this shifting of the years.
We notice ... Views: 622
Do you find it challenging to discuss your fees or prices with potential clients? Does traditional sales language such as "front end," "back end," "up sell" - even "sell" - make you cringe?
If your answer is "Yes," this may be very good and I'll tell you why. But first rest assured that "YOU ... Views: 775
How far could you go in your business if you used the long slow distance approach? Ernst van Aaken was an internationally known running coach in the 1970's who proposed long slow distance training for peak race conditioning. This method is primarily aerobic, where you have a steady supply of ... Views: 1359
Are you ready for wealth building with an investment that has infinite returns?
True wealth begins in the heart. You can create enduring wealth and prosperity and an endless waterfall of giving and receiving with one simple but profound feeling and practice, gratitude. It's the best investment ... Views: 885
Do you feel refreshed at the end of a work day? Or do you feel exhausted, too tired to enjoy the rest of your day? Maybe you even work until bedtime?
Working Full Tilt Most of the Time Is a Common Mistake that most business owners make.
The good news may be that your work is a major way in ... Views: 948
TAKE MY BREATH AWAY - What Is the Bold Action That Will Move You Forward?
When was the last time you had your breath taken? An even better question is: When was the last time you (INTENTIONALLY) did something that took your breath?
You can have your breath taken for a number of ... Views: 858
Did you know that you have approximately 60,000 different thoughts during the day? We are not aware of most of them because of all the mental noise they create, because they most often come from the unconscious, and because they are generated by unconscious beliefs that we experience as ... Views: 815
Do you have 12 seconds to refresh yourself in mind, body and business? That’s the maximum amount of time it takes to relax - to let go of the rev that may be costing you in efficiency, the busyness that may be masquerading as accomplishment and the noise (the thousands of things going ... Views: 981
Are you psychic? I mostly wanted to get your attention with that question. But there is another reason I used it as well. The word psychic really repels some people. There are a lot of negative beliefs about people who are "psychics" like they are fake, unstable, weird, scam artists, etc. ... Views: 747
Once upon a time, on the morning of the last day of the 3-day, Personal Growth – Brand Authenticity workshop, SHE was one among many to come in the early morning to sit at the feet of the Princess of Brand Authenticity (also a guru in the mind of her subjects), before the official program ... Views: 726
Once upon a time, she knew that she would be driving back to Boston rather than flying. She didn't know directly - she simply had a sense about it, a few days before her flight to Savannah to visit her family in Lyons.
The first morning she was in Lyons, she went for a walk to see the sights ... Views: 729
What is the Purpose that guides your decisions? Or not? What decisions have you made thus far today – both before and up to your decision to read this article? What decisions have you already made about the rest of your day? Or week? Or year? Or not?
We all have thousands of ... Views: 927
Would you believe that what you believe is alive and well in every aspect of your life today? What do you have faith in? What do you believe to be true? If you let this question live in you for a while, you may be surprised at some of your many answers.
You each probably have faith that the ... Views: 654